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On To

== References ==
== References ==

Revision as of 16:06, 14 October 2021

On To Canaan [1]

  1. Encampment . WEST - Standard of the Camp of Ephraim. | | | Gershonites | | K | | | | O | | M | | H | Court | e | | A | | r | Standard of | t | | | | a | Standard of The Camp of | h | | | | r | the Camp of Reuben | i | | | | i | Dan | T | | t | | E | Court | e | | S | | s | | | | | | Moses, Aaron and the Priests | | | Standard of the Camp of Judah. - EAST
    WEST. Standard of the Camp of Ephraim. ( Numbers 2:18-24 ).
    Ephraim - 40,500 ( Numbers 1:32,33 ).
    Manasseh - 32,300 ( Numbers 1:34,35 ).
    Benjamin - 34,400 ( Numbers 1:36,37 ).
    Gershonites - 7,500 ( Numbers 3:21-23 )
    South Standard of the Camp of Reuben ( Numbers 2:10-16 ).
    Reuben - 46,500 ( Numbers 1:20,21 ) .
    Simeon - 59,300 ( Numbers 1:22,23 ).
    Gad - 45,650 ( Numbers 1:24,35 ).
    Kohathites - 8,600 ( Numbers 3:27-29 ).
    North Standard of the Camp of Dan ( Numbers 2:25-31 ).
    Dan - 62,700 ( Numbers 1:38,39 ).
    Asher - 41,500 ( Numbers 1:40,41 ).
    Naphtali - 53,400 ( Numbers 1:42,43 ).
    Merarites - 6,200 ( Numbers 3:33-35 ).
    EAST Standard of the Camp of Judah. ( Numbers 2:3-9 ).
    Judah - 74,600 ( Numbers 1:26,27 ).
    Issachar - 54,400 ( Numbers 1:28,29 ).
    Zebulon ... 57,400 ( Numbers 1:30,31 ).
    Moses, Aaron and the Priests. ( Numbers 3:38 ).
  2. Date . The Hebrews arrived at Sinai on the third day of The third month of the first year ( Exodus 19:1 ), and departed on the twentieth day of the second month of the second year ( Numbers 10:11,12 ), spending therefore eleven months and seventeen days at the encampment At Sinai. How brief the sojourn, and yet the influences on the nation And on the world's history can never be calculated!
  3. Signal for the Departure . When the cloud was taken up, the Silver trumpets were blown, and the tribes departed according to the Divine regulation ( Numbers 9:15-23;  Numbers 10:1-13 ).
  4. Invitation to Hobab . Moses invited Hobab, his brother-in-law, to Accompany them on their journey. Hobab declined. Moses urged him to go, Telling him that they needed him as a guide, assuring him that the Lord Had spoken good concerning them, and promising that he should share With them all His blessing. When the ark moved forward, Moses called Upon the Lord to arise and let His enemies be scattered and to cause Those who hated Him to flee before Him, and when it rested, he called On the Lord to return to the many thousands of Israel ( Numbers 10:29-36 ).
  5. Murmuring . Soon after the departure from Sinai the people Began to murmur against God. They denounced the manna, and spoke with Regret of the good things of Egypt. Moses, for a time, seemed to feel His inability as a leader, and the Lord gave him seventy men as Assistants. The wants of the people were supplied and a great plague Was visited upon them ( Numbers 11:1-35 ).
  6. Complaint of Aaron and Miriam . Miriam and Aaron united in Criticizing Moses on account of the nationality of his wife. They Claimed also to be equal with him in prophetic gifts. The Lord called All of them unto the tabernacle, placed Moses at the head, and punished Miriam with leprosy. Aaron acknowledged their sin, interceded for Miriam, and at the prayer of Moses she was healed ( Numbers 12:1-16 ).
  7. The Complaint Against Moses . It is highly probable that the Woman about whom Miriam and Aaron complained was Zipporah. Jethro, her Father, is spoken of as a Midianite ( Numbers 10:29 ) and therefore a descendant of Abraham ( Genesis 14:13;  Genesis 25:1,2;  Exodus 2:16-21 ). He is also called a Kenite ( Judges 1:16 ) and, as a member of this nomadic tribe, might easily have sprung from Ethiopian ancestry of have allied himself by Marriage with that nation. Zipporah's death is not recorded, and even In such an event, Moses would scarcely have contracted a second Marriage with the representative for an idolatrous nation ( Isaiah 43:14-16 ) in face of the Divine prohibition ( Exodus 34:11-16; The history shows that Miriam and Aaron were jealous of Moses' high Rank as a prophet, and sought to undermine his authority ( Numbers 12:2 ). His character being above reproach they sought to weaken his influence With the Hebrews by bringing to mind the foreign blood of his wife. The Objection probably gained greater weight from the recent trouble which The Hebrews had suffered through the influence of the "mixed multitude" ( Numbers 11:4-35 ), and which naturally aroused in the Hebrews a dislike of foreigners. This accusation of Moses was not, however, well Founded, for his marriage had been contracted before any prohibitory Statute had been enacted ( Exodus 2:16-21;  Exodus 34:15,16;  Deuteronomy 7:1-5 ), and although Zipporah may have been an Ethiopian, she was also a Midianite, with Which people the Hebrews maintained the most friendly relations ( Exodus 18:5-12;  Numbers 10:29 ); the difficulties between the nations not occurring until after the death of both Miriam and Aaron ( Numbers 20:1,22,23;  Numbers 25:1-18 ). From what we can learn of her early life she was in all probability a faithful subject of Jehovah ( Exodus 3:1,2 Exodus 3:1, 18:5-12 ). From the fact that Miriam was the prime mover in this sedition, we may infer that there was some jealousy toward the Sister-in-law, who, as the daughter of the prince of Midian and wife of The great law-giver, their leader, would occupy a position of Distinction in Hebrew society. That this complaint did not convict Moses of serious error and was merely a pretext for the advancement of Their own interests, is shown by the total absence of reproof of Moses' Conduct, and by the severe reprimand and punishment visited upon Aaron And Miriam ( Numbers 12:5-15 ).
  8. The Twelve Spies . At the suggestion of the people ( Deuteronomy 1:22,23 ), and by Divine approval, Moses sent men to spy out the land of Canaan. These spies were Shammua, Shaphat, Caleb, Igal, Oshea, Palti, Gaddiel, Gaddi, Ammiel, Sethur, Nahbi, Geuel, and they Represented the twelve tribes of Israel ( Numbers 13:1-16 ). They were commanded to search the land and learn of its inhabitants and Products. They gathered of the fruit of the land and returned after an Absence of forty days ( Numbers 13:17-25 ).
  9. Report of the Spies . The spies returned to the congregation of Israel to Kadesh in the wilderness of Paran and exhibited the fruit Which they obtained. They reported that it was indeed a land flowing With milk and honey. Ten of them brought an evil report, declaring that Owing to the fortifications and heroic character of the people of the Land it would be impossible for them to invade and overcome it ( Numbers 13:26-33 ).
  10. Rebellion . The people lifted up their voices and wept and Cried all night. They murmured against Moses and Aaron, wished that They had died in Egypt, demanded a reason why the Lord had brought them Out there to perish and proposed to make them a captain and return to Egypt ( Numbers 14:1-5 ).
  11. Caleb and Joshua . These men declared that by the help of God They could, notwithstanding the strength and number of their foes, Triumphantly enter the land. The congregation attempted to stone them For their declaration ( Numbers 13:30;  Numbers 14:6-10 ).
  12. Intercession . Moses and Aaron fell on their faces, the glory Of the Lord appeared in the tabernacle and the Lord demanded of Moses,
    1. how long the people would provoke him,
    2. how long it would be before they would believe Him,

    And he declared he would smite the nation with pestilence, deprive the People of their inheritance, and make of Moses a great nation (  Numbers 14:5,10-12 ). Moses pleaded in their behalf, and the Lord pardoned them according to his word, and declared that the earth would be filled With His glory ( Numbers 14:13-22 ).

  13. Sentence of Death . The people tempted the Lord by,
    1. murmuring at the Red Sea ( Exodus 14:10-13 );
    2. complaining at Marah ( Exodus 15:23-26 );
    3. murmuring in the wilderness of Sin because they had no bread ( Exodus 16:1-3 );
    4. desecrating the Sabbath ( Exodus 16:27 );
    5. murmuring for water at Rephidim ( Exodus 17:1-3 );
    6. making and worshiping an idol ( Exodus 32:1-6 );
    7. offering strange fire before the Lord ( Leviticus 10:1-7 );
    8. lusting for flesh to eat ( Numbers 11:4,5 );
    9. rebelling against the authority of Moses ( Numbers 12:1,2 );
    10. rebelling on hearing the report of the ten spies ( Numbers 14:1-4 ).

    The sentence passed upon all who were twenty years old and upward, Except Caleb and Joshua, was that they should wander in the wilderness Forty years and die outside of the promised land (  Numbers 14:22-35 ). The ten faithless spies died by a plague from the Lord ( Numbers 14:37 ).

  14. Attempted Invasion . Moses reported the Lord's decision to the People, and they mourned greatly. On the following morning they Attempted to invade the land against the assurance of Moses that the Lord was not with them, and they were disastrously defeated ( Numbers 14:39-45 ).
  15. Rebellion Against the Priesthood . Soon after the tribes turned Again into the wilderness, Korah, Dathan, Abiram and On inaugurated a Rebellion against the priesthood in which they were associated with the Two hundred and fifty princes of the assembly. They accused Moses and Aaron of assuming too much authority, and they also accused Moses of Personal ambition in bringing them out of Egypt and a failure to Bring them to the promised land. Moses challenged them to present Themselves before the Lord and let Him decide on the justice of their Pretensions. Accordingly, on the morrow, they presented themselves, And Moses commanded the people to depart from the tends of those wicked Men, declaring that he was willing for the Lord to decide as to the Authority with which he acted. When Moses ceased speaking the earth Opened and swallowed the rebels up, and consternation pervaded the camp ( Numbers 16:1-35 ). Moses commanded Eleazar to take up the censers out of the burning and make plates for the altar. The Lord declared that This should be a memorial to the children of Israel that no stranger, Who was not of the seed of Aaron, should come near to offer incense Before him, and a continual reminder of the inglorious end of Korah and His company, and the perpetual authority of Moses in that nation ( Numbers 16:36-40 ).
  16. Murmuring . On the morrow the people accused Moses and Aaron Of having killed the people of the Lord, and an insurrection ensued, The glory of the Lord appeared, Moses and Aaron went before the Tabernacle, the Lord threatened to destroy the whole congregation, but At the command of Moses, Aaron stood between the living and the dead, And the plague was stayed. Fourteen thousand seven hundred persons died Of this plague ( Numbers 16:44-50 ).
  17. Confirmation of the Priesthood . In obedience to the requirement Of the Lord, Moses commanded the children of Israel to bring to him Twelve almond rods to represent the twelve tribes of Israel, to Write each man's name upon his rod, and to lay them all up in the Tabernacle of the congregation before the testimony where the Lord met With them, assuring them that He would manifest His choice by the Blossoming of the rod. Moses did as commanded, and on the morrow he Went into the tabernacle and discovered that the rod of Aaron for the House of Levi had budded, bloomed and produced fruit. Moses was Commanded to lay up this rod as a token against the rebels, and he did As commanded, and the people subsequently entertained great reverence For the tabernacle and its worship ( Numbers 17:1-13 ).
  18. At Kadesh Again . Near the close of the forty years of Wandering, the children of Israel encamped the second time at Kadesh. On the account of there being no water, they made made a great Complaint against Moses and Aaron, accusing them of having brought them Out of Egypt to die in the wilderness. Moses and Aaron went to the door Of the tabernacle of the congregation, fell upon their faces, and the Glory of the Lord appeared unto them. The Lord commanded Moses,
    1. to take the rod,
    2. to gather the assembly,
    3. and to speak unto the rock, assuring him that an abundant supply of water would be furnished.


    1. took the rod,
    2. gathered the congregation before the rock,
    3. took the glory unto himself and Aaron,
    4. and smote the rock twice;

    Water came out abundantly and supplied all their wants; but the Lord Declared that in view of the disobedience of Moses and Aaron the should Not lead the children of Israel into the land which He had given Them (  Numbers 20:1-13 ).

  19. Contest with Edom . Moses sent messengers from Kadesh to the King of Edom, reminding him of their relationship, and telling him of Their sojourn in Egypt. Moses also requested the privilege of passing Through Edom, promising that nothing should be molested. This request Was positively refused, and Edom came out against Israel with the Sword, and Israel turned away from him ( Numbers 20:14-21 ).
  20. Death of Aaron . The children of Israel came to Mount Hor Where Aaron died at the age of one hundred and twenty-three years ( Numbers 33:38,39 ). He was succeeded by his son Eleazar, and the people showed their respect for him by mourning thirty days. The principal Events in Aaron's life were:
    1. He was commanded to go into the wilderness to meet Moses and become his assistant in the emancipation of the Hebrew nation ( Exodus 4:10-28 );
    2. he returned with Moses to Egypt where they laid their commission before the elders of the people ( Exodus 4:29-31 );
    3. he went with Moses into the presence of Pharaoh and demanded the release of the people ( Exodus 5:1-4 );
    4. the departure from Egypt ( Exodus 12:29-42 );
    5. the children of Israel murmured against him and Moses in the wilderness of Sin ( Exodus 16:1-3 );
    6. he assisted Hur in holding up the hands of Moses during an engagement with the Amalekites ( Exodus 17:8-16 );
    7. in company with Moses, Nadab, Abihu and the seventy elders of Israel, he worshipped the Lord at Mount Sinai ( Exodus 24:1,2 );
    8. he and Hur were left in charge of the camp when Moses retired to the mountain ( Exodus 24:14 ); (i) he and his sons were called to the priests' office ( Exodus 28:1 );
    9. he led the people in idolatrous worship ( Exodus 32:1-28 );
    10. he was frightened at the shining of Moses' face on his return from the mount ( Exodus 34:29-35 );
    11. the consecration of himself and sons ( Leviticus 8:1-36 );
    12. the presenting of his first offering and the descent of fire from heaven ( Leviticus 9:1-24 ); the Divine judgment upon his sons, Nadab and Abihu ( Leviticus 10:1-7 );
    13. his first appearance in the holy of holies ( Leviticus 16:1-34 );
    14. he assisted Moses in numbering the people ( Numbers 1:17-46 );
    15. he united with Miriam in antagonizing Moses ( Numbers 12:1-16 );
    16. the rebellion of Korah, and his act in standing between the living and the dead ( Numbers 16:1-50 );
    17. the budding of his rod ( Numbers 17:1-13 );
    18. the death of his sister ( Exodus 15:20;  Numbers 20:1,2 );
    19. he disobeyed God and was sentenced to die outside of the promised land ( Numbers 20:7-13 );
    20. he ascended Mount Hor and bequeathed the holy garments to Eleazar in obedience to the command of the Lord ( Exodus 29:29;  Numbers 20:22-29 ).
  21. War . Israel encountered king Arad the Canaanite which resulted In the utter destruction of him and his army by the people of God ( Numbers 21:1-3 ).
  22. Fiery Serpents . The people became discouraged and spoke Against God and Moses, asking why they had been brought out of Egypt. The Lord sent fiery serpents among them, and many of the people were Bitten and died. They came to Moses and acknowledged their sin, and he Prayed for them. The Lord directed Moses to make a fiery serpent And set it on a pole, assuring him that every one who was bitten who Would look upon it, should be healed. Moses did as he was directed, and Every bitten Israelite who looked, was healed ( Numbers 21:4-9 ).
  23. The Brazen Serpent . The brazen serpent was a type of Christ ( John 3:14,15 ).
  24. War . Israel sent messengers to Sihon, king of the Amorites, Requesting permission to pass through the land, promising not to Interfere with anything; the request was not granted. Sihon gathered His army and came against Israel at Jahaz. The war resulted in a great Victory for Israel and the occupancy of the land of the Amorites ( Numbers 21:21-35 ).
  25. Plains of Moab . Israel subsequently set forward and pitched Tents on the plains of Moab, near the river Jordan and opposite the City of Jericho ( Numbers 22:1 ).
  26. Balak and Balaam . When Balak, the son of Zippor, the king of Moab, saw the victories of Israel and contemplated the vast number of The invaders, he expressed to the elders of Midian the fear that they Would be overcome ( Numbers 22:1-5 ). He therefore sent messengers to Balaam, the son of Beor, to Pethor, informing him of the invading Hosts, and requesting him to come and curse the people in order that he Might smite them, and drive them out of the land. The elders of Moab And Midian arrived at the home of Balaam and communicated to him the Words of the king. Balaam received them with hospitality, and promised To inform them of the Lord's decision ( Numbers 22:5-8 ). During the night the Lord communicated with Balaam, and told him that he should not Curse the children of Israel for they were blessed. The princes arose And carried Balaam's refusal to the king ( Numbers 22:9-14 ). Balak then sent men of greater distinction to Balaam with an urgent request to come to Him at once, promising if he would do so, and curse his enemies, that He would elevate him to very great honors ( Numbers 22:15-17 ). Balaam assured them that money could not influence him to deviate from the Word of the Lord, but invited the men to remain during the night, and He would see what God would say to him. At night the Lord came to him, And told him if the messengers called for him, to accompany them, but To speak only what He would tell him ( Numbers 22:18-20 ). Balaam did not wait for the men to call him, but saddled his ass and departed. Therefore the Lord's anger was kindled against him, and He sent an Angel to withstand him in the way ( Numbers 22:21,22 ). The angel encountered him repeatedly: and after he had shown the wickedness of his heart by Cruelly beating the faithful beast upon which he rode, the Lord opened Its mouth, and it spoke to him with the voice of a man. The Lord opened The eyes of Balaam, and he saw the angel with a drawn sword, and he Bowed himself to the ground. The angel assured him that the ass had Saved his life. Balaam acknowledged that he had sinned, and proposed to Return to his home if the angel desired it. The angel told him to go With the men, but to confine himself strictly to the word of the Lord ( Numbers 22:23-35 ). Balak went to meet Balaam, and impatiently inquired of him why he had not come sooner. Balaam, in reply, assured Him that he had no power of himself, and declared that he would Faithfully proclaim the words that the Lord put in his mouth ( Numbers 22:36-38 ). Then they proceeded to Kirjathhuzoth, and Balak offered oxen and sheep, and sent to Balaam and the princes that were With him ( Numbers 22:39,40 ). On the morrow Balak took him to the high places of Baal that he might behold the camps of Israel ( Numbers 22:41 ). Balaam commanded Balak to build seven altars and prepare him seven oxen And seven rams. Balaam told the king to stand by the burnt offering and He would go, and that, perhaps, the Lord would put a message in his Mouth. He returned and declared that he could not curse those whom God Had not cursed, nor defy those whom God had not defied. He further Declared that he saw Israel from the top of the rocks and hills, and That those people should dwell alone and not be reckoned among the Nations. He further declared that the dust of Jacob could not be Counted, and that the fourth part of Israel could not be numbered, and Expressed the wish to die the death of the righteous and that his last End might be like his. Balak assured Balaam of his disappointment, and Balaam still expressed his devotion to the word of the Lord ( Numbers 23:1-12 ). Balak was not satisfied and requested Balaam to go to a place with him where he could only see the outskirts of the camp. He Took him to the top of Pisgah, built seven altars, and offered a Bullock and a ram on each altar. Balaam again received a message From the Lord and returned to the king with the declaration that God is Not a man that he should lie, neither the son of man that he should Repent. He further assured the king that the Lord's blessings could Not be reversed, and that the shout of the king sounded through the Hosts of Israel. He also declared that enchantment and divination were Unavailing, and that the enemies of Israel would be utterly vanquished ( Numbers 23:13-24 ). Balak was very much dissatisfied and asked Balaam to neither curse nor bless Israel, and he replied by reminding him of what He had previously told him concerning the word of the Lord ( Numbers 23:25,26 ). Balak then took Balaam to the top of Peor, and altars were built and sacrifices were offered ( Numbers 23:27-30 ). When Balaam saw that it pleased the Lord to bless Israel, he set his face toward the Wilderness as if disposed to depart. Lifting up his eyes he saw Israel Abiding in his tents according to the tribes; the Spirit of God came Upon him, and he broke forth into one of the most exalted flights of Song in the annals of time, ending with blessings on Israel and curses On his enemies ( Numbers 24:1-9 ). The king's anger was kindled, and he reproached Balaam for having blessed his enemies three times and told Him that the Lord had kept him back from honor ( Numbers 24:10,11 ). Balaam still adhered to his original resolution to cling to the word of God. He then proceeded to unfold to Balak the future destiny of Israel, and Uttered at least one prediction that found fulfillment in the Conquest of David and probably referred also to the Messiah ( Numbers 24:12-24;  2 Samuel 8:1,2;  Revelation 22:16 ). Balaam then departed to his own place ( Numbers 24:25 ).
  27. Balaam in New Testament . The New Testament condemns Balaam ( 2 Peter 2:16,16;  Jude 1:11;  Revelation 2:14 ).
  28. Sin the the Camp . During the encampment at Shittim, Israel fell Into grievous sins,
    1. idolatry,
    2. and adultery ( Exodus 20:1-5;  Numbers 25:1,2 ).

    The anger of the Lord was kindled, and he commanded Moses to hang the Leaders and slay all that were joined to Baalpeor (  Numbers 25:3,4 ). An Israelite brought a Midianitish woman into the camp and an awful plague Broke out, resulting in the death of twenty-four thousand. Phinehas, The son of Eleazar, executed both of the offenders, and the plague was Stayed. The Lord recognized the valiant service of Phinehas, gave him His covenant of peace and assured him that He would recognize him and His seed in the priesthood ( Numbers 25:6-15 ).

  29. Midian Sentenced . God commanded Moses to vex and smite the Midianites because they had beguiled Israel into sin ( Numbers 25:16-19 ).
  30. The Enumerations . The first enumeration was made at Mount Sinai, and was superintended by Moses and Aaron assisted by Elizur of The tribe of Reuben, Shelumiel of the tribe of Simeon, Nahshon of the Tribe of Judah, Nethaneel of the tribe of Issachar, Eliab of the tribe Of Zebulun, Elishama of the tribe of Ephraim, Gamaliel of the tribe of Manasseh, Abidan of the tribe of Benjamin, Ahiezer of the tribe of Dan, Pagiel of the tribe of Asher, Eliasaph of the tribe of Gad, and Ahira of the tribe of Naphtali ( Numbers 1:1-16 ). The enumeration included all the males of Israel from twenty years old and upward except the Descendants of Levi ( Numbers 1:18-47 ). The result of the enumeration by tribe was:
    1. Reuben, forty-six thousand five hundred ( Numbers 1:20,21 );
    2. Simeon, fifty-nine thousand three hundred ( Numbers 1:22,23 );
    3. Gad, forty-five thousand six hundred and fifty ( Numbers 1:24,25 );
    4. Judah, seventy-four thousand six hundred ( Numbers 1:26,27 );
    5. Issachar, fifty-four thousand four hundred ( Numbers 1:28,29 );
    6. Zebulun, fifty-seven thousand four hundred ( Numbers 1:30,31 );
    7. Ephraim, forty thousand five hundred ( Numbers 1:32,33 );
    8. Manasseh, thirty-two thousand two hundred ( Numbers 1:34,35 );
    9. Benjamin, thirty-five thousand four hundred ( Numbers 1:36,37 );
    10. Dan, sixty-two thousand seven hundred ( Numbers 1:38,39 );
    11. Asher, forty-one thousand five hundred ( Numbers 1:40,41 );
    12. Naphtali, fifty-three thousand four hundred ( Numbers 1:42,43 ).

    The tribe of Levi from one month old and upward numbered twenty-two Thousand (  Numbers 3:39 ). The eleven tribes numbered six hundred and three thousand five hundred and fifty ( Numbers 1:46 ). The second enumeration took place in the plains of Moab ( Numbers 25:1;  Numbers 26:1,2 ). This enumeration was superintended by Moses and Eleazar the high priest ( Numbers 26:3,4 ). The result by tribes was,

    1. Reuben, forty-three thousand seven hundred and thirty ( Numbers 26:5-11 );
    2. Simeon, twenty-two thousand two hundred ( Numbers 26:12-14 );
    3. Gad, forty thousand five hundred ( Numbers 26:15-18 );
    4. Judah, seventy-six thousand five hundred ( Numbers 26:19-22 );
    5. Issachar, sixty-four thousand three hundred ( Numbers 26:23-25 );
    6. Zebulun, sixty thousand five hundred ( Numbers 26:26,27 );
    7. Manasseh, fifty-two thousand seven hundred ( Numbers 26:28-34 );
    8. Ephraim, thirty-two thousand five hundred ( Numbers 26:35-37 );
    9. Benjamin, forty-five thousand six hundred ( Numbers 26:38-41 );
    10. Dan, sixty-four thousand four hundred ( Numbers 26:42,43 );
    11. Asher, fifty-three thousand four hundred ( Numbers 26:44-47 );
    12. Naphtali, forty-five thousand four hundred ( Numbers 26:48-50 ).

    The result of the enumeration of the Levites was twenty-three thousand (  Numbers 26:57-62 ). The Levites had increased one thousand ( Numbers 3:39;  Numbers 26:62 ). The other tribes numbered six hundred and one thousand seven hundred and thirty ( Numbers 26:51 ). They had decreased one thousand eight hundred and twenty ( Numbers 1:46;  Numbers 26:51 ).

  31. Prediction and Promises Fulfilled .
    1. Jacob's prediction of the superiority of Ephraim over Manasseh was fulfilled ( Genesis 48:5-20;  Numbers 1:32-35 ).
    2. God does not forget his promises. In passing sentence upon his rebellious people in the wilderness of Paran He excepted Caleb and Joshua ( Numbers 13:26-33;  Numbers 14:1-30 ), and they were still alive at the second census ( Numbers 26:63-65 ).
  32. Rule Given for Dividing the Land . The Lord commanded Moses to Divide the inheritance among the tribes by lot, according to their Population ( Numbers 26:52-56 ). In reply to the request of Moses, the Lord answered the daughters of Zelophehad and declared that the Inheritance should pass to the nearest blood relation ( Numbers 27:1-11 ), and also provided that the possessions of each Hebrew should be Confined to his tribe ( Numbers 36:1-13 ).
  33. Moses Successor Appointed'. The Lord told Moses to get up into The mountain and see the land of promise, and declared he should not Enter into it because of his sin in the desert of Zin (  Numbers 27:12-14 ). When Moses heard this he fervently requested the Lord to set a man over The people. Joshua, who had previously distinguished himself as a Leader ( Exodus 17:8-16 ), was appointed, and Moses set him before Eleazar the priest who was to be his counselor, and laid his hands on him in The presence of all the people and gave him a charge ( Numbers 27:15-23 ). Moses subsequently encouraged Joshua by assuring him that he should Lead the people into the land the Lord had promised them and cause them To inherit it ( Deuteronomy 31:7,8 ).
  34. Destruction of Midian . The Lord commanded Moses to carry out His threat ( Numbers 25:16-18 ) against Midian, after which he should be gathered to his fathers ( Numbers 31:1,2 ). He at once equipped an army of twelve thousand, one thousand from each tribe, and immediately Proceeded against the enemy. The result of the war was favorable to Israel ( Numbers 31:1-54 ).
  35. Division of the Conquered Territory . The tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh saw that the land east of the Jordan was well adapted to their wants, and requested of Moses The permission to settle there ( Numbers 32:1-6 ). He promised them that they should do so if they would cross the Jordan and help their Brethren fight the battles of the Lord. They agreed to his proposition, And the land was divided between the children of Gad, the children of Reuben and the half tribe of Manasseh ( Numbers 32:6-42 ).
  36. Journeyings of the Children of Israel . Moses named forty-one Encampments of Israel: Succoth, Etham, Migdol, Marah, Elim, by the Red Sea, in the wilderness of Sin, Dophkah, Alush, Rephidim, Sinai, Kibrothhattaavah, Hazeroth, Rithmah, Rimmonparez, Libnah, Rissah, Kehelathah, Shapher, Haradah, Makheloth, Tahath, Tarah, Mithcah, Hashmonah, Moseroth, Benejaakan, Horhagidgad, Jotbathah, Ebronah, Eziongaber, Kadesh, Mount Hor, Zalmonah, Punon, Oboth, Ijeabarim, Dibongad, Almondiblathaim, Abarim, Abelshittim ( Numbers 33:4-59 ).
  37. Reiterated Command . Moses repeated to the children of Israel The command to destroy the inhabitants of Canaan and the remains of Their idolatrous worship. He also commanded them to divide the land by Lot, and warned them of the danger of allowing any of the inhabitants Of Canaan to remain in the land ( Numbers 33:49-55 ).
  38. Borders of the Land . Moses described to the people the land Into which they should enter, and by divine authority, appointed Eleazar the priest, Joshua, the son of Nun, Caleb, Shemuel, Elidad, Bukki, Hanniel, Kemuel, Elizaphan, Paltiel, Ahihud and Pedahel to Divide the land ( Numbers 34:16-29 ).
  39. Cities Given to the Levites . The Lord commanded Moses to give The Levites cities in which to dwell, and suburbs for their cattle Which were to extend in every direction two thousand cubits from the Walls of the city ( Numbers 35:1-5 ). Six of these cities were set apart as cities of refuge, in either of which the manslayer might find refuge or Protection and a chance of a fair trial ( Numbers 35:6-34 ).
  40. Repetition of the Law . During the encampment in the land of Moab, Moses repeated the law to his brethren. This was in the eleventh Month of the fortieth year ( Deuteronomy 1:1-5 ). The repetition of the law was necessary because the people to whom it was given were nearly all dead ( Numbers 14:1-34 ), and a new generation had grown up during the wanderings in the wilderness ( Deuteronomy 1:9,10 ).
