Commendation Commend
Commendation Commend [1]
"to praise," is an intensive form of aineo, Luke 16:8 . It is elsewhere translated by the verb "to praise," in the RV, Romans 15:11; 1 Corinthians 11:2,17,22 . See Laud , Praise.
lit., "to give or deliver over" (para, "over" didomi, "to give"), is said of "commending," or "committing," servants of God to Him (AV, "recommend"), Acts 14:26; 15:40 . See Betray , Bring , B, Note (4), Cast , Commit , Deliver , Give , Hazard , PUT (in prison), Recommend.
lit., "to put near" (para, "near"), in the Middle Voice, denotes "to place with someone, entrust, commit." In the sense of commending, it is said (a) of the Lord Jesus in "commending" His spirit into the Father's hands, Luke 23:46; (b) of "commending" disciples to God, Acts 14:23; (c) of "commending" elders to God, Acts 20:32 . See Allege , Commit , Put , No. 3, SET, No. 4. Cp. No. 2.
lit., "to place near, set before," (para, "near," histemi, "to set"), is used of "self-commendation," 1 Corinthians 8:8 . See Assist , Bring , Come , Give , Present , Prove , Provide , Show , Stand , Yield.
lit., "to place together," denotes "to introduce one person to another, represent as worthy," e.g., Romans 3:5; 5:8; 16:1; 2 Corinthians 4:2; 6:4; 10:18; 12:11 . In 2 Corinthians 3:1; 5:12; 10:12 , the verb sunistano is used. See Approve , Consist , Make , Stand.
akin to A, No. 5, lit., "placing together," hence, "commendatory," is used of letters of "commendation," 2 Corinthians 3:1 , lit., "commendatory letters."