
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

King James Dictionary [1]

Whence, adv.

1. From what place.

Whence and what art thou?

2. From what source. Whence shall we derive hope? Whence comes this honor?

Whence hath this man this wisdom?  Matthew 13 .

3. From which premises, principles or facts. These facts or principles are admitted, whence it follows, that judgment must be entered for the plaintiff. 4. How by what way or means.  Mark 12 . 5. In general, from which person, cause, place, principle or circumstance.

From whence may be considered as tautological, from being implied in whence but the use is well authorized, and in some cases the use of it seems to give force or beauty to the phrase. We ascended the mountain, from whence we took a view of the beautiful plains below.

Of whence is not now used.

Webster's Dictionary [2]

(1): ( adv.) From what place; hence, from what or which source, origin, antecedent, premise, or the like; how; - used interrogatively.

(2): ( adv.) From what or which place, source, material, cause, etc.; the place, source, etc., from which; - used relatively.
