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Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia <ref name="term_338" /> | |||
# <i> [[Date]] </i> . It is impossible to determine the time when the reign of The judges began, or the number of years covered by their reigns. <p> </p> # <i> [[Tribal]] [[Leaders]] </i> . After the death of [[Joshua]] the children of [[Israel]] [[Asked]] the [[Lord]] for a leader, and he gave them [[Judah]] ( [[Judges]] 1:1,2 ). Judah, subsequently, formed an alliance with Simeon, and a number of [[Victories]] followed ( Judges 1:3-20 ). The other tribes, however, did not drive out the inhabitants of the land, but reduced them to tribute ( Judges 1:21-36 ). <p> </p> # <i> [[Destruction]] of [[Canaanites]] </i> . The Lord destroyed the Canaanites because, #the cup of their iniquity was full ( [[Genesis]] 15:16 ), (B) and to fulfill [[His]] promise made to Abraham, [[Isaac]] and [[Jacob]] ( [[Deuteronomy]] 7:1-5; Deuteronomy 9:5 ). <p> </p> # <i> The [[Angel]] </i> s Visit'. After the people had failed to execute the Lord's vengeance upon the inhabitants of Canaan, [[He]] sent and angel to Them at Bochim, who reminded them of the commandments they had broken, And announced to them that their enemies should be thorns in Their sides and that their gods should be snares unto them. When the [[People]] heard this they lifted up their voices and wept ( Judges 2:1-5 ). <p> </p> # <i> [[Idolatry]] </i> . The people served the Lord all the days of Joshua and During the lives of his contemporaries who survived him; but after the [[Generation]] died, they forsook the Lord and served [[Baal]] and Ashtaroth. The Lord delivered them into the hands of the spoilers, but, when they [[Cried]] to the Lord, He sent them judges to whom they paid only the [[Tribute]] of temporary allegiance and obedience; and finally the Lord [[Declared]] that He would not drive out their enemies before them ( Judges 2:6-23 ). <p> </p> # <i> [[Dwelling]] [[Among]] Strangers </i> . From this time forward the children of Israel were surrounded by the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, [[Hivites]] and [[Jebusites]] ( Judges 3:1-5 ). [[Subsequently]] they intermarried with these nations, contrary to the law of [[God]] ( Deuteronomy 7:1-6 ), and forgot the Lord their God, and served [[Baalim]] and the groves ( Judges 3:6,7 ). <p> </p> # <i> Othniel, the [[First]] [[Judge]] </i> . The anger of the Lord was greatly [[Kindled]] against Israel, and he sold them into the hands of Chushanrishathaim, king of Mesopotamia, and they served him eight Years. They cried unto the Lord, and He raised up Othniel, the son of Kenaz, who delivered them from their oppressor, and the land had rest [[Forty]] years ( Judges 3:8-11 ). <p> </p> # <i> Ehud, the [[Second]] Judge </i> . After the death of Othniel, the [[Children]] of Israel fell into their evil ways, and the Lord strengthened [[Against]] them Eglon, king of Moab, who invaded their territory, [[Captured]] the city of palm trees and ruled Israel for eighteen years ( Judges 3:11-14 ). [[Feeling]] the iron heel of the despot, they cried unto the Lord for help, and He raised up for them a deliverer in the person [[Of]] Ehud, a Benjamite, who was distinguished for being left-handed. [[By]] An extraordinary stratagem he took the life of the king, rallied his [[Countrymen]] to [[Mount]] Ephraim, and led them in a triumphant march against Their foes; and the land had rest for eighty years ( Judges 3:15-30 ). <p> </p> # <i> Shamgar, the [[Third]] Judge </i> . [[Shamgar]] was distinguished for slaying [[Six]] hundred [[Philistines]] with an ox goad, and delivering Israel ( Judges 3:31 ). <p> </p> # <i> Deborah, the [[Fourth]] Judge </i> . The children of Israel did evil Again, and the Lord sold them into the hands of Jabin, king of Canaan, The captain of whose hosts was Sisera. The children of Israel cried [[Unto]] the Lord, for their oppressor had nine hundred chariots of iron, And he mightily oppressed them for twenty years ( Judges 4:1-3 ). During these times of peril, the people were judged by Deborah, who lived Under a palm tree in Mount [[Ephraim]] ( Judges 4:4,5 ). She called Barak, the son of Abinoam, to deliver Israel, but he declined to go unless she [[Would]] agree to accompany him. An army was hastily gathered together; a [[Terrible]] battle was fought, and a great victory was gained by the People of God ( Judges 4:6-24 ). The song of [[Deborah]] and [[Barak]] following this victory, is beautiful and appropriate ( Judges 5:1-31 ). <p> </p> # <i> Gideon, the [[Fifth]] Judge </i> . After the expiration of the forty Years of rest following the great victory of Deborah ( Judges 5:31 ), the children of Israel again forsook the Lord, and He delivered them Into the hands of the Midianites. [[Great]] distress and impoverishment Followed, and the people, from the depths of their misery, cried unto The God of Jacob ( Judges 6:1-5 ). The Lord sent a prophet unto them who reminded them of the great deliverances of the Lord and of their [[Ingratitude]] to Him ( Judges 6:6-10 ). Subsequently an angel appeared to Gideon, the son of Joash, in Ophrah, who was secretly threshing wheat [[For]] fear of the Midianites. The angel assured him of the presence of The Lord with him, commissioned him to lead the children of Israel Against their foes, accepted his sacrifice, and departed out of his [[Sight]] ( Judges 6:11-20 ). [[On]] the following night, [[Gideon]] inaugurated his reformatory work by throwing down the altar of Baal and cutting down The grove that was by it; and the following morning, his father [[Joah]] [[Challenged]] his friends of Baal to bring a man in his defense ( Judges 6:21-32 ). [[Soon]] after this, the [[Midianites]] and [[Amalekites]] gathered themselves together against Israel. The [[Spirit]] of the Lord [[Came]] upon Gideon, and he sounded a trumpet and sent messengers [[Throughout]] Manasseh, Asher, [[Zebulun]] and Naphtali, and they rallied to His standard ( Judges 6:33-35 ). The Lord then gave him indisputable proofs that He was with him ( Judges 6:36-40 ). Gideon gathered his army to the well of Harod, and it consisted of thirty-two thousand men. The Lord assured him that the number was too great, and by His instructions Gideon selected three hundred and placed the issues of the mighty [[Contest]] in their hands ( Judges 7:1-15 ). He divided his army into three companies, and gave every man a trumpet, and empty pitcher, and a Lamp. At a given signal, they blew their trumpets, broke their Pitchers and held their lamps aloft, and cried aloud in recognition of The sword of the Lord and Gideon, and the Lord sent terror through the [[Camp]] of the enemy. Israel triumphantly pursued the fleeing hosts, and [[Slew]] two of the princes of [[Midian]] ( Judges 7:16-25 ). Gideon and his army continued the pursuit, and, notwithstanding the indifference of some of His countrymen, slew the two kings of Midian, [[Zebah]] and Zalmunna, and [[Gained]] a great victory. He also punished the men of [[Penuel]] and [[Succoth]] For their indifference ( Judges 8:1-21 ). After the war, the people desired to make Gideon king and establish the succession in Gideon's family, But he declined, declaring that he would recognize no ruler but God ( Judges 8:22,23 ). Gideon, however, requested his army to give him the earrings of their prey, and they willingly did so, and he made an ephod Of the gold, placed it in his city Ophrah, and very grave results [[Followed]] ( Judges 8:24-27 ). The land had rest for forty years, for the Midianites were completely subdued ( Judges 8:28-32 ). <p> </p> # <i> Abimelech, the [[Usurper]] </i> . Gideon had seventy son ( Judges 8:29,30 ). [[As]] soon as Gideon was dead, the children of Israel turned from the Lord unto idols, forgot Him and failed to recognize the Sons of Gideon or remember what he had done for them ( Judges 8:30-35 ). Abimelech, one of Gideon's sons, went to [[Shechem]] to his mother's Family, and they entered into a conspiracy with him, and [[Furnished]] him with money with which he hired worthless men to follow Him, and he went to his father's house at [[Ophrah]] and slew all his [[Brothers]] but Jotham, who escaped; and then the men of Shechem, joined By the house of Millo, made [[Abimelech]] king ( Judges 9:16 ). When [[Jotham]] heard this he went to the top of Mount [[Gerizim]] and, by the use of a Most striking fable, showed the character of the man who had been made [[King]] of Israel ( Judges 9:7-21 ). Abimelech reigned three years, and after numerous conflicts was slain by a woman who cast a piece of millstone [[Upon]] his head from the tower of [[Thebez]] ( Judges 9:22-57 ). <p> </p> # <i> Tola, the [[Sixth]] Judge </i> . After Abimelech's death, Tola, the son Of Dodo, of the tribe of Issachar, judged Israel twenty-three years ( Judges 10:1,2 ). <p> </p> # <i> Jair, the [[Seventh]] Judge </i> . [[Tola]] was succeeded by Jair, a Gileadite, who judged Israel twenty-two years ( Judges 10:3-5 ). <p> </p> # <i> [[Apostasy]] </i> . The children of Israel again did evil in the sight of The Lord. They served the gods of the surrounding nations and utterly [[Forgot]] Him. The anger of the Lord was greatly kindled against them, and He sold them into the hands of the Philistines and Ammonites, by whom They were vexed and oppressed for eighteen years ( Judges 10:6-8 ). Their distress was greatly increased by seeing the warlike preparations of Their enemies. They cried unto the Lord and acknowledged that they had [[Sinner]] in forsaking the Lord and serving other gods. He reminded them Of his kindness in the past and told them to go and cry unto their [[Adopted]] gods for deliverance. They threw themselves upon his Mercy, cast away their idols, and the Lord was grieved on account of Their misery ( Judges 19:6-18 ). <p> </p> # <i> Jephthah, the [[Eighth]] Judge </i> . The [[Ammonites]] were encamped at [[Gilead]] and the children of Israel at Mizpeh, but the children of Israel Were without a leader ( Judges 10:17,18 ). [[In]] their extremity they sent to [[Tob]] and brought [[Jephthah]] who had been expelled from his father's house, And gave him command of their forces ( Judges 11:1-11 ). Jephthah sent messengers to the Ammonites and inquired what reason they had for their [[Warlike]] movements. The reply was that Israel had, on coming out of Egypt, invaded and captured their land, and that they now proposed to Make an effort to recover it. Jephthah warned them, but they did not [[Heed]] his advice. The Spirit of the Lord came upon him, and he vowed That if the Lord would deliver the children of [[Ammon]] into his hand, That whatsoever should come forth from his house to meet him on his [[Return]] should be given unto the Lord in sacrifice ( Judges 11:29-31 ). Jephthah then proceeded to fight against the Ammonites and gained a Great victory over them ( Judges 11:32,33 ). On his return from the battle, his daughter came out to meet him with great demonstrations of joy, but When he saw her he rent his clothes and declared that she had brought Him low and that he was greatly troubled. She encouraged him by [[Expressing]] her willingness to him to do with her as he had vowed ( Judges 11:34-40 ). <p> </p> # <i> Jephthah </i> s [[Daughter]] Not [[Burnt]] in Sacrifice'. Jephthah's daughter Was not burnt in sacrifice. The proofs of this are: #The law provided that when a vow involved the life of a human being, the person making it should pay to the priest, instead, a sum of money to be determined by the age and sex of the victim ( [[Leviticus]] 27:2-8 ); #it would have been contrary to God's injunctions ( Deuteronomy 12:31,32 ); #she simply deplored her virginity ( Judges 11:38 ), a state to which she was evidently doomed ( Judges 11:39 ), therefore blasting her hopes of becoming the mother of the promised [[Benefactor]] ( Deuteronomy 18:15,18 ); #there is no positive evidence that God approved of Jephthah's vow ( Judges 11:31 ), for its literal carrying out would have added criminality to rashness ( [[Exodus]] 20:13; Deuteronomy 12:31,32 ); #as God continued to favor him it is evident that he was not thus guilty ( Judges 12:1-7 ); #the New [[Testament]] enrolls him among the noblest of the ages, which could not consistently have been done if he had killed his child in violation of the law of the Lord ( Exodus 20:13; Hebrews 11:32 ). <p> </p> # <i> [[Civil]] [[War]] </i> . After Jephthah's victory over the Ammonites, the Ephraimites gathered themselves together and demanded a reason of him For not calling them to the war, threatening to burn his house down Upon him. Jephthah replied that he had called them and that they had [[Failed]] to respond. The result of this dispute was the destruction of Forty-two thousand Ephraimites at the fords of the Jordan, who were [[Detected]] by their inability to pronounce the word "Shibboleth" ( Judges 12:6 ). <p> </p> # <i> Ibzan, the [[Ninth]] Judge </i> . [[Ibzan]] succeeded Jephthah and [[Judged]] Israel seven years ( Judges 12:7-10 ). <p> </p> # <i> Elon, the [[Tenth]] Judge </i> . Elon, a Zebulonite, judged Israel ten Years ( Judges 12:11,12 ). <p> </p> # <i> Abdon, the [[Eleventh]] Judge </i> . [[Abdon]] succeeded [[Elon]] and judged Israel eight years ( Judges 12:12-15 ). <p> </p> # <i> Samson, the [[Twelfth]] Judge </i> . [[Samson]] was born in perilous times. During the forty years preceding his birth, the children of Israel Were under the dominion of the Philistines. His history is [[Distinguished]] by, #the extraordinary circumstances attending his birth ( Judges 13:1-23 ); #the gift of the Spirit of the Lord to him ( Judges 13:24,25 ); #his matrimonial adventures and his great victories over the enemies of his country ( Judges 14:1-16:31 ). <p> Samson judged Israel twenty years ( Judges 16:30,31 ). </p> <p> </p> # <i> Idolatry, [[Internal]] [[Strife]] and War </i> . The period succeeding Samson was distinguished by, #idolatry ( Judges 17:1-18:31 ); #great wickedness of the Benjamites ( Judges 19:1-30 ); #war and desolation ( Judges 20:1-21:24 ). <p> </p> # <i> [[Ruth]] </i> . During the reign of the judges a man of [[Bethlehem]] Judah, [[Named]] Elimelech, with his wife [[Naomi]] and their two sons, [[Mahlon]] and Chilion, went into the land of [[Moab]] and took up his residence. The two Sons married [[Moabitish]] women. Subsequently the father and two sons Died, and Naomi proposed to return to her own country, suggesting to Her daughter-in-law that it would be best for them to remain in the [[Land]] of their nativity. Orpah, the wife of Chilion, agreed to this, but Ruth declared that she would follow Naomi and make her home and grave [[With]] her ( Ruth 1:1-18 ). They returned unto Bethlehem, and Ruth showed her devotion to Naomi by gleaning the fields in search of [[Sustenance]] for them ( Ruth 1:19-2:23 ). She subsequently married a distinguished man by the name of [[Boaz]] and became the mother of Obed, The father of Jesse, the father of David, the ancestor of [[Christ]] ( Ruth 3:1-4:22; [[Matthew]] 1:1-17 ). <p> </p> | |||
== References == | |||
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<ref name="term_338"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/condensed-biblical-cyclopedia/reign+of+the+judges Reign Of The Judges from Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia]</ref> | |||
</references> |
Revision as of 16:09, 11 October 2021
Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia [1]
- Date . It is impossible to determine the time when the reign of The judges began, or the number of years covered by their reigns.
Samson judged Israel twenty years ( Judges 16:30,31 ).