Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types [1]
Deuteronomy 33:18 (b) It is evident that Moses was promising this tribe a happy home life. They were to enjoy that which they had in their own tent and in their family relationships.
Psalm 84:10 (a) The reference in this passage is evidently to the places of sin and to the habitations of wickedness. The Psalmist would not associate with that kind of people.
Psalm 120:5 (b) Kedar was among the Ishmaelites who were enemies of Israel. David had trouble because of Doeg, whose hatred had driven David away into a strange country. The lesson probably is that we should not let difficulties in the church drive us away into the world among the enemies of GOD.
Song of Solomon 1:5 (c) The two-fold aspect of Christ is found in this passage. He is black and unattractive to the sinner, but He is comely and beautiful to the Christian. The tents of Kedar were black, dusty and unattractive. That is the way CHRIST looks to the unsaved. The curtains of Solomon are beautiful, attractive, gorgeous, and that is the way CHRIST looks to His children who are in love with Him.
Habakkuk 3:7 (b) Cushan was Ethiopia. We learn from this that the home life, the domestic affairs were destroyed by the anger of the Lord. He punished Ethiopia for their hatred of His people.
Zechariah 12:7 (b) The domestic life of Judah was to be restored and their peace assured by the mighty GOD of Heaven.
Zechariah 14:15 (b) The animals of the enemies of GOD were to be punished as the people were punished. They would be afflicted in their stables, for evidently the animals were kept in tents of skins.