
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

King James Dictionary [1]

ER, the termination of many English words, is the Teutonic form of the Latin or the one contracted from wer, the other from vir, a man. It denotes an agent, originally of the masculine gender, but now applied to men or things indifferently as in farmer, heater, grater. At the end names of places, er signifies a man of the place Londoner is the same as London-man.

There is a passage in Herodotus, Melpomene, 110, in which the word wer, vir, a man, is mentioned as used by the Scythians a fact proving the affinity of the Scythian and the Teutonic nations.

"The Scythians call the Amazons Oiorpata, a word which may be rendered, in Greek, menkillers for oior is the name they give to man, pata signifies to kill." Pata, in the Burman language, signifies to kill but it is probable that this is really the English beat.

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [2]


1. Firstborn of Judah, by Bathshua, a Canaanite; the marriage with this daughter of a corrupt race producing sin and sorrow. Tamar was his wife but bore him no son; for "Er was wicked in the sight of the Lord, and the Lord slew him," his sin being probably some abomination connected with the impure Canaanite idolatry ( Genesis 38:3-7).  Genesis 38:2.  1 Chronicles 4:21.

3.  Genesis 46:16.

4.  Luke 3:28.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [3]

1. Eldest son of Judah by a daughter of Shuah, a Canaanite. "He was wicked in the sight of the Lord, and the Lord slew him."  Genesis 38:3,6,7;  Genesis 46:12;  Numbers 26:19;  1 Chronicles 2:3 .

2. Son of Shelah, of the tribe of Judah.  1 Chronicles 4:21 .

3. Son of Jose, in the genealogy of the Lord Jesus.  Luke 3:28 .

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [4]

ER . 1 . The eldest son of Judah by his Canaanitish wife, the daughter of Shua. For wickedness, the nature of which is not described, ‘J″ [Note: Jahweh.] slew him’ (  Genesis 38:3-7 ,   Numbers 26:19 ). 2 . A son of Shelah the son of Judah (  1 Chronicles 4:21 ). 3. An ancestor of Jesus (  Luke 3:28 ).

Smith's Bible Dictionary [5]

Er. (Watchful).

1. First-born of Judah. Er "was wicked in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord slew him."  Genesis 38:3-7;  Numbers 26:19.

2. Descendant of Shelah, the son of Judah.  1 Chronicles 4:21.

3. Son of Jose and father of Elmodam.  Luke 3:28.

Holman Bible Dictionary [6]

 Genesis 38:3 Genesis 38:6-7 2 1 Chronicles 4:21

Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament [7]

ER. —An ancestor of Jesus,  Luke 3:28.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [8]

(Hebrews id. עֵר , Watchful; Sept. and N.T. "Hp, Vulg. Her.), the name of three men. (See Eri).

1. The oldest son of the patriarch Judah by BathShuah (daughter of Shuah), a Canaanitess. His wife was Tamar, but he had no issue, and his widow eventually became the mother of Pharez and Zarah by Judah. Er "was wicked [ רע , a paronomasia of ער ] in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord slew him" ( Genesis 38:3-7;  Numbers 26:19). B.C. cir. 1896. It does not appear what the nature of his sin was; but, from his Canaanitish birth on the mother's side, it was probably connected with the abominable idolatries of Canaan.

2. A "son" of Shelah (Judah's son), and "father" of Lecah1 Chronicles 4:21). B.C. prob. ante 1618.

3. Son of Jose and father of Elmodan, in Christ's genealogy, of David's private line prior to SalathielLuke 3:28). B.C. cir. 725.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [9]

âr ( ער , ‛ēr , "watcher"; Ἤρ , Ēr ):

(1) The eldest son of Judah, the son of Jacob, by Shua the Canaanite. Judah took for him a wife named Tamar. It is recorded that Er "was wicked in the sight of Yahweh; and Yahweh slew him" ( Genesis 38:3 ,  Genesis 38:6 ,  Genesis 38:7;  Genesis 46:12 ).

(2) "Er the father of Lecah" is mentioned among "the sons of Shelah the son of Judah" ( 1 Chronicles 4:21 ).

(3) An ancestor of Jesus in Luke's genealogy in the 7th generation before ZerubbabelLuke 3:28 ).
