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Fausset's Bible Dictionary [1]

From Nebo, the idol; Zar , "prince"; and Adan or 'Adown , "lord" (Gesenius); but Furst, from Dana (Sanskrit), "cut off." "Captain of the guard," literally, "chief of the slaughterers"; next to the royal person ( 2 Kings 25:8-18;  Jeremiah 39:9-13). Assumed the chief command on arriving after the siege of Jerusalem. Directed what was to be done with the plunder and captives. (See Captivity .) Took the chief Jews for judgment to Nebuchadnezzar at Riblah. Visited Jerusalem four years later, and took away more captives ( Jeremiah 52:30). By Nebuchadnezzar's direction, Nebuzaradan "looked well to Jeremiah," gave him his choice of going to Babylon or staying, then sent him with victuals and a present, to be protected by Gedaliah the governor left over Judah, after having first told the Jews "Jehovah hath done according as He hath said, because ye have sinned against Jehovah" ( Jeremiah 39:11-14;  Jeremiah 40:2-5). The pagan knew, through Jeremiah, it was Jehovah's doing; compare the prophecy,  Deuteronomy 29:24-25. How humiliating to the Jews to be admonished of their sin by a Gentile ruler!

Morrish Bible Dictionary [2]

Captain of the guard, or commander in chief of Nebuchadnezzar's army at the capture of Jerusalem, and afterwards at its destruction. He told Jeremiah, when he released him from his chains, that God had brought all this destruction upon Jerusalem because they had sinned against Jehovah, and had not obeyed His voice. He gave Jeremiah liberty to go where he pleased.  2 Kings 25:8-20;  Jeremiah 39:9-14;  Jeremiah 40:1;  Jeremiah 41:10;  Jeremiah 43:6;  Jeremiah 52:12-30 .

People's Dictionary of the Bible [3]

Nebuzaradan ( Nĕb'U-Zâr-Â'Dan or B'U Zăr'A-D Ân ), Prince Favored By Nebo, Nebuchadnezzar's general, who effected the ruin of Jerusalem.  2 Kings 25:8;  Jeremiah 39:9-13;  Jeremiah 40:1;  Jeremiah 52:12;  Jeremiah 52:15-16;  Jeremiah 52:26.

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [4]

NEBUZARADAN. The Bab. [Note: Babylonian.] Nabû-zer-iddin , ‘Nabû has given seed,’ ‘the chief of the bodyguard’ to Nebuchadrezzar2 Kings 25:8-20 ,   Jeremiah 52:30 ). He was charged with the pacification of Judah after the fall of Jerusalem.

C. H. W. Johns.

American Tract Society Bible Dictionary [5]

A general of king Nebuchadnezzar, and his agent in the sacking and destruction of Jerusalem,  1 Kings 22:53;  Jeremiah 39:9;  40:1;  52:12-30 .

Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary [6]

Captain of the guard of Nebuchadnezzar's army. (See  Jeremiah 39:1-18 and  Jeremiah 40:1-16)

Holman Bible Dictionary [7]

 2 Kings 25:8-9 Jeremiah 52:30[[History And Religion Of Babylon]]

Easton's Bible Dictionary [8]

 2 Kings 25:8-20 Jeremiah 39:11 40:2-5

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [9]

neb - ū́ - zar - ā´dan , - zar´a - dan ( נבוּזראדן , nebhūzar'ădhān = Assyrian Nabu - zara - iddina , "Nebo has given seed"; Νεβουζαρδάν , Nebouzardán ): Nebuchadnezzar's general at the siege of Jerusalem (  2 Kings 25:8 ,  2 Kings 25:11 ,  2 Kings 25:20;  Jeremiah 52:12 ,  Jeremiah 52:15 ,  Jeremiah 52:26;  Jeremiah 39:9 ,  Jeremiah 39:10 ,  Jeremiah 39:11 ,  Jeremiah 39:13 ). Under the title of "captain of the guard," he commanded the army, and, after the fall of the city, carried out his master's policy with regard to the safety of Jeremiah, the transport of the exiles, and the government of those who were left in the land.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [10]

The name, like Nebuchadnezzar and Nebu-shasban, contains that of Nebo the Babylonian deity. The other portion of the word is less certain. Gesenius (Thes. page 839 b) translates by Mercurii dux doninus, taking the זִר as שִׂר , "prince," and אֲדָן as אָדוֹן "lord" Furst, on the other hand (Handb. s.v.), treats it as equivalent in meaning to the Hebrew Rab- Tabbachim, which usually follows it, and sometimes occurs by itself ( 2 Kings 25:18;  Jeremiah 40:2;  Jeremiah 40:5). To obtain this meaning he treats the first member as = Pers. sar, Sansc. ciro, "chief," as Gesenius; but compares the last member of the name to the Sansc. dana, from de, "to cut off." Gesenius also takes zaradan as identical with the first element in the name of Sardan-apalus. But this latter name is now explained by Sir H. Rawlinson as Assur-dan-i-pal (Rawlinson's Herod. 1:460).

Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [11]

Nebuzar´adan (;;; , etc.). 'Nebu is the Lord' according to the Hebrew; or, according to the Persian, 'Nebu is wise.' The name of the captain of Nebuchadnezzar's guard, by whom the ruin of Jerusalem was completed.
