
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Smith's Bible Dictionary [1]

Zelo'phehad. (First-Born). Son of Zepher, son of Gilead, son of Machir, son of Manasseh.  Joshua 17:3. (B.C. before 1450). He was, apparently, the second son of Hepher.  1 Chronicles 7:15. Zelophehad came out of Egypt with Moses, but died in the wilderness, as did the whole of that generation.  Numbers 14:35;  Numbers 27:3. On his death, without male heirs, his five daughters, just after the second numbering in the wilderness, came before Moses and Eleazar to claim the inheritance of their father in the tribe of Manasseh. The claim was admitted by divine direction.  Numbers 26:33;  Numbers 27:1-11.

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [2]

Son of Hepher; descendant of Manasseh by MachirJoshua 17:3). Died in the wilderness without male issue. He had no share in Korah's rebellion. His five daughters at the close of the second numbering came to Moses begging for their father's inheritance ( Numbers 26:33;  Numbers 26:27). Their petition was granted, and subsequently it was ordained that they and females under like circumstances should marry in their own tribe, that the tribal inheritances might not be confounded (Numbers 36).

Morrish Bible Dictionary [3]

Son of Hepher, of the tribe of Manasseh. He had died without leaving any sons, but had five daughters, who claimed an inheritance in the tribe. A law was made allowing this, but they were not to marry out of their own tribe.  Numbers 26:33;  Numbers 27:1-7;  Numbers 36:2-11;  Joshua 17:3;  1 Chronicles 7:15 .

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [4]

ZELOPHEHAD . A Manassite who died during the wilderness journeyings, leaving no male issue. His five daughters successfully asserted their claim to the inheritance of their father (  Numbers 26:23;   Numbers 27:1-7;   Numbers 36:2-12 ,   Joshua 17:3 ,   1 Chronicles 7:15 ).

American Tract Society Bible Dictionary [5]

A descendant of Joseph, whose death in the wilderness, leaving five daughters and no sons, led to the establishment of a law that in such cases daughters should inherit the patrimony of their father; but they were not to marry out of their tribe,  Numbers 26:33   27:1-11   Joshua 17:3,4 .

Holman Bible Dictionary [6]

 Numbers 26:33 Numbers 27:1-4 Numbers 27:6-7 Numbers 36:5-9

Easton's Bible Dictionary [7]

 Numbers 27:1-11 Numbers 36

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [8]

(Heb. Tselophchad', צְלָפְחָד , of uncertain etymology; Sept. Σαλπαάδ V.R. Σαλφαάδ , etc.), son of Hepher, son of Gilead, son of Machir, son of Manasseh (Joshua 17, 3). B.C. ante 1618. He was apparently the second son of his father, Hepher1 Chronicles 7:15); though Simon and others, following the interpretation of the rabbins, and under the impression that the etymology of his name indicates a first-born, explain the term הִשֵּׁנַי as meaning that his lot came up second. Zelophehad came out of Egypt with Moses; and all that we know of him is that he took no part in Korah's rebellion, but that he died in the wilderness, as did the whole of that generation ( Numbers 14:35;  Numbers 27:3). On his death without male heirs, his five daughters, just after the second numbering in the wilderness, came before Moses and Eleazar to claim the inheritance of their father in the tribe of Manasseh The claim was admitted by divine direction, and a law was promulgated, to be of general application, that if a man died without sons his inheritance should pass to his daughters ( Numbers 26:33;  Numbers 27:1-11); and this led to a further enactment (ch. 36), that such heiresses should not marry out of their own tribe-a regulation which the five daughters of Zelophehad complied with, being all married to sons of Manasseh, so that Zelophehad's inheritance continued in the tribe of Manasseh. The law of succession as exemplified in the case of Zelophehad is treated at length by Selden (De. Success. ch. 22:23). (See Inheritance).

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [9]

zḗ - lō´fḗ - had ( צלפחד , celophḥādh , meaning unknown): Head of a Manassite family who died without male issue (  Numbers 26:33;  Numbers 27:1 ,  Numbers 27:7;  Numbers 36:2 ,  Numbers 36:6 ,  Numbers 36:10 ,  Numbers 36:11;  Joshua 17:3;  1 Chronicles 7:15 ). His daughters came to Moses and Eleazar and successfully pleaded for a possession for themselves ( Numbers 27:1 ff). This became the occasion for a law providing that in the case of a man dying without sons, the inheritance was to pass to his daughters if he had any. A further request is made (  Numbers 36:2 ff) by the heads of the Gileadite houses that the women who were given this right of inheritance should be compelled to marry members of their own tribe, so that the tribe may not lose them and their property. This is granted and becomes law among the Hebrews.

Gray says ( Icc on  Numbers 26:33 ) that the "daughters" of Zelophehad are towns or clans.

Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [10]

Zelo´phehad, son of Hepher, a descendant of Joseph, who had no sons, but five daughters. These came to Moses and Eleazar when now at the edge of the Promised Land, to lay their case before them for adjudication. Their father had died in the wilderness, leaving no male child. The daughters thought themselves entitled to take their father's share of the land. Moses on this brought their cause before Jehovah, who ordered that they should receive their father's inheritance, taking occasion to establish the general rule: 'If a man die, and have no son, then ye shall cause his inheritance to pass unto his daughter,' and failing daughters, to his next of kin (; , sq. Compare , sq.).
