
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Morrish Bible Dictionary [1]

The inhabitants of Babylon or its districts.  Ezra 4:9;  Ezekiel 23:15,17,23 . Thousands of tablets have been discovered which throw great light upon the social life and character of the Babylonians. They were an educated people. Some tablets appear to be Geological, Geographical, and Mathematical; and many others are records of contracts, loans, marriages, dowries, purchase of slaves, etc. Their Astronomy was mixed up with Astrology. Many tablets show that they held that the stars and signs of the heavens foretold events, agreeing with God's message to Babylon "Let now the astrologers, the star-gazers, the monthly prognosticators stand up and save thee."  Isaiah 47:13 . Many magical and incantation tablets show that they were in great fear of evil spirits: they called upon 'the spirit of heaven' and 'the spirit of earth' to deliver them. Their religion has been described as the worst possible form of nature worship, and their gods seem to have been countless. These tablets, made thousands of years ago, now reveal how Satan succeeded in keeping the Babylonians completely under his dominion.

Smith's Bible Dictionary [2]

Babylo'nians. The Inhabitants Of Babylon , a race of Shemitic origin, who were among the colonists planted in the cities of Samaria by the conquering Assyrian.  Ezra 4:9.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [3]

bab - i - lō´ni - anz  : The inhabitants of Babylonia (which see). They were among the colonists planted in Samaria by the AssyriansEzra 4:9 ). "The likeness of the Babylonians in Chaldea" ( Ezekiel 23:15 ) refers to the pictures which were common on the walls of Babylonian palaces, and the reports of them being heard in Jerusalem, or copies of them seen there, awakened the nation's desire for these unknown lovers, which Judah had ample occasion to repent of ( Ezekiel 23:17 ,  Ezekiel 23:23; compare 2 Ki 24).
