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Hook <ref name="term_4802" />
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_127424" /> ==
<p> ''''' hook ''''' : (1) הכּה , <i> ''''' ḥakkāh ''''' </i> , is rendered "fishhook" in Job 41:1 the Revised Version (British and American) (the King James Version "hook"). the Revised Version (British and American) is correct here and should have used the same translation for the same word in Isaiah 19:8; Habakkuk 1:15 , instead Of retaining AV's "angle." Similarly in Amos 4:2 , צנּה , <i> '''''cinnāh''''' </i> , and סירות דּוּגה , <i> '''''ṣı̄rōth dūghāh''''' </i> , appear to be synonyms for "fishhook," although the former may mean the barb of a fisher's spear. In the New [[Testament]] "fishhook" occurs in Matthew 17:27 ( ἂγκιστρον , <i> '''''ágkistron''''' </i> ). (2) The "flesh-hook." ( מזלג , <i> '''''mazlēgh''''' </i> , מזלגה , <i> '''''mizlāghāh''''' </i> ) of Exodus 27:3 , etc., was probably a small pitchfork, with two or three tines. (3) The "pruning-hook" ( מזמרה , <i> '''''mazmērāh''''' </i> ), used in the culture of the vine ( Isaiah 18:5 ), was a sickle-shaped knife, small enough to be made from the metal of a spear-point ( Isaiah 2:4; Joel 3:10; Micah 4:3 ). (4) וו , <i> '''''wāw''''' </i> , is the name given the supports of certain hangings of the tabernacle ( Exodus 26:32 , etc.). Their form is entirely obscure. (5) חה , <i> '''''ḥaḥ''''' </i> , is rendered "hook" in 2 Kings 19:28 = Isaiah 37:29; Ezekiel 29:4; Ezekiel 38:4 , and Ezekiel 19:4 , Ezekiel 19:9 the Revised Version (British and American) (the King James Version "chain"). A <i> ring </i> (compare Exodus 35:22 ), put in the nose of a tamed beast and through which a rope is passed to lead him, is probably meant. (6) אגמון , <i> ''''''aghmōn''''' </i> , is rendered "hook" in Job 41:2 the King James Version, but should be "a rope" of rushes or rush-fiber as in the Revised Version (British and American), or, simply, "a rush" (on which small fish are strung). (7) חוח , <i> '''''ḥōaḥ''''' </i> , is "hook" in Job 41:2 the Revised Version (British and American) (the King James Version "thorn," perhaps right) and 2 Chronicles 33:11 the Revised Version margin (text chains," Ay "thorns,"). On both verses see the commentaries (8) שׁפתּים , <i> '''''shephattayim''''' </i> , is "hooks" in Ezekiel 40:43 (the Revised Version margin "ledges"), but the meaning of this word is completely unknown, and "hook" is a mere guess. </p>
<p> '''(1):''' ''' (''' n.) A spit or narrow cape of sand or gravel turned landward at the outer end; as, Sandy Hook. </p> <p> '''(2):''' ''' (''' v. i.) to make off; to clear out; - often with it. </p> <p> '''(3):''' ''' (''' v. i.) To move or go with a sudden turn; </p> <p> '''(4):''' ''' (''' v. t.) To catch or fasten with a hook or hooks; to seize, capture, or hold, as with a hook, esp. with a disguised or baited hook; hence, to secure by allurement or artifice; to entrap; to catch; as, to hook a dress; to hook a trout. </p> <p> '''(5):''' ''' (''' n.) The projecting points of the thigh bones of cattle; - called also hook bones. </p> <p> '''(6):''' ''' (''' n.) A piece of metal, or other hard material, formed or bent into a curve or at an angle, for catching, holding, or sustaining anything; as, a hook for catching fish; a hook for fastening a gate; a boat hook, etc. </p> <p> '''(7):''' ''' (''' v. i.) To bend; to curve as a hook. </p> <p> '''(8):''' ''' (''' v. t.) To steal. </p> <p> '''(9):''' ''' (''' v. t.) To seize or pierce with the points of the horns, as cattle in attacking enemies; to gore. </p> <p> '''(10):''' ''' (''' n.) An implement for cutting grass or grain; a sickle; an instrument for cutting or lopping; a billhook. </p> <p> '''(11):''' ''' (''' n.) That part of a hinge which is fixed to a post, and on which a door or gate hangs and turns. </p> <p> '''(12):''' ''' (''' n.) A field sown two years in succession. </p> <p> '''(13):''' ''' (''' n.) A snare; a trap. </p> <p> '''(14):''' ''' (''' n.) See Eccentric, and V-hook. </p>
== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_35671" /> ==
<p> For fishing (&nbsp;Amos 4:2). In &nbsp;Job 41:2 translated, "canst thou put a rush rope into his nose? or bore his jaw through with a hook?" or ring attached by a cord to a stake; such rings were put through the mouth of a fish to keep it secure, yet alive, in the water. Wild beasts were led about by the same means. &nbsp;Ezekiel 19:4, "they brought him with chains," rather hooks such as were fastened in a wild beast's nose. So in the [[Assyrian]] remains at Khorsabad captives are represented with a hook in the nose or upper lip, and a cord attached in the king's hand. </p> <p> So God threatens the Assyrian king himself. with retribution in kind, "I will put My hook in thy nose" (&nbsp;Isaiah 37:29), as thou didst to others. So the last antichrist shall fare, of whom [[Sennacherib]] is type (&nbsp;Ezekiel 38:4). So &nbsp;2 Chronicles 33:11, "in the thorns," rather perhaps "the captains of the host of the king of [[Assyria]] took [[Manasseh]] with hooks" or "rings" passed through his lips (Maurer). [[Might]] not the "thorns" be the instrument of chastising him, just as it was that used by [[Gideon]] upon the elders of [[Succoth]] (&nbsp;Judges 8:7; &nbsp;Judges 8:16)? In &nbsp;Ezekiel 40:43 the "hooks" are "fastened" in the walls to hang the meat from for roasting, or else to hang up animals to flay them. </p>
== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_60833" /> ==
<p> HOOK, n. </p> 1. A piece of iron or other metal bent into a curve for catching, holding and sustaining any thing as a hook for catching fish a teeter-hook a chimney-hook a pot-hook, &c. 2. A snare a trap. 3. A curving instrument for cutting grass or grain a sickle an instrument for cutting or lopping. 4. That part of a hinge which is fixed or inserted in a post. [[Whence]] the phrase, to be off the hooks, to be unhinged, to be disturbed or disordered. 5. A forked timber in a ship, placed on the keel. 6. A catch an advantage. Vulgar. 7. In husbandry, a field sown two years running. Local. <p> By hook and by crook, one way or other by any means, direct or indirect. </p> <p> HOOK, To catch with a hook as, to hook a fish. </p> 1. To seize and draw, as with a hook. 2. To fasten with a hook. 3. To entrap to ensnare. 4. To draw by force or artifice. <p> To hook on, to apply a hook. </p> <p> HOOK, To bend to be curving. </p>
== Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words <ref name="term_78019" /> ==
<div> '''1: '''''Ἄγκιστρον''''' ''' (Strong'S #44 — Noun Neuter — ankistron — ang'-kis-tron ) </div> <p> "a fish-hook" (from ankos, "a bend;" Lat. angulus; Eng., "anchor" and "angle" are akin), is used in &nbsp;Matthew 17:27 . In the Sept., &nbsp;2—Kings 19:28; &nbsp;Job 40:20; &nbsp;Isaiah 19:8; &nbsp;Ezekiel 32:3; &nbsp;Habakkuk 1:15 . </p>
== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_31805" /> ==
<li> 'Agmon (&nbsp;Job 41:2 , Heb. Text 40:26), incorrectly rendered in the Authorized Version. Properly a rush-rope for binding animals, as in Revised Version margin. <div> <p> '''Copyright Statement''' These dictionary topics are from M.G. Easton [[M.A., DD]]  Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Third Edition, published by [[Thomas]] Nelson, 1897. Public Domain. </p> <p> '''Bibliography Information''' Easton, Matthew George. Entry for 'Hook'. Easton's Bible Dictionary. https://www.studylight.org/dictionaries/eng/ebd/h/hook.html. 1897. </p> </div> </li>
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_51466" /> ==
<p> <strong> HOOK. 1. </strong> <em> vav </em> , a book or ring with a spike driven into wood (&nbsp; Exodus 26:32 etc.). <strong> 2.&nbsp; Isaiah 19:8 </strong> , &nbsp;Job 41:1 , &nbsp; Amos 4:2 , &nbsp; Matthew 17:27 . The hook used in fishing was of course attached to a line, but whether the latter was simply held in the hand or was attached to a rod cannot be decided. </p>
== Holman Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_41033" /> ==
&nbsp;Exodus 26:32&nbsp;Exodus 27:10&nbsp;Isaiah 19:8&nbsp;Job 40:24&nbsp;Habakkuk 1:15&nbsp;Matthew 17:27&nbsp;2 Chronicles 33:11&nbsp;Ezekiel 38:4&nbsp;Amos 4:2
== Smith's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_72869" /> ==
<p> '''Hook.''' ''See '' [[Hooks]] ''.'' </p>
== Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament <ref name="term_56093" /> ==
<p> <b> HOOK. </b> —See Fish. </p>
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_44482" /> ==
<p> Is the rendering in the Auth. Vers. of the following terms in the original. (See [[Fish-Hook]]); (See [[Flesh-Hook]]); (See [[Pruning-Hook]]). The idea of a [[Thorn]] enters into the etymology of several of them, probably because a thorn, ''Hooked'' or straight, was the earliest instrument of this kind. Tacitus thus describes the dress of the ancient Germans. "A loose mantle fastened with a clasp, or, when that cannot be had, with a thorn" (Germ. 17). (See Thorn). </p> <p> '''1.''' '''''חָח''''' '', Chach'' (lit. a ''Thorn),'' a [[Ring]] inserted in the nostrils of animals, to which a cord was fastened in order to lead them about or tame them (&nbsp;2 Kings 19:28; &nbsp;Isaiah 37:29; &nbsp;Ezekiel 29:4; &nbsp;Ezekiel 38:4; compare Job 40:26); also a "chain" for a captive (&nbsp;Ezekiel 19:4; &nbsp;Ezekiel 19:9), and "bracelets" for females (&nbsp;Exodus 25:22, where others a ''Nose-Ring,'' others a ''Clasp'' for fastening the dress). In the first two of the above passages, [[Jehovah]] intimates his absolute control over Sennacherib by an allusion to the practice of leading buffaloes, camels, dromedaries, etc., by means of a cord, or of a cord attached to a ring, passed through the nostrils (Shaw, Travels, p. 167-8, 2nd ed.). Such a ring is oftentimes placed through the nose of a bull, and is likewise used in the East for leading about lions, camels, and other animals. A similar method was adopted for leading prisoners, as in the case of Manasseh, who was led with rings (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 33:11). An illustration of this practice is found in a bas-relief discovered at Khorsabad (Layard, 2, 376; see also the cut under EYE). The term '''''מוֹקֵשׁ''''' is used in a similar sense in &nbsp;Job 40:24 (A.V. "bore his nose with a gin." margin). Another form of the same term, '''''חוֹח''''' (A.V. "thorn"), is likewise properly a [[Ring]] placed through the mouth of a large fish, and attached by a cord ( '''''אִגְמֹן''''' ) to a stake for the purpose of keeping it alive in the water (&nbsp;Job 41:2); the word meaning the [[Cord]] is rendered "hook" in the A.V. See below. </p> <p> '''2.''' The cognate word '''''חִכָּה''''' , ''Chakkah','' means a [[Fishhook]] (&nbsp;Job 41:1, "angle;" &nbsp;Isaiah 19:8; &nbsp;Habakkuk 1:15). This passage in Job has occasioned the following speculations (see, for instance, Harris's ''Nat. Hist. Of The Bible,'' art. Leviathal, London 1825). It has been assumed that Bochart has completely proved the Leviathan to mean the [[Crocodile]] (Rosenm '''''Ü''''' ller on Bochart, 3, 737, etc., 769, etc., Lips. 1796). [[Herodotus]] has then been quoted, where he relates that the [[Egyptians]] near Lake Maeris select a crocodile, render him tame, and suspend ornaments to his ears, and sometimes gems of great value; his fore feet being adorned with bracelets (2, 69); and the mummies of crocodiles, having their ears thus bored, have been discovered (Kenrick's Egypt of Herodotus, p. 97, London 1841). Hence it is concluded that this passage in Job refers to the facts mentioned by Herodotus; and, doubtless, the terms employed, especially by the Sept. and Vulg., and the third and following verses, favor the supposition, for there the captive is represented as suppliant and obsequious, in a state of security and servitude, and the object of diversion, "played with" as with a bird, and serving for the sport of maidens. </p> <p> Herodotus is further quoted to show that in his time the Egyptians captured the crocodile with a hook ( '''''Ἄγκιστρον''''' ''),With'' which ''( '''''Ἐξελκύσθη''''' '''''Εἰς''''' '''''Τῆν''''' '''''Γῆν''''' )'' he was [[Drawn]] ashore; and accounts are certainly given by modern travelers of the continuance of this practice (Maillet, ''Descrip. D'Egypte, 2,'' 127, ed. Hag., 1740). But does not the ''Entire Description'' go upon the supposition of the [[Impossibility]] of so treating ''Leviathan?'' [[Supposing]] the allusions to be correctly interpreted, is it not as much as to say, "Canst thou treat ''Him'' as thou canst treat the crocodile and ''Other Fierce'' creatures?" Dr. [[Lee]] has, indeed, given reasons which render it ''Doubtful,'' at least, whether the leviathan ''Does'' mean the crocodile in this passage, or whether it does not mean some species of ''Whale,'' as was formerly supposed the ''Delphinus Orca Communis'' or common grampus, found in the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, and also in the Nile. (See his examination of Bochart's reasonings, etc., in ''Translation And Notes On Job,'' p. 197 and 529-539, London 1837). So the above term in Ezekiel 29 : "I will put my hooks in thy jaws, and I will cause thee to come up out of the midst of thy rivers," where the prophet foretells the destruction of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, by allusions to the destruction, possibly, of a crocodile, the symbol of Egypt. Thus Pliny (Hist. Nat. 8, 25) states, that the Tentyritee (inhabitants of Egypt) followed the crocodile, swimming after it in the river, sprung upon its back, thrust a bar into its mouth; which being held by its two extremities, serves as a bit, and enables them to brace it on shore (comp. &nbsp;Ezekiel 29:3-4). [[Strabo]] relates that the; Tentyritae displayed their feats before the Romans (17 560, ed. Casaub.). (See [[Leviathan]]). </p> <p> '''3.''' '''''וָו''''' '', Vav,'' a [[Peg]] or pin, upon which the curtains of the Tabernacle were hung, springing out of the capitals(&nbsp;Exodus 26:32, etc.). The Sept. and [[Jerome]] seem to, have understood the ''Capitals Of The Pillars;'' and it has been urged that this is more likely to be the meaning than ''Hooks,'' especially as 1775 shekels of silver were used in making these '''''וָוַים''''' for the pillars, overlaying the chapiters, and filleting them (ch. 38, 28), and that the [[Hooks]] are really the '''''קרסים''''' , [[Taches]] (&nbsp;Exodus 26:6; &nbsp;Exodus 26:11; &nbsp;Exodus 26:33; &nbsp;Exodus 26:35; &nbsp;Exodus 39:33). Yet the Sept. also renders '''''ווים''''' , '''''Κρίκοι''''' , rings or [[Clasps]] (&nbsp;Exodus 27:10-11, and '''''Ἀγκύλαι''''' , &nbsp;Exodus 38:17; &nbsp;Exodus 38:19); and from a comparison of these, two latter passages, it would seem that these hooks, or rather tenters, rose out of the chapiters or heads of the pillars. The word seems to have given name to the letter '''''ו''''' in the [[Hebrew]] alphabet, possibly from a similarity of the form in which the latter appears in the Greek ''Digamma,'' to that of a hook. Mr. Paine ''(Solomon'S Temple,'' etc., p. 25) regards these "hooks" as having been rather pins driven into the heads of the pillars, and thus projecting upward from them like a small tenon, upon which the silver rods were slipped by means of a small hole or eye in the latter. This would serve: to keep the pillars together. (See [[Tabernacle]]). </p> <p> '''4.''' '''''צַנָּה''''' '', Tsinnah' (Lit. Thorn), Afish-Hook'' (&nbsp;Amos 4:2; elsewhere a shield). (See [[Fishing]]), etc.; (See [[Angle]]). </p> <p> In the same verse, '''''סַירוֹת''''' , ''Siroth','' "fish-hooks,'" where both Sept. and Vulg. seem to have taken '''''סיר''''' in. the sense of a pot or caldron instead of a fish-hook. (See [[Caldron]]). </p> <p> '''5.''' '''''מִזְלֵג''''' , ''Mazleg''' (&nbsp;1 Samuel 2:13-14), "flesh-hook," and the '''''מִזְלְגוֹת''''' , "the flesh-hooks" (&nbsp;Exodus 27:3, and elsewhere). This was evidently in the first passage a. trident "of three teeth," a kind of fork, etc., for turningthe sacrifices on the fire, and for collecting fragments, etc. (See Flesh-Hook). </p> <p> '''6.''' '''''מִזְמֵרוֹת''''' '', Mazmeroth''' (&nbsp;Isaiah 2:4, and elsewhere),. "beat their spears into pruning-hooks" ''( '''''Δρἐπανα''''' , Falces).'' The Roman poets have the same metaphor (Martial, 14:34, "Falx ex ense"). In &nbsp;Micah 4:3, ''In Ligones,'' weeding-hooks, or shovels, spades, etc. Joel reverses the metaphor "pruning-hooks" into spears (3, 10, ''Ligo-Nes);'' and so [[Ovid]] ''(Fasti,'' 1, 697, ''In Pila Ligones).'' SEE-PRUNING-HOOK. </p> <p> '''7.''' [[Doubtful]] is '''''שְׁפִתִּיַם''''' , ''Shephatta'Yim, Stalls'' for cattle: ("pots," &nbsp;Psalms 48:13), also the cedar beams in the Temple court with hooks for flaying the victims (&nbsp;Ezekiel 40:43). Other meanings given are ledges (Vulg. ''La-'' bia), or eaves, as though the word were '''''שְׂפָתִיַם''''' pens for keeping the animals previous to their being slaughtered; hearthstones, as in the margin of the A.V.; and lastly, gutters to receive and carry off the blood from the slaughtered animals. [[Gesenius]] (Thesaur. p. 1470) explains the term as signifying stalls in the courts of the Temple where the sacrificial victims were fastened: our translators give in the margin "andirons, or the two hearthstones." The Sept. seems equally at a loss, '''''Καὶπαλαιστὴν''''' '''''Ἕξουσι''''' '''''Γεῖσος''''' ; as also Jerome, who renders it ''Labia.'' Schlcusner pronounces '''''Γεῖσος''''' to be a barbarous word formed from '''''חיוֹ''''' , and understands ''Epistylium,'' a little pillar set on another, and ''Capitellum,'' columned. The [[Chaldee]] renders '''''עונקלין''''' , short posts in the house of the slaughterers on which to suspend the sacrifices. Dr. Lightfoot, in his chapter "on the altar, the rings, and the laver," observes, "On the north side of the altar were six orders of rings, each of which contained six, at which they killed the sacrifices. Near by were ''Low Pillars'' set up, upon which were laid overthwart beams of cedar; on these were fastened rows of ''Hooks,'' on which the sacrifices were hung; and they were flayed on marble tables, which were between these pillars" (see vers. 41, 42; Works, vol. 11, ch. 20, 14, London 1684-5-6). (See [[Temple]]). </p> <p> '''8.''' Obviously an incorrect rendering for '''''אִגְמוֹן''''' , ''Ag-Mon','' a ''Rush-Rope,'' used for binding animals, perhaps by '''''‘''''' means of the ring in their nose (&nbsp;Job 41:2; elsewhere " '''''‘''''' rush" or "caldron"). (See [[Flag]]). </p> <p> '''9.''' Finally, '''''Δρεπανηφόρα''''' in &nbsp;2 [[Maccabees]] 13:2 is rendered "armed with hooks," referring to the scythe-armed chariots of the ancients. (See [[Chariot]]). </p>
== Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature <ref name="term_15805" /> ==
<p> Several Hebrew words are so rendered in the English Version. </p> <p> Hook, 1 </p> <p> [[Hook]] , 'I will put my hook in thy nose.' The parallel passage the Sept. reads 'I will put my muzzle, halter, or noose,' etc. Jehovah here intimates his absolute control over Sennacherib, by an allusion to the practice of leading buffaloes, camels, dromedaries, etc. by means of a cord, or of a cord attached to a ring, passed through the nostrils. 'Canst thou draw out Leviathan with a hook? or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down? Canst thou place a reed-cord in his nose, or bore through his cheek with a thorn?' (clasp, or possibly bracelet, etc.). 'Wilt thou draw out a dragon with a hook? [[Wilt]] thou bind a band about his nose? Wilt thou fasten a ring in his nose, or bore his lip with a bracelet?' This passage in Job has undergone the following speculations. It has been assumed, that Bochart has completely proved the Leviathan to mean the crocodile. Herodotus has then been quoted, where he relates that the Egyptians near Lake Mœris select a crocodile, render him tame, and suspend ornaments to his ears, and sometimes gems of great value; his fore-feet being adorned with bracelets (ii. 69); and the mummies of crocodiles, having their ears thus bored, have been discovered. Hence it is concluded that this passage in Job refers to the facts mentioned by Herodotus; and, doubtless, the terms employed, especially by the Sept. and Vulg., and the third and following verses, favor the supposition; for there the captive is represented as suppliant and obsequious, in a state of security and servitude, and the object of diversion, 'played with' as with a bird, and serving for the sport of maidens. Herodotus is further quoted to show that in his time the Egyptians captured the crocodile with a hook, and with which he was drawn ashore; and accounts are certainly given by modern travelers of the continuance of this practice. But does not the entire description go upon the supposition of the impossibility of so treating Leviathan? Supposing the allusions to be correctly interpreted, is it not as much as to say, 'Canst thou treat him as thou canst treat the crocodile and other fierce creatures? Dr. Lee has, indeed, given reasons which render it doubtful, at least, whether the leviathan does mean the crocodile in this passage, or whether it does not mean some species of whale, as was formerly supposed; the common grampus, found in the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, and also in the Nile [LEVIATHAN]. , 'I will put my hooks in thy jaws,' etc.; 'and I will cause thee to come up out of the midst of thy rivers,'where the prophet foretells the destruction of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, by allusions to the destruction, possibly, of a crocodile, the symbol of Egypt. Thus Pliny states, that the Tentyritæ (inhabitants of Egypt) followed the crocodile, swimming after it in the river, sprung upon its back, thrust a bar into its mouth, which, being held by its two extremities, serves as a bit, and enables them to force it on shore (comp. ). </p> <p> Hook, 2 </p> <p> Hook (;; ), 'hooks,' where the Sept. and Jerome seem to have understood the capitals of the pillar and it has been urged that this is more likely to be the meaning than hooks, especially as 1775 shekels of silver were used in making them for the pillars, overlaying the chapiters, and filleting them and that the hooks are really the taches (;;;; ). Yet the Sept. also renders the word 'rings' or 'clasps' (;; ); and from a comparison of these two latter passages it would seem that these hooks, or rather tenters, rose out of the chapiters or heads of the pillars. </p> <p> Hook, 3 </p> <p> Hook , 'flesh-hook.' This was evidently a trident 'of three teeth,' a kind of fork, etc. for turning the sacrifices on the fire, and for collecting fragments, etc. (2) (, and elsewhere) 'beat their spears into pruning-hooks.' In , weeding-hooks, or shovels, spades, etc. Joel reverses the metaphor 'pruning-hooks into spears' . (3) , 'hooks,' which Gesenius explains stalls in the courts of the Temple, where the sacrificial victims were fastened: our translators give in the margin 'andirons, or the two hearth-stones.' Dr. Lightfoot, in his chapter 'on the altar, the rings, and the laver,' observes, 'On the north side of the altar were six orders of rings, each of which contained six, at which they killed the sacrifices. Nearby were low pillars set up, upon which were laid overthwart beams of cedar; on these were fastened rows of hooks, on which the sacrifices were hung; and they were flayed on marble tables, which were between these pillars.' </p>
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_4802" /> ==
<p> ''''' hook ''''' : (1) הכּה , <i> ''''' ḥakkāh ''''' </i> , is rendered "fishhook" in &nbsp; Job 41:1 the Revised Version (British and American) (the King James Version "hook"). the Revised Version (British and American) is correct here and should have used the same translation for the same word in &nbsp; Isaiah 19:8; &nbsp;Habakkuk 1:15 , instead Of retaining AV's "angle." Similarly in &nbsp;Amos 4:2 , צנּה , <i> ''''' cinnāh ''''' </i> , and סירות דּוּגה , <i> ''''' ṣı̄rōth dūghāh ''''' </i> , appear to be synonyms for "fishhook," although the former may mean the barb of a fisher's spear. In the New [[Testament]] "fishhook" occurs in &nbsp;Matthew 17:27 ( ἂγκιστρον , <i> ''''' ágkistron ''''' </i> ). (2) The "flesh-hook." (מזלג , <i> ''''' mazlēgh ''''' </i> , מזלגה , <i> ''''' mizlāghāh ''''' </i> ) of &nbsp;Exodus 27:3 , etc., was probably a small pitchfork, with two or three tines. (3) The "pruning-hook" (מזמרה , <i> ''''' mazmērāh ''''' </i> ), used in the culture of the vine (&nbsp;Isaiah 18:5 ), was a sickle-shaped knife, small enough to be made from the metal of a spear-point (&nbsp;Isaiah 2:4; &nbsp;Joel 3:10; &nbsp;Micah 4:3 ). (4) וו , <i> ''''' wāw ''''' </i> , is the name given the supports of certain hangings of the tabernacle (&nbsp;Exodus 26:32 , etc.). Their form is entirely obscure. (5) חה , <i> ''''' ḥaḥ ''''' </i> , is rendered "hook" in &nbsp;2 Kings 19:28 = &nbsp; Isaiah 37:29; &nbsp;Ezekiel 29:4; &nbsp;Ezekiel 38:4 , and &nbsp;Ezekiel 19:4 , &nbsp;Ezekiel 19:9 the Revised Version (British and American) (the King James Version "chain"). A <i> ring </i> (compare &nbsp; Exodus 35:22 ), put in the nose of a tamed beast and through which a rope is passed to lead him, is probably meant. (6) אגמון , <i> ''''' 'aghmōn ''''' </i> , is rendered "hook" in &nbsp;Job 41:2 the King James Version, but should be "a rope" of rushes or rush-fiber as in the Revised Version (British and American), or, simply, "a rush" (on which small fish are strung). (7) חוח , <i> ''''' ḥōaḥ ''''' </i> , is "hook" in &nbsp;Job 41:2 the Revised Version (British and American) (the King James Version "thorn," perhaps right) and &nbsp; 2 Chronicles 33:11 the Revised Version margin (text chains," Ay "thorns,"). On both verses see the commentaries (8) שׁפתּים , <i> ''''' shephattayim ''''' </i> , is "hooks" in &nbsp;Ezekiel 40:43 (the Revised Version margin "ledges"), but the meaning of this word is completely unknown, and "hook" is a mere guess. </p>
==References ==
==References ==
<ref name="term_127424"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/webster-s-dictionary/hook Hook from Webster's Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_35671"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/fausset-s-bible-dictionary/hook Hook from Fausset's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_60833"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/king-james-dictionary/hook Hook from King James Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_78019"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/vine-s-expository-dictionary-of-nt-words/hook Hook from Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words]</ref>
<ref name="term_31805"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/easton-s-bible-dictionary/hook Hook from Easton's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_51466"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/hastings-dictionary-of-the-bible/hook Hook from Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible]</ref>
<ref name="term_41033"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/holman-bible-dictionary/hook Hook from Holman Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_72869"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/smith-s-bible-dictionary/hook Hook from Smith's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_56093"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/hastings-dictionary-of-the-new-testament/hook Hook from Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament]</ref>
<ref name="term_44482"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/cyclopedia-of-biblical-theological-and-ecclesiastical-literature/hook Hook from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>
<ref name="term_15805"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/kitto-s-popular-cyclopedia-of-biblial-literature/hook Hook from Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature]</ref>
<ref name="term_4802"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia/hook Hook from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>
<ref name="term_4802"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia/hook Hook from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>

Latest revision as of 13:51, 14 October 2021

Webster's Dictionary [1]

(1): ( n.) A spit or narrow cape of sand or gravel turned landward at the outer end; as, Sandy Hook.

(2): ( v. i.) to make off; to clear out; - often with it.

(3): ( v. i.) To move or go with a sudden turn;

(4): ( v. t.) To catch or fasten with a hook or hooks; to seize, capture, or hold, as with a hook, esp. with a disguised or baited hook; hence, to secure by allurement or artifice; to entrap; to catch; as, to hook a dress; to hook a trout.

(5): ( n.) The projecting points of the thigh bones of cattle; - called also hook bones.

(6): ( n.) A piece of metal, or other hard material, formed or bent into a curve or at an angle, for catching, holding, or sustaining anything; as, a hook for catching fish; a hook for fastening a gate; a boat hook, etc.

(7): ( v. i.) To bend; to curve as a hook.

(8): ( v. t.) To steal.

(9): ( v. t.) To seize or pierce with the points of the horns, as cattle in attacking enemies; to gore.

(10): ( n.) An implement for cutting grass or grain; a sickle; an instrument for cutting or lopping; a billhook.

(11): ( n.) That part of a hinge which is fixed to a post, and on which a door or gate hangs and turns.

(12): ( n.) A field sown two years in succession.

(13): ( n.) A snare; a trap.

(14): ( n.) See Eccentric, and V-hook.

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [2]

For fishing ( Amos 4:2). In  Job 41:2 translated, "canst thou put a rush rope into his nose? or bore his jaw through with a hook?" or ring attached by a cord to a stake; such rings were put through the mouth of a fish to keep it secure, yet alive, in the water. Wild beasts were led about by the same means.  Ezekiel 19:4, "they brought him with chains," rather hooks such as were fastened in a wild beast's nose. So in the Assyrian remains at Khorsabad captives are represented with a hook in the nose or upper lip, and a cord attached in the king's hand.

So God threatens the Assyrian king himself. with retribution in kind, "I will put My hook in thy nose" ( Isaiah 37:29), as thou didst to others. So the last antichrist shall fare, of whom Sennacherib is type ( Ezekiel 38:4). So  2 Chronicles 33:11, "in the thorns," rather perhaps "the captains of the host of the king of Assyria took Manasseh with hooks" or "rings" passed through his lips (Maurer). Might not the "thorns" be the instrument of chastising him, just as it was that used by Gideon upon the elders of Succoth ( Judges 8:7;  Judges 8:16)? In  Ezekiel 40:43 the "hooks" are "fastened" in the walls to hang the meat from for roasting, or else to hang up animals to flay them.

King James Dictionary [3]

HOOK, n.

1. A piece of iron or other metal bent into a curve for catching, holding and sustaining any thing as a hook for catching fish a teeter-hook a chimney-hook a pot-hook, &c. 2. A snare a trap. 3. A curving instrument for cutting grass or grain a sickle an instrument for cutting or lopping. 4. That part of a hinge which is fixed or inserted in a post. Whence the phrase, to be off the hooks, to be unhinged, to be disturbed or disordered. 5. A forked timber in a ship, placed on the keel. 6. A catch an advantage. Vulgar. 7. In husbandry, a field sown two years running. Local.

By hook and by crook, one way or other by any means, direct or indirect.

HOOK, To catch with a hook as, to hook a fish.

1. To seize and draw, as with a hook. 2. To fasten with a hook. 3. To entrap to ensnare. 4. To draw by force or artifice.

To hook on, to apply a hook.

HOOK, To bend to be curving.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [4]

1: Ἄγκιστρον (Strong'S #44 — Noun Neuter — ankistron — ang'-kis-tron )

"a fish-hook" (from ankos, "a bend;" Lat. angulus; Eng., "anchor" and "angle" are akin), is used in  Matthew 17:27 . In the Sept.,  2—Kings 19:28;  Job 40:20;  Isaiah 19:8;  Ezekiel 32:3;  Habakkuk 1:15 .

Easton's Bible Dictionary [5]

  • 'Agmon ( Job 41:2 , Heb. Text 40:26), incorrectly rendered in the Authorized Version. Properly a rush-rope for binding animals, as in Revised Version margin.

    Copyright Statement These dictionary topics are from M.G. Easton M.A., DD Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Third Edition, published by Thomas Nelson, 1897. Public Domain.

    Bibliography Information Easton, Matthew George. Entry for 'Hook'. Easton's Bible Dictionary. https://www.studylight.org/dictionaries/eng/ebd/h/hook.html. 1897.

  • Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [6]

    HOOK. 1. vav , a book or ring with a spike driven into wood (  Exodus 26:32 etc.). 2.  Isaiah 19:8 ,  Job 41:1 ,   Amos 4:2 ,   Matthew 17:27 . The hook used in fishing was of course attached to a line, but whether the latter was simply held in the hand or was attached to a rod cannot be decided.

    Holman Bible Dictionary [7]

     Exodus 26:32 Exodus 27:10 Isaiah 19:8 Job 40:24 Habakkuk 1:15 Matthew 17:27 2 Chronicles 33:11 Ezekiel 38:4 Amos 4:2

    Smith's Bible Dictionary [8]

    Hook. See Hooks .

    Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament [9]

    HOOK. —See Fish.

    Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [10]

    Is the rendering in the Auth. Vers. of the following terms in the original. (See Fish-Hook); (See Flesh-Hook); (See Pruning-Hook). The idea of a Thorn enters into the etymology of several of them, probably because a thorn, Hooked or straight, was the earliest instrument of this kind. Tacitus thus describes the dress of the ancient Germans. "A loose mantle fastened with a clasp, or, when that cannot be had, with a thorn" (Germ. 17). (See Thorn).

    1. חָח , Chach (lit. a Thorn), a Ring inserted in the nostrils of animals, to which a cord was fastened in order to lead them about or tame them ( 2 Kings 19:28;  Isaiah 37:29;  Ezekiel 29:4;  Ezekiel 38:4; compare Job 40:26); also a "chain" for a captive ( Ezekiel 19:4;  Ezekiel 19:9), and "bracelets" for females ( Exodus 25:22, where others a Nose-Ring, others a Clasp for fastening the dress). In the first two of the above passages, Jehovah intimates his absolute control over Sennacherib by an allusion to the practice of leading buffaloes, camels, dromedaries, etc., by means of a cord, or of a cord attached to a ring, passed through the nostrils (Shaw, Travels, p. 167-8, 2nd ed.). Such a ring is oftentimes placed through the nose of a bull, and is likewise used in the East for leading about lions, camels, and other animals. A similar method was adopted for leading prisoners, as in the case of Manasseh, who was led with rings ( 2 Chronicles 33:11). An illustration of this practice is found in a bas-relief discovered at Khorsabad (Layard, 2, 376; see also the cut under EYE). The term מוֹקֵשׁ is used in a similar sense in  Job 40:24 (A.V. "bore his nose with a gin." margin). Another form of the same term, חוֹח (A.V. "thorn"), is likewise properly a Ring placed through the mouth of a large fish, and attached by a cord ( אִגְמֹן ) to a stake for the purpose of keeping it alive in the water ( Job 41:2); the word meaning the Cord is rendered "hook" in the A.V. See below.

    2. The cognate word חִכָּה , Chakkah', means a Fishhook ( Job 41:1, "angle;"  Isaiah 19:8;  Habakkuk 1:15). This passage in Job has occasioned the following speculations (see, for instance, Harris's Nat. Hist. Of The Bible, art. Leviathal, London 1825). It has been assumed that Bochart has completely proved the Leviathan to mean the Crocodile (Rosenm Ü ller on Bochart, 3, 737, etc., 769, etc., Lips. 1796). Herodotus has then been quoted, where he relates that the Egyptians near Lake Maeris select a crocodile, render him tame, and suspend ornaments to his ears, and sometimes gems of great value; his fore feet being adorned with bracelets (2, 69); and the mummies of crocodiles, having their ears thus bored, have been discovered (Kenrick's Egypt of Herodotus, p. 97, London 1841). Hence it is concluded that this passage in Job refers to the facts mentioned by Herodotus; and, doubtless, the terms employed, especially by the Sept. and Vulg., and the third and following verses, favor the supposition, for there the captive is represented as suppliant and obsequious, in a state of security and servitude, and the object of diversion, "played with" as with a bird, and serving for the sport of maidens.

    Herodotus is further quoted to show that in his time the Egyptians captured the crocodile with a hook ( Ἄγκιστρον ),With which ( Ἐξελκύσθη Εἰς Τῆν Γῆν ) he was Drawn ashore; and accounts are certainly given by modern travelers of the continuance of this practice (Maillet, Descrip. D'Egypte, 2, 127, ed. Hag., 1740). But does not the Entire Description go upon the supposition of the Impossibility of so treating Leviathan? Supposing the allusions to be correctly interpreted, is it not as much as to say, "Canst thou treat Him as thou canst treat the crocodile and Other Fierce creatures?" Dr. Lee has, indeed, given reasons which render it Doubtful, at least, whether the leviathan Does mean the crocodile in this passage, or whether it does not mean some species of Whale, as was formerly supposed the Delphinus Orca Communis or common grampus, found in the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, and also in the Nile. (See his examination of Bochart's reasonings, etc., in Translation And Notes On Job, p. 197 and 529-539, London 1837). So the above term in Ezekiel 29 : "I will put my hooks in thy jaws, and I will cause thee to come up out of the midst of thy rivers," where the prophet foretells the destruction of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, by allusions to the destruction, possibly, of a crocodile, the symbol of Egypt. Thus Pliny (Hist. Nat. 8, 25) states, that the Tentyritee (inhabitants of Egypt) followed the crocodile, swimming after it in the river, sprung upon its back, thrust a bar into its mouth; which being held by its two extremities, serves as a bit, and enables them to brace it on shore (comp.  Ezekiel 29:3-4). Strabo relates that the; Tentyritae displayed their feats before the Romans (17 560, ed. Casaub.). (See Leviathan).

    3. וָו , Vav, a Peg or pin, upon which the curtains of the Tabernacle were hung, springing out of the capitals( Exodus 26:32, etc.). The Sept. and Jerome seem to, have understood the Capitals Of The Pillars; and it has been urged that this is more likely to be the meaning than Hooks, especially as 1775 shekels of silver were used in making these וָוַים for the pillars, overlaying the chapiters, and filleting them (ch. 38, 28), and that the Hooks are really the קרסים , Taches ( Exodus 26:6;  Exodus 26:11;  Exodus 26:33;  Exodus 26:35;  Exodus 39:33). Yet the Sept. also renders ווים , Κρίκοι , rings or Clasps ( Exodus 27:10-11, and Ἀγκύλαι ,  Exodus 38:17;  Exodus 38:19); and from a comparison of these, two latter passages, it would seem that these hooks, or rather tenters, rose out of the chapiters or heads of the pillars. The word seems to have given name to the letter ו in the Hebrew alphabet, possibly from a similarity of the form in which the latter appears in the Greek Digamma, to that of a hook. Mr. Paine (Solomon'S Temple, etc., p. 25) regards these "hooks" as having been rather pins driven into the heads of the pillars, and thus projecting upward from them like a small tenon, upon which the silver rods were slipped by means of a small hole or eye in the latter. This would serve: to keep the pillars together. (See Tabernacle).

    4. צַנָּה , Tsinnah' (Lit. Thorn), Afish-Hook ( Amos 4:2; elsewhere a shield). (See Fishing), etc.; (See Angle).

    In the same verse, סַירוֹת , Siroth', "fish-hooks,'" where both Sept. and Vulg. seem to have taken סיר in. the sense of a pot or caldron instead of a fish-hook. (See Caldron).

    5. מִזְלֵג , Mazleg ( 1 Samuel 2:13-14), "flesh-hook," and the מִזְלְגוֹת , "the flesh-hooks" ( Exodus 27:3, and elsewhere). This was evidently in the first passage a. trident "of three teeth," a kind of fork, etc., for turningthe sacrifices on the fire, and for collecting fragments, etc. (See Flesh-Hook).

    6. מִזְמֵרוֹת , Mazmeroth ( Isaiah 2:4, and elsewhere),. "beat their spears into pruning-hooks" ( Δρἐπανα , Falces). The Roman poets have the same metaphor (Martial, 14:34, "Falx ex ense"). In  Micah 4:3, In Ligones, weeding-hooks, or shovels, spades, etc. Joel reverses the metaphor "pruning-hooks" into spears (3, 10, Ligo-Nes); and so Ovid (Fasti, 1, 697, In Pila Ligones). SEE-PRUNING-HOOK.

    7. Doubtful is שְׁפִתִּיַם , Shephatta'Yim, Stalls for cattle: ("pots,"  Psalms 48:13), also the cedar beams in the Temple court with hooks for flaying the victims ( Ezekiel 40:43). Other meanings given are ledges (Vulg. La- bia), or eaves, as though the word were שְׂפָתִיַם pens for keeping the animals previous to their being slaughtered; hearthstones, as in the margin of the A.V.; and lastly, gutters to receive and carry off the blood from the slaughtered animals. Gesenius (Thesaur. p. 1470) explains the term as signifying stalls in the courts of the Temple where the sacrificial victims were fastened: our translators give in the margin "andirons, or the two hearthstones." The Sept. seems equally at a loss, Καὶπαλαιστὴν Ἕξουσι Γεῖσος ; as also Jerome, who renders it Labia. Schlcusner pronounces Γεῖσος to be a barbarous word formed from חיוֹ , and understands Epistylium, a little pillar set on another, and Capitellum, columned. The Chaldee renders עונקלין , short posts in the house of the slaughterers on which to suspend the sacrifices. Dr. Lightfoot, in his chapter "on the altar, the rings, and the laver," observes, "On the north side of the altar were six orders of rings, each of which contained six, at which they killed the sacrifices. Near by were Low Pillars set up, upon which were laid overthwart beams of cedar; on these were fastened rows of Hooks, on which the sacrifices were hung; and they were flayed on marble tables, which were between these pillars" (see vers. 41, 42; Works, vol. 11, ch. 20, 14, London 1684-5-6). (See Temple).

    8. Obviously an incorrect rendering for אִגְמוֹן , Ag-Mon', a Rush-Rope, used for binding animals, perhaps by means of the ring in their nose ( Job 41:2; elsewhere " rush" or "caldron"). (See Flag).

    9. Finally, Δρεπανηφόρα in  2 Maccabees 13:2 is rendered "armed with hooks," referring to the scythe-armed chariots of the ancients. (See Chariot).

    Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [11]

    Several Hebrew words are so rendered in the English Version.

    Hook, 1

    Hook , 'I will put my hook in thy nose.' The parallel passage the Sept. reads 'I will put my muzzle, halter, or noose,' etc. Jehovah here intimates his absolute control over Sennacherib, by an allusion to the practice of leading buffaloes, camels, dromedaries, etc. by means of a cord, or of a cord attached to a ring, passed through the nostrils. 'Canst thou draw out Leviathan with a hook? or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down? Canst thou place a reed-cord in his nose, or bore through his cheek with a thorn?' (clasp, or possibly bracelet, etc.). 'Wilt thou draw out a dragon with a hook? Wilt thou bind a band about his nose? Wilt thou fasten a ring in his nose, or bore his lip with a bracelet?' This passage in Job has undergone the following speculations. It has been assumed, that Bochart has completely proved the Leviathan to mean the crocodile. Herodotus has then been quoted, where he relates that the Egyptians near Lake Mœris select a crocodile, render him tame, and suspend ornaments to his ears, and sometimes gems of great value; his fore-feet being adorned with bracelets (ii. 69); and the mummies of crocodiles, having their ears thus bored, have been discovered. Hence it is concluded that this passage in Job refers to the facts mentioned by Herodotus; and, doubtless, the terms employed, especially by the Sept. and Vulg., and the third and following verses, favor the supposition; for there the captive is represented as suppliant and obsequious, in a state of security and servitude, and the object of diversion, 'played with' as with a bird, and serving for the sport of maidens. Herodotus is further quoted to show that in his time the Egyptians captured the crocodile with a hook, and with which he was drawn ashore; and accounts are certainly given by modern travelers of the continuance of this practice. But does not the entire description go upon the supposition of the impossibility of so treating Leviathan? Supposing the allusions to be correctly interpreted, is it not as much as to say, 'Canst thou treat him as thou canst treat the crocodile and other fierce creatures? Dr. Lee has, indeed, given reasons which render it doubtful, at least, whether the leviathan does mean the crocodile in this passage, or whether it does not mean some species of whale, as was formerly supposed; the common grampus, found in the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, and also in the Nile [LEVIATHAN]. , 'I will put my hooks in thy jaws,' etc.; 'and I will cause thee to come up out of the midst of thy rivers,'where the prophet foretells the destruction of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, by allusions to the destruction, possibly, of a crocodile, the symbol of Egypt. Thus Pliny states, that the Tentyritæ (inhabitants of Egypt) followed the crocodile, swimming after it in the river, sprung upon its back, thrust a bar into its mouth, which, being held by its two extremities, serves as a bit, and enables them to force it on shore (comp. ).

    Hook, 2

    Hook (;; ), 'hooks,' where the Sept. and Jerome seem to have understood the capitals of the pillar and it has been urged that this is more likely to be the meaning than hooks, especially as 1775 shekels of silver were used in making them for the pillars, overlaying the chapiters, and filleting them and that the hooks are really the taches (;;;; ). Yet the Sept. also renders the word 'rings' or 'clasps' (;; ); and from a comparison of these two latter passages it would seem that these hooks, or rather tenters, rose out of the chapiters or heads of the pillars.

    Hook, 3

    Hook , 'flesh-hook.' This was evidently a trident 'of three teeth,' a kind of fork, etc. for turning the sacrifices on the fire, and for collecting fragments, etc. (2) (, and elsewhere) 'beat their spears into pruning-hooks.' In , weeding-hooks, or shovels, spades, etc. Joel reverses the metaphor 'pruning-hooks into spears' . (3) , 'hooks,' which Gesenius explains stalls in the courts of the Temple, where the sacrificial victims were fastened: our translators give in the margin 'andirons, or the two hearth-stones.' Dr. Lightfoot, in his chapter 'on the altar, the rings, and the laver,' observes, 'On the north side of the altar were six orders of rings, each of which contained six, at which they killed the sacrifices. Nearby were low pillars set up, upon which were laid overthwart beams of cedar; on these were fastened rows of hooks, on which the sacrifices were hung; and they were flayed on marble tables, which were between these pillars.'

    International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [12]

    hook  : (1) הכּה , ḥakkāh , is rendered "fishhook" in   Job 41:1 the Revised Version (British and American) (the King James Version "hook"). the Revised Version (British and American) is correct here and should have used the same translation for the same word in   Isaiah 19:8;  Habakkuk 1:15 , instead Of retaining AV's "angle." Similarly in  Amos 4:2 , צנּה , cinnāh , and סירות דּוּגה , ṣı̄rōth dūghāh , appear to be synonyms for "fishhook," although the former may mean the barb of a fisher's spear. In the New Testament "fishhook" occurs in  Matthew 17:27 ( ἂγκιστρον , ágkistron ). (2) The "flesh-hook." (מזלג , mazlēgh , מזלגה , mizlāghāh ) of  Exodus 27:3 , etc., was probably a small pitchfork, with two or three tines. (3) The "pruning-hook" (מזמרה , mazmērāh ), used in the culture of the vine ( Isaiah 18:5 ), was a sickle-shaped knife, small enough to be made from the metal of a spear-point ( Isaiah 2:4;  Joel 3:10;  Micah 4:3 ). (4) וו , wāw , is the name given the supports of certain hangings of the tabernacle ( Exodus 26:32 , etc.). Their form is entirely obscure. (5) חה , ḥaḥ , is rendered "hook" in  2 Kings 19:28 =   Isaiah 37:29;  Ezekiel 29:4;  Ezekiel 38:4 , and  Ezekiel 19:4 ,  Ezekiel 19:9 the Revised Version (British and American) (the King James Version "chain"). A ring (compare   Exodus 35:22 ), put in the nose of a tamed beast and through which a rope is passed to lead him, is probably meant. (6) אגמון , 'aghmōn , is rendered "hook" in  Job 41:2 the King James Version, but should be "a rope" of rushes or rush-fiber as in the Revised Version (British and American), or, simply, "a rush" (on which small fish are strung). (7) חוח , ḥōaḥ , is "hook" in  Job 41:2 the Revised Version (British and American) (the King James Version "thorn," perhaps right) and   2 Chronicles 33:11 the Revised Version margin (text chains," Ay "thorns,"). On both verses see the commentaries (8) שׁפתּים , shephattayim , is "hooks" in  Ezekiel 40:43 (the Revised Version margin "ledges"), but the meaning of this word is completely unknown, and "hook" is a mere guess.
