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Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

1: Δίδωμι (Strong'S #1325 — Verb — didomi — did'-o-mee )

"to give," is rendered "bestow" in  1—John 3:1 , the implied idea being that of giving freely. The AV has it in  2—Corinthians 8:1; the RV adheres to the lit. rendering, "the grace of God which hath been given in the churches of Macedonia." See Adventure and especially GIVE.

2: Συνάγω (Strong'S #4863 — Verb — sunago — soon-ag'-o )

"to bring together" (sun, "together," ago, "to bring"), is used in the sense of "bestowing," or stowing, by the rich man who laid up his goods for himself,  Luke 12:17,18 . See Assemble , Come , Gather , Lead , Resort , Take.

3: Κοπιάω (Strong'S #2872 — Verb — kopiao — kop-ee-ah'-o )

(a) "to grow tired with toil,"  Matthew 11:28;  John 4:6;  Revelation 2:3 , also means (b) "to bestow labor, work with toil,"  Romans 16:6;  Galatians 4:11; in  John 4:38 , AV, "bestowed (no) labor," RV, "have (not) labored," and, in the same verse, AV and RV, "labored." See Labor , Toil , Weary.

4: Ψωμίζω (Strong'S #5595 — Verb — psomizo — pso-mid'-zo )

primarily "to feed by putting little bits into the mouths of infants or animals," came to denote simply "to give out food, to feed," and is rendered by the phrase "bestow ... to feed" in  1—Corinthians 13:3; "feed,"  Romans 12:20; there the person to be fed is mentioned; in  1—Corinthians 13:3 the material to be given is specified, and the rendering "bestow ... to feed" is necessary. See Feed.

5: Περιτίθημι (Strong'S #4060 — Verb — peritithemi — per-ee-tith'-ay-mee )

"to put around or on" (peri, "around," tithemi, "to put"), is translated in  1—Corinthians 12:23 (metaphorically) "bestow" (marg., "put on"). See Put , Set , No. 5.

6: Χαρίζομαι (Strong'S #5483 — Verb — charizomai — khar-id'-zom-ahee )

"to show favor, grant, bestow," is rendered "bestowed" in  Luke 7:21 , RV, for AV, "gave." Here and in  Galatians 3:18 , the verb might be translated "graciously conferred." See Deliver , Forgive , Give , Grant.


Webster's Dictionary [2]

(1): (v. t.) To use; to apply; to devote, as time or strength in some occupation.

(2): (v. t.) To expend, as money.

(3): (v. t.) To lay up in store; to deposit for safe keeping; to stow; to place; to put.

(4): (v. t.) To demean; to conduct; to behave; - followed by a reflexive pronoun.

(5): (v. t.) To give in marriage.

(6): (v. t.) To give or confer; to impart; - with on or upon.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [3]

bē̇ - stō ´: The seven Hebrew words rendered by this term variously mean "to put" or "place," "to give"; "do," "deposit," as e.g. to locate chariots and horsemen in cities ( 1 Kings 10:26 ); or give a blessing ( Exodus 32:29 ). Four Greek words so translated signify "to give," "to labor," "to feed," "to place around"; as συνάγω , sunágō , "to stow away goods" ( Luke 12:17 ); or ψωμίζω , psōmı́zō , "give away" ( 1 Corinthians 13:3 ). The term has richest significance in expressing God's abundant gift of grace and love, δίδωμι , dı́dōmi ( 2 Corinthians 8:1 the King James Version;   1 John 3:1 ).
