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Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [1]

NEBO. The name of a Moabite town, a mountain in Moab, and (according to the Hebrew text) of a city of Judah. It is probable, though not quite certain, that these places were named after the Babylonian deity Nebo (see preced. art.), and thus point to the influence of the Babylonian cult at a remote period both E. and W. of the Jordan.

1 . Nebo, a city of Judah Ezra 2:29;   Ezra 10:43 [ 1Es 9:35 Noomias ],   Nehemiah 7:29 ], identified by some with Beit Nubâ , 12 miles N.W. of Jerusalem. This Nebo is the Nobai (a signatory to the covenant) of   Nehemiah 10:20 . Whether either form exactly corresponds to the original name is uncertain.

2 . The Moabite town called Nebo is mentioned in   Numbers 32:3;   Numbers 32:33;   Numbers 33:47 ,   Isaiah 15:2 ,   Jeremiah 48:1;   Jeremiah 48:22 ,   1 Chronicles 5:8 , and also in the inscription of Mesha, who says: ‘And Chemosh said unto me, Go take Nebo against Israel.’ The exact site is unknown, but the town probably lay on, or near, Mt. Nebo.

3. Mount Nebo is the traditional site of Moses’ view of CanaanDeuteronomy 34:1 f.) and of his death (  Deuteronomy 32:50 ). It is described as being ‘in the land of Moab over against Jericho’ and as reached from the ‘steppes of Moah’ (  Deuteronomy 34:1 ). There can be no question that this description implies some point on the edge of the great platean of Moab, which drops steeply some 4000 feet to the Jordan Valley or the Dead Sea. Two related problems call for solution: Which point in particular on this edge of the plateau is Mt. Nebo? How does the actual view thence agree with the terms of   Deuteronomy 34:1 f.? There appears to be most reason for identifying Mt. Nebo with the point now called Nebâ , and the identification might be regarded as certain if we could feel sure that Nebâ is really an ancient name, and not merely (as it may be) the name attached to the summit after tradition had claimed it as the Nebo of the Bible. Nebâ lies about 12 miles almost due E. of the Jordan at the point where the river enters the Dead Sea, and is one of the summits most easily ascended from the steppes of Moah. In this respect it satisfies the description better than the other sites which have been proposed, (1) the somewhat loftier Mt. Attârus 10 miles farther south, and (2) Mt. Oshâ some 20 miles north of Mt. Nebâ and a finer point of view, but outside Moab . The view from each of these great points and from several others along the great mountain wall which encloses the Jordan Valley on the E. is extensive and impressive; but its limitations in some directions are also sharply defined. Northward (or, strictly, between N. and N.N.W.) the view extends far; from Mt. Nebâ, for example, it is possible to see Mt. Tabor, 70 miles away. Westwards, on the other hand, it is blocked at from 30 to 40 miles by the great wall formed by the sharp declivity of the Judæan plateau to the Jordan Valley. This western mountain wall is of approximately the same height as the Moabite wall on the E. Consequently from no point in Moab is it possible to see the ‘hinder sea,’ i.e . the Mediterranean; nor is it possible to see more than about one-third of the country between Jordan and the Mediterranean. It follows that the description in   Deuteronomy 34:1 f. is inaccurate not only in mentioning specific features (the Mediterranean, Dan, probably Zoar) which are out of sight, but in giving the general impression that the view commanded the whole of Western Palestine, whereas it actually commands but a third. The difficulty could be in part overcome by considering   Deuteronomy 34:2-3 (together with the words ‘of Gilead unto Dan’ in v. 1) an editor’s note explaining the phrase ‘all the land.’ It is significant that this detailed description is absent from the Samaritan text, which has, instead, a shorter description which defines the land of Israel but not the view. For a further discussion of the view from Nebâ, see Expositor , Nov. 1904, pp. 321 341. See also art. Pisgah.

G. B. Gray.

Smith's Bible Dictionary [2]

Ne'bo. (Prophet).

1. A town of Reuben, on the east side of Jordan.  Numbers 32:3;  Numbers 32:38. In the remarkable prophecy adopted by Isaiah,  Isaiah 15:2, and Jeremiah,  Jeremiah 48:1;  Jeremiah 48:26, concerning Moab, Nebo is mentioned in the same connection as before, but in the hands of Moab.

Eusebius and Jerome identify it with Nobah or Kerrath, and place it eight miles south of Heshbon, where the ruins of El-Habis appear to stand at present. (Professor Paine identifies it with some ruins on Mount Nebo, a mile south of its summit, and Dr. Robinson seems to agree with this. - Editor).

2. The children of Nebo, returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel.  Ezra 2:29;  Ezra 10:43;  Nehemiah 7:33. The name occurs between Bethel and Ai and Lydda, which implies that it was situated in the territory of Benjamin, to the northwest of Jerusalem. This is possibly the modern Beit-Nubah , about 12 miles northwest by west of Jerusalem, 8 miles from Lydda.

3. Nebo, which occurs both in Isaiah,  Isaiah 46:11, and Jeremiah,  Jeremiah 45:1, as the name of a Chaldean god, is a well known deity of the Babylonians and Assyrians. He was the god, who presided over learning and letters. His general character corresponds to that of the Egyptian, Thoth; the Greek, Hermes; and the Latin, Mercury.

Astronomically, he is identified with the planet nearest the sun. In Babylonia, Nebo held a prominent place from an early time. The ancient town of Borsippa was especially under his protection, and the great temple here, the modern Birs-Nimrud , was dedicated to him, from a very remote age. He was the tutelar god of the most important Babylonian kings, in whose names the word, Nabu or Nebo, appears as an element.

People's Dictionary of the Bible [3]

Nebo ( Nç'Bo ), Proclaimer. 1. One of the Assyrian deities, who is represented, with Bel, as being unable to resist the destruction to which Cyrus subjected their idols.  Isaiah 46:1. This god was called "he who possesses intelligence," and statues of him are still preserved. 2. A mountain of Moab "over against Jericho."  Deuteronomy 32:49. "And Moses went up from the plains of Moab unto the mountain of Nebo, to the top of Pisgah,... and the Lord showed him all the land of Gilead unto Dan."  Deuteronomy 34:1. Nebo was a mountain in the range of mountains called Abarim. While the discussions respecting Pisgah have been sharp, the majority of explorers and scholars agree in identifying Nebo with the northem end of the Abarim range. See Pisgah. 3. A city east of the Jordan; rebuilt by the Gadites,  Numbers 32:3;  Numbers 32:38;  Numbers 33:47; captured by the Moabites.  Isaiah 15:2;  Jeremiah 48:1;  Jeremiah 48:22. It was eight miles south of Heshbon; perhaps el Hâbis. 4. A town in Benjamin,  Nehemiah 7:33; possibly Nuba, 7 miles northwest of Hebron.

American Tract Society Bible Dictionary [4]

1. A town in the vicinity of Bethel and Ai,  Ezra 2:29   Nehemiah 7:33 .

2. A city of Reuben,  Numbers 32:38 , taken by the Moabites, who held it in the time of Jeremiah,  Isaiah 15:2   Jeremiah 48:1 .

3. A mountain of Moab, whence Moses had a view of the promised land, and where he died. It is a summit of the range Abarim, "over against Jericho." Seetzen, Burckhardy, etc., identify it with Mount Attarus, about ten miles north of the Arnon. Travelers do not observe any very prominent summit in the rage immediately opposite Jericho; but it has not yet fully explored,  Deuteronomy 32:49   34:1-12 .

4. An idol of the Babylonians,  Isaiah 46:1 . In the astrological mythology of the Babylonians, this idol probably represented the planet Mercury. It was also worshipped by the ancient Arabians. The extensive prevalence of this worship among the Chaldeans and Assyrians, is evident from the many compound proper names occurring in the Scriptures, of which this word forms part; as Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuzaradan, Nebushasban,  Jeremiah 39:9,13; and also in the classics, as Naboned, Nabonassar, Nabopolassar, etc.

Holman Bible Dictionary [5]

 Isaiah 46:1

2. Moabite city located southwest of Heshbon. The tribes Reuben and Gad requested the area around Nebo for their flocks ( Numbers 32:2-3 ). It was held by Israel until recaptured by King Mesha about 850 B.C. 3. Town reinhabited by exiles returning from Babylon ( Ezra 2:29 ). The site has been identified with Nob. 4. Mountain about twelve miles east of the mouth of the Jordan River from which Moses viewed the Promised Land ( Deuteronomy 32:49 ). It rises over 4000 feet above the Dead Sea and gives an excellent view of the southwest, west, and as far north as Mount Hermon. Israel captured the area around Mount Nebo as they marched toward Canaan. They camped in the area of Mount Nebo opposite Jericho when the Balaam incident occurred ( Numbers 22-24 ). During the period of the judges it was the possession of Eglon of Moab. David recaptured the area ( 2 Samuel 8:2 ), and it remained a part of Israel until Mesha rebelled and took control about 850 B.C.

Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary [6]

We meet with this name for three different places. There was a city of the Reubenites called Nebo, ( Numbers 32:38) —and according to Jeremiah, in his days the Moabites had it in possession. ( Jeremiah 48:1-47) There was also a city of Judah of this name in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah. ( Ezra 2:29;  Nehemiah 7:33) And the famous mountain on which Moses died was called Nebo. ( Deuteronomy 34:1; Deu 34:5) One of the idols of Babylon bore the name of Nebo. ( Isaiah 46:1) The root of the name seems to be much the same as that of Nebat.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [7]

1. City of Reuben, east of the Jordan.  Numbers 32:3,38;  Numbers 33:47;  1 Chronicles 5:8 . It is denounced in the prophets as belonging to Moab.  Isaiah 15:2;  Jeremiah 48:1,22 .

2. City whose inhabitants or 'children' returned from exile.   Ezra 2:29;  Nehemiah 7:33 .

3. One whose descendants had married strange wives.   Ezra 10:43 .

4. A Chaldean idol whose name as Nabo or Nebu is probably incorporated in some of the Chaldaic proper names.   Isaiah 46:1 .

Easton's Bible Dictionary [8]

  • The "children of Nebo" ( Ezra 2:29;  Nehemiah 7:33 ) were of those who returned from Babylon. It was a town in Benjamin, probably the modern Beit Nubah, about 7 miles north-west of Hebron.

    Copyright Statement These dictionary topics are from M.G. Easton M.A., DD Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Third Edition, published by Thomas Nelson, 1897. Public Domain.

    Bibliography Information Easton, Matthew George. Entry for 'Nebo'. Easton's Bible Dictionary. 1897.

  • Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary [9]

    the name of an idol of the Babylonians: "Bel boweth down, Nebo stoopeth,"  Isaiah 46:1 . The word Nebo comes from a root that signifies "to prophesy," and therefore may stand for an oracle. There is some probability in the opinion of Calmet, that Bel and Nebo are but one and the same deity, and that Isaiah made use of these names as synonymous. The god Bel was the oracle of the Babylonians. The name Nebo, or Nabo, is found in the composition of the names of several princes of Babylon; as Nabonassar, Nabopolassar, Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuzaradan, Nebushasban, &c.

    Bridgeway Bible Dictionary [10]

    Mount Nebo was a prominent peak in the hilly region of Abarim on the Moabite tableland, east of the Jordan River ( Numbers 33:47). It was the place where the aged Moses went to view the promised land and where, a short time later, he died ( Deuteronomy 32:49-50;  Deuteronomy 34:1;  Deuteronomy 34:5-6; see Abarim ).

    Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [11]

    Copyright StatementThese files are public domain. Bibliography InformationMcClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Nebo'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.

    Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [12]

    Nebo, 1

    Ne´bo, a Chaldean idol mentioned in , and supposed to have been the symbol of the planet Mercury, the celestial scribe and interpreter of the gods, answering to the Hermes and Anubis of the Egyptians. He was likewise worshipped by the Sabians in Arabia. The divine worship paid to this idol by the Chaldeans and Assyrians is attested by many compound proper names of which it forms part, as Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuzaradan, Nebuhashban; besides others mentioned in classical writers,—Nabonedus, Nabonassar, Naburianus, Nabonabus, Nabopolassar.

    Nebo, 2

    Nebo, the name of a mountain on the confines of Moab , and of a town near it (;; ). Since the time of Seetzen and Burckhardt, Mount Nebo has been usually identified with Mount Attarus, east of the Dead Sea.

    Nebo, 3

    Nebo, a town in the tribe of Judah or more fully, in order to distinguish it from the preceding, 'the other Nebo' .
