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Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary [1]

There are several of this name in Scripture: one among the sons of Jeconiah, ( 1 Chronicles 3:17) and another mentioned  Ezra 3:2—but here it is spelt according to the Hebrew, Shealtiel, but both is the same name, and derived from the same root, Sheal, a loan. So that it should seem the father of the first Salathiel called his son by this name, as Hannah did her Samuel, because it was a loan or gift asked of God. (See  1 Samuel 1:20) —in the margin also of the Bible. We meet with another Salathiel ( Matthew 1:12) and another, ( Luke 3:27) though some have thought that this was one and the same person, the branches here uniting in this genealogy of Christ.

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [2]

Greek Shealtiel , Hebrew "I have asked God" (compare  1 Samuel 1:20;  1 Samuel 1:27-28). Son of Jeconias king of Judah, father of Zerobabel according to  Matthew 1:12; but son of Neri, and father of Zerobabel according to  Luke 3:27; see also  1 Chronicles 3:17-19. No genealogy would assign to a king's true son and heir an inferior parentage, whereas a private person's son would naturally be ranked in the king's pedigree on his becoming rightful heir of the throne, therefore Luke's genealogy must be that of the natural descent, and Salathiel was "son of Neri," descended from Nathan son of David. On Jeconiah's dying childless, as Jeremiah foretold, and Solomon's line thereby failing, Salathiel was heir to David's throne (See Shealtiel .)

American Tract Society Bible Dictionary [3]

 1 Corinthians 3:17 , or SHEALTIEL, father of Zerubbabel,  Ezra 3:2   Nehemiah 12:1   Haggai 1:1; one of the ancestors of Christ, named in both the gospel genealogies,  Matthew 1:14   Luke 3:27 . See Genealogy .

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [4]

SALATHIEL . 1 . (  Esther 5:5  Esther 5:5; 1Es 5:48; 1Es 5:56; 1E  Esther 6:2 ) = Shealtiel (wh. see). 2 . Another name of Esdras ( 2E  Esther 3:1 ).

Smith's Bible Dictionary [5]

Sala'thi-el. (I Have Asked Of God).  1 Chronicles 3:17. The Authorized Version has Salathiel in  1 Chronicles 3:17, but everywhere else in the Old Testament as Shealtiel .

Easton's Bible Dictionary [6]

 Matthew 1:12 1 Chronicles 3:17 Luke 3:27 Jeremiah 22:30

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [7]

(Heb. Shealtiel', שְּׁאִלְתַּיאֵל , Asked Of God ; Sept. and New Test. Σαλαθιήλ ; more correctly, "Shealtiel," in the A.V. in  Ezra 3:2;  Nehemiah 12:1;  Haggai 1:12;  Haggai 1:14;  Haggai 2:2). It is customary to distinguish two of this name, from the apparent difference of parentage in Matthew 1, 12 and Luke 3, 27, but probably they were one, and the manner of keeping the Jewish records will readily suggest methods of reconciling the passages (comp. Strong, Harmony and Expos. of the Gospels, p. 16). (See Genealogy Of Christ). Salathiel was the son of Jeconiah, perhaps grandson of NeriLuke 3:27), and father of Zerubbabel (1 Chronicles 3, 17; Ezra 3, 2;  Nehemiah 12:1;  Haggai 1:12;  Haggai 1:14;  Haggai 2:2;  Matthew 1:12;  Luke 3:27. (See Shealtiel).

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [8]

sa - lā´thi - el  :

(1) ( Σαλαθιήλ , Salathiḗl ): the King James Version; Greek form of "Shealtiel" (thus the Revised Version (British and American)). The father of Zerubbabel (1 Esdras 5:5,48, 56; 6:2;   Matthew 1:12;  Luke 3:27 ).

(2) Revised Version: Another name of Esdras (2 Esdras 3:1, "Salathiel").

Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [9]

Sala´thiel [SHEALTIEL]
