Harmonies Of The Gospels

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Harmonies Of The Gospels [1]

Harmonies Of The Gospels . The beginnings of works of this class go back to very early days. Tatian’s Diatessaron (2nd cent.) is of the nature of a Gospel Harmony. The Sections of Ammonius (3rd cent.) arrange the Gospels in four parallel columns. The Sections and Canons of Eusebius (4th cent.) develop still further the plan of Ammonius, enabling the reader to discover at a glance the parallel passages in the Gospels. In the 5th cent. Euthalius, a deacon of Alexandria, besides adopting the division into sections, applied the method of numbered lines to the Acts and Epistles.

The following are the principal modern Harmonies: A. Wright, Synopsis of the Gospels in Greek, with Various Readings and Critical Notes (Macmillan, 1903); Huck, Synopsis der drei ersten Evangelien 3 (Tübingen, 1906); Tischendorf, Synopsis evangelica, ex iv. Evangeliis ordine chronologico concinnata et brevi commentario illustrata (Leipzig, 1891); C. C. James, Harmony of the Gospels in the words of the Rv [Note: Revised Version.] 2 (Cambridge, 1901).

J. S. Banks.
