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Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [1]

Daberath . A city said in   Joshua 19:12 to belong to Zebulun, but in   Joshua 21:28 and   1 Chronicles 6:72 to be a Levitical city in Issachar. Probably it was on the border between the two tribes. It has been identified with Daburieh at the foot of Tabor.

R. A. S. Macalister.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [2]

City of Issachar, given to the Levites.  Joshua 19:12;  1 Chronicles 6:72 . In  Joshua 21:28 it is called Dabareh in the A.V., though the Hebrew is the same in both passages. Identified with Deburieh, 32 42' N, 35 22' E .

American Tract Society Bible Dictionary [3]

A Levitical town in the borders of Zebulun and Issachar,  Joshua 19:25;  21:28;  1 Chronicles 6:72 . Its site is probably that of the modern Deburieh, a small village at the foot of mount Tabor on the northwest.

People's Dictionary of the Bible [4]

Daberath (dăb'e-răth ), the subduer. A town on the borders of Issachar and Zebulun.  Joshua 19:12;  1 Chronicles 6:72.

Easton's Bible Dictionary [5]

 Joshua 19:12 21:28 Matthew 17:14

Smith's Bible Dictionary [6]

Dab'erath. See Dabareh .

Holman Bible Dictionary [7]

 Joshua 19:12 Joshua 21:28

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [8]

(Heb. Daberath', דּ בְרִת [once,  Joshua 19:12, with the art. had- Daberath , הִדּ בְרִת; once,  1 Chronicles 6:72, Dobrath , דָּבְרִת ], according to Furst a fem. form of דֹּבֶר, pasture ; Sept. in Joshua Δαβράθ and Δαβραθά v. r. Δαβιρώθ, in Chron. Ἀμώς v. r. Δαβώρ; Vulg. Dabereth ), a town in the tribe of Issachar ( Joshua 21:28, where the A.V. has "Dabareh "), near the border of Zebulon ( Joshua 19:12, where it is named next to Chisloth-tabor), and assigned to the Levites ( 1 Chronicles 6:72). It is probably the same with the village Dabira (Δαβειρά ), mentioned by Eusebius and Jerome (Onomast. s.v.) as lying near Matthew Tabor, in the region of Diocaesarea (Reland, Paloest. p. 737); and also the Dabaritta, repeatedly mentioned by Josephus (Δαβαρίττων κώμη, War, 2:21, 3; Δαβαριττηνοί, Life, 26; Δαβάριττα v. r. Δαράβιττα, Life, 62) as lying in the great plain on the confines of Galilee (Reland, Paloest. p. 737, too nicely objects that the border between Issachar and Zebulon would not be assigned to Galilee). In exact agreement with these notices there still exists, on the side of a ledge of rocks just at the base of Matthew Tabor, on the north-west, the village Deburieh, a small, poor, and filthy place, containing the bare walls of an old church, based upon massive foundations of a still older date. The situation, however, is beautiful, with the wooded heights of Tabor rising behind, and in front the plain of Esdraelon expanding like a sea of verdure (Robinson, Res. 3, 210; Maundrell, Early Trav. p. 479, Ritter, Erdk. 16:679; De Saulcy, Narrative, 1:75; Schwarz, Palest. p. 166,167). Tradition (Van de Velde, 2:374) incorrectly makes this the scene of the miracle on the lunatic child performed by our Lord after his descent from the Mount of Transfiguration ( Matthew 17:14).

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [9]

dab´ē̇ -rath ( הדּברת , ha - dābherath , "pasture"; Δαβειρώθ , Dabeirō̇th ): A city in the territory of Issachar, on the boundary between that tribe and Zebulun ( Joshua 19:12 ). It was assigned to the Gershonite Levites ( Joshua 21:28;  1 Chronicles 6:72 ). The most probable identification is with Dabūriyeh , a village on the lower western slopes of Tabor.

Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [10]

Dab´erath, a town in the tribe of Issachar, assigned to the Levites (;; ). It is recognized in the present Debûrieh, a small village lying on the side of a ledge of rocks, just at the base of Taboon on the north-west.
