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Fausset's Bible Dictionary [1]

("bubbling fountain"), namely, of Jezreel; see below. The mountain range N.E. of the plain, and over the city, of Jezreel, extending ten miles from W. to E. ( 1 Samuel 28:4;  1 Samuel 29:1.) The scene of the death of Saul and Jonathan1 Samuel 31:1;  2 Samuel 1:6,21: "ye mountains (for there is not merely one mountain) of Gilboa, let there be no dew, neither rain upon you, nor fields of firstfruit offerings," i.e. producing fruit from which firstfruits are offered;  1 Samuel 21:12;  1 Chronicles 10:1;  1 Chronicles 10:8).

The Philistines encamped on the N. side of the plain at Shunem; Saul on the S. side, round the fount of Jezreel (Harod,  Judges 7:1) at the foot of Gilboa. The fountain is still to be seen half a mile from Jezreel's ruins. The village Jelbou is on the mountain top. The height of the hill is about 500 ft. above the plain; the sides are as bore and barren as David's poetical elegy desired them to be (excepting one green table land where perhaps the last struggle took place), and contrast strongly with the fertile plain beneath.

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [2]

Gilboa 1 Samuel 28:4; 1Sa 31:1;   1 Samuel 31:8 ,   2 Samuel 1:6; 2Sa 1:21;   2 Samuel 21:12 ,   1 Chronicles 10:1;   1 Chronicles 10:8 ). A range of hills, now called Jebel Fakû‘a , on the E. boundary of the Plain of Esdraelon. They run from Zer‘in (Jezreel) due S. E., and from the eastern extremity a prolongation runs S. towards the hills of Samaria. They are most imposing from the Vale of Jezreel and Jordan Valley, but nowhere reach a height of more than 1700 feet above sea level. The little village of Jelbun on the slopes of Jebel Fakû’a is thought to retain an echo of the name Gilboa. The slopes of these hills are steep, rugged, and bare. At the N. foot lies ’Ain Jalud , almost certainly the spring of Harod (wh. see).

E. W. G. Masterman.

American Tract Society Bible Dictionary [3]

A mountainous ridge southeast of the Plain of Esdraelon, having on each side a valley connecting the great plain with the Jordan valley. The valley northeast of Gilboa is the proper Jezreel; that on the southwest side separates Gilboa from the hills of Samaria. On the eastern part of Gilboa was the town from which it was named, now Jelbon. In this vicinity Saul, and Jonathan were defeated by the Philistines, and died,  1 Samuel 28:4,25 . It is now a dry and barren mountain,  2 Samuel 1:6,21 . Endor lay north from Gilboa, and Beth- shean northeast.

People's Dictionary of the Bible [4]

Gilboa ( Gil-Bô'Ah or Gîl'Bo-Ah ), Bubbling Fountain. A mountain east of the plain of Jezreel, and where Saul and Jonathan were slain in battle, and from whence Saul went to consult the witch of Endor.  1 Samuel 28:4;  1 Samuel 31:1;  1 Samuel 31:6;  1 Chronicles 10:1;  2 Samuel 1:21.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [5]

Mountain range where Saul and Jonathan were slain.  1 Samuel 28:4;  1 Samuel 31:1,8;  2 Samuel 1:6,21;  2 Samuel 21:12;  1 Chronicles 10:1,8 . When the tidings reached David he exclaimed, "Ye mountains of Gilboa, let there be no dew, neither let there be rain upon you, nor fields of offerings." It is judged to be on the S.W. of the valley of Jezreel.

Easton's Bible Dictionary [6]

 1 Samuel 28:4 31:1-8 2 Samuel 1:6-21 21:12 1 Chronicles 10:1,8 2 Samuel 1:19-27

Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary [7]

MOUNT, a ridge of mountains on the north of Bethshan, or Scythopolis forming in that part the boundary of the plain of Jordan to the west. It is memorable from the defeat of Saul by the Philistines; when his three sons were slain, and he himself died by his own hand, his armour- bearer refusing to kill him, 1 Samuel 31.

Holman Bible Dictionary [8]

 1 Samuel 28:4 1 Samuel 31:8 2 Samuel 1:17-27PalestineSaul

Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary [9]

See Mount Gilboa

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [10]

[many Gil'boa] (Heb. Gilbo'a, גַּלְבֹּע , Boiling Spring, prob. from a neighboring fountain; Sept. and Joseph. Ant. 6:14, 2, also Euseb. Onom. Γελβουέ ), usually called Mount Gilboa ( הִר הִגַּלְבֹּע ), a mountain near which (according to some) Gideon pitched on the eve of his overthrow with the MidianitesJudges 7:1, (See Gilead), 2); but especially memorable for the defeat of Saul by the Philistines, where his three sons were slain, and where he himself died by his own hand ( 1 Samuel 28:4;  1 Samuel 31:1-8;  2 Samuel 1:6-21;  2 Samuel 21:12;  1 Chronicles 10:1;  1 Chronicles 10:8). When the tidings were carried to David, he broke out into this pathetic strain: "Ye mountains of Gilboa, let there be no rain upon you, neither dew, nor field of offering" ( 2 Samuel 1:21).. The circumstances of the narrative would alone suffice to direct our attention to the mountains which bound the great plain of Esdraelon on the south-east, and are interposed between it and the Jordan valley. (See Stanley's Sinai and Palestine, page 337.) Here there are a number of ridges, with a general direction from northwest to south-east, separated by valleys running in the same direction. The largest of these valleys is the southernmost: it is a broad, deep plain, about two miles and a half wide, and leading direct into the Jordan valley. This is supposed to be distinctively (for the plain of Esdraelon is sometimes so called) the Valley of Jezreel. The higher mountains which bound it on the south undoubtedly form Mount Gilboa. Eusebius mentions the mountains of Gilboa as lying six miles from Scythopolis, with a large village upon them called Gelbus ( Γελβοῦς ). There is still, indeed, an inhabited village, in whose name of Jelbon that of Gilboa may be recognised (Robinson's Researches, 3:157, 170). The fountain implied in the name Gilboa may be that mentioned by William of Tyre (22:26) under the name of Tubaania ( טוּב עִיַן ), being the large fountain still found at the north-eastern base, half a mile from the ruins, called in Scripture both the "Well of Harod" ( Judges 7:1) and "The fountain of Jezreel" ( 1 Samuel 29:1), and now called Ain-Jalud. (See Harod).

A knowledge of the topography of this region gives great vividness to several of the Scripture narratives, but especially to that of the fatal battle in which Saul fell. The range about six miles north of Gilboa, and of nearly equal elevation and length, was anciently called the "hill of Moreh" ( Judges 7:1), but now Jebel ed-Duhy (and by travelers "Little Hermon"). The intervening valley, named from the city of Jezreel at the western extremity of Gilboa, has at its eastern end, overlooking the Jordan, the sound and ruins of Bethshean. On the other side of the valley, and near the base of Moreb, stands Shunem; and away behind the latter bill, hidden from view, is the village of Endor. The Philistines encamped on the north side of the valley at Shunem; and Saul took up a position by the fountain of Jezreel, at the base of Gilboa ( 1 Samuel 28:4;  1 Samuel 29:1). From the brow of the hill above the camp Saul had a full view of the enemy, and he was struck with terror at their numbers ( 1 Samuel 28:5). The position he had chosen was a bad one. There is a gradual descent in the valley from Shunem to the base of Gilboa at the fountain, while immediately behind it the hill rises steep and rocky. The Philistines had all the advantage of the gentle descent for their attack, and both front and flanks of the Israelites were exposed, and retreat almost impossible up the steep hill side. On the night before the battle Saul went to Endor. The battle seems to have begun early in the morning, when the king was wearied and dispirited ( 1 Samuel 28:19). The Israelites were broken at once by the fierce onset of the enemy, and the slaughter was terrible as they attempted to flee up the sides of Gilboa. While the terror-stricken masses ware clambering up the rugged slopes, they were completely exposed to the arrows of the Philistine-archers. "They fell down slain in Mount Gilboa" ( 1 Samuel 31:1); "The Philistines followed hard upon Saul and upon his sons," probably when they tried to rally their troops. The three sons fell beside their father; "and the battle went sore against Saul, and the archers bit him; and he was sore wounded of the archers" ( 1 Samuel 31:3). David has caught the peculiarity of the position in his ode: "The beauty of Israel is slain upon the high places;" and, "Jonathan, thou wast slain upon thine high places" ( 2 Samuel 1:19;  2 Samuel 1:25). The stripping and mutilating of the slain is characteristic of the Arab tribes to this day, and Porter witnessed some fearful instances of it in 1858 near this same spot (Hand-book for S. and P. page 355). The Philistines took the body of Saul and fastened it to the wall of the neighboring fortress of Bethshean, from whence it was snatched by a few brave men from Jabesh-Gilead, on the opposite side of the Jordan (Stanley, Jewish Church, 2:30 sq.). (See Saul).

The ridge of Gilboa is bleak and bare (Wilson, Lands of Bible, 2:85; F Ü rst derives from this fact the name of the mountain, q.d. bare land, from גָּבִל , Haeb. Lex. s.v.). The soil is scanty, and the gray limestone, rocks crop out in jagged cliffs and naked crowns, giving the whole a look of painful barrenness. One would almost think, on looking at it, that David's words were prophetic (Van de Velde, Narrative, 2:369). The highest point of Gilboa is said to have an elevation of about 2200 feet above the sea, and 1200 above the valley of Jezreel (Van de Velde, Memoir, page 178). The range of Gilboa extends in length some ten miles from W. to E. The modern local name is Jebel Fekuah, and the highest point is crowned by a village and wely called Wezar (Porter, Hand-book, page 353).

Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [11]

Gil´boa, a mountain memorable for the defeat of Saul by the Philistines, where his three sons were slain, and where he himself died by his own hand (;; ). The circumstances of the narrative would alone suffice to direct our attention to the mountains which bound the great Plain of Esdraelon on the south-east, and are interposed between it and the Jordan valley. Here there are a number of ridges with a general direction from northwest to south-east, separated by valleys running in the same direction. The largest of these valleys is the southernmost: it is a broad deep plain about two miles and a half wide, and leading direct into the Jordan valley. This is supposed to be distinctively (for the Plain of Esdraelon is sometimes so called) the Valley of Jezreel. The mountains which bound it on the north appear to be those of Little Hermon; and the higher mountains which bound it on the south undoubtedly form Mount Gilboa. There is still, indeed, an inhabited village, in whose name of Jelbon that of Gilboa may be recognized.
