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Place <ref name="term_7074" />  
== Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words <ref name="term_78689" /> ==
<p> ''''' plās ''''' : Normally for מקום , <i> ''''' māḳōm ''''' </i> , Old Testament, and τόπος , <i> ''''' tópos ''''' </i> , New Testament, but in the King James Version "place" represents a great number of [[Hebrew]] and [[Greek]] words, often used with no difference in force (e.g. 2 Chronicles 35:10 , 2 Chronicles 35:15 ). the Revised Version (British and American) has made few changes, but occasionally has attempted to specialize the meaning ( [[Genesis]] 40:13; Job 37:8; Acts 8:32; James 3:11 , etc.). </p>
<div> '''A — 1: '''''Τόπος''''' ''' (Strong'S #5117 — Noun Masculine — topos — top'-os ) </div> <p> (Eng., "topic," "topography," etc.,) is used of "a region" or "locality," frequently in the [[Gospels]] and Acts; in &nbsp;Luke 2:7; &nbsp;14:22 , "room;" of a place which a person or thing occupies, a couch at table, e.g., &nbsp;Luke 14:9,10 , RV, "place" (AV, "room"); of the destiny of [[Judas]] Iscariot, &nbsp;Acts 1:25; of the condition of the "unlearned" or non-gifted in a church gathering, &nbsp;1—Corinthians 14:16 , RV, "place;" the sheath of a sword, &nbsp;Matthew 26:52; a place in a book, &nbsp;Luke 4:17; see also &nbsp;Revelation 2:5; &nbsp;6:14; &nbsp;12:8; metaphorically, of "condition, occasion, opportunity" &nbsp;Acts 25:16 , Rv , "opportunity" (AV, "license"); &nbsp;Romans 12:19; &nbsp;Ephesians 4:27 . See [[Opportunity]] , Room. </p> <div> '''A — 2: '''''Χωρίον''''' ''' (Strong'S #5564 — Noun Neuter — chorion — kho-ree'-on ) </div> <p> "a region" (a diminutive of chora, "a land, country"), is used of Gethsemane, &nbsp;Matthew 26:36; &nbsp;Mark 14:32 . See Field. </p> <div> '''A — 3: '''''Ὑπεροχή''''' ''' (Strong'S #5247 — Noun [[Feminine]] — huperoche — hoop-er-okh-ay' ) </div> <p> "high place," &nbsp;1—Timothy 2:2 : see [[Authority]] , No. 3. </p> <div> '''A — 4: '''''Περιοχή''''' ''' (Strong'S #4042 — Noun Feminine — perioche — per-ee-okh-ay' ) </div> <p> primarily "a circumference, compass" (peri, "around," echo, "to have"), hence denotes "a portion circumscribed," that which is contained, and in reference to a writing or book, "a portion or passage of its contents," &nbsp;Acts 8:32 , "(the) place." </p> <div> '''A — 5: '''''Ἀκροατήριον''''' ''' (Strong'S #201 — Noun Neuter — akroaterion — ak-ro-at-ay'-ree-on ) </div> <p> denotes "a place of audience" (akroaomai, "to listen"), &nbsp;Acts 25:23 , "place of hearing." </p> <div> '''A — 6: '''''Πρωτοκλισία''''' ''' (Strong'S #4411 — Noun Feminine — protoklisia — pro-tok-lis-ee'-ah ) </div> <p> see [[Chief]] , B, No. 7. </p> &nbsp;James 3:11Cave.&nbsp; Matthew 9:9&nbsp;Mark 2:14&nbsp;Hebrews 4:5&nbsp; Luke 6:17&nbsp;Mark 11:4Street.[[Desert]]&nbsp;1—Corinthians 11:20&nbsp;14:23&nbsp;Luke 11:33Cellar.&nbsp; Acts 16:13Prayer.&nbsp; Philippians 1:13Palace.&nbsp; Mark 4:16Rocky. <div> '''B — 1: '''''Ἀναχωρέω''''' ''' (Strong'S #402 — Verb — anachoreo — an-akh-o-reh'-o ) </div> <p> "to withdraw" (ana, "back," choreo, "to make room, retire"), is translated "give place" in &nbsp;Matthew 9:24 . See [[Depart]] , No. 10. </p> <div> '''B — 2: '''''Εἴκω''''' ''' (Strong'S #1502 — Verb — eiko — i'-ko ) </div> <p> "to yield, give way," is rendered "gave place" in &nbsp;Galatians 2:5 . </p> <div> '''B — 3: '''''Γίνομαι''''' ''' (Strong'S #1096 — Verb — ginomai — ghin'-om-ahee ) </div> <p> "to become, take place," is translated "(a death) having taken place" in &nbsp;Hebrews 9:15 , RV, AV, "by means of (death)," referring, not to the circumstances of a testamentary disposition, but to the sacrifice of Christ as the basis of the New Covenant. </p> &nbsp;John 8:37[[Course]] <div> '''C — 1: '''''Ὧδε''''' ''' (Strong'S #5602 — Adverb — hode — ho'-deh ) </div> <p> "here, hither," is translated "to ('unto,' RV) this place" in &nbsp;Luke 23:5 . See Here. </p> <div> '''C — 2: '''''Πανταχοῦ''''' ''' (Strong'S #3837 — Adverb — pantachou — pan-takh-oo' ) </div> <p> "everwhere," is translated "in all places" in &nbsp;Acts 24:3 . See Everywhere , No. 2. </p> &nbsp;Matthew 24:7[[Divers]]&nbsp;Mark 6:10&nbsp;Hebrews 2:6&nbsp;4:4&nbsp;Matthew 12:6&nbsp;Mark 6:10&nbsp;Acts 21:12&nbsp;James 2:3[[Dwelling]][[Heavenly]][[Holy]][[Market]][[Skull]][[Steep]]Yonder.
== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_61984" /> ==
<p> [[Place]] n. </p> 1. A particular portion of space of indefinite extent, occupied or intended to be occupied by any person or thing, and considered as the space where a person or thing does or may rest or has rested, as distinct from space in general. <p> [[Look]] from the place where thou art. &nbsp;Genesis 13 </p> <p> The place where thou standest is holy ground. &nbsp;Exodus 3 </p> <p> Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours. .11. </p> <p> David's place was empty. &nbsp;1 Samuel 20 </p> 2. Any portion of space, as distinct from space in general. <p> [[Enlargement]] and deliverance shall arise to the [[Jews]] from another place. &nbsp;Esther 4 </p> 3. Local existence. <p> From whose face the earth and the heaven fled away, and there was found no place for them. &nbsp;Revelation 20 </p> 4. [[Separate]] room or apartment. <p> His catalogue had an especial place for sequestered divines. </p> 5. [[Seat]] residence mansion. <p> The Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation. &nbsp;John 11 </p> 6. A portion or passage of writing or of a book. <p> The place of the [[Scripture]] which he read was this. &nbsp;Acts 8 </p> 7. [[Point]] or degree in order of proceeding as in the first place in the second place in the last place. Hence, 8. [[Rank]] order of priority, dignity or importance. He holds the first place in society, or in the affections of the people. 9. Office, employment official station. The man has a place under the government. <p> Do you your office, or give up your place. </p> 10. [[Ground]] room. <p> There is no place of doubting but that it is the very same. </p> 11. [[Station]] in life calling occupation condition. All, in their several places, perform their duty. 12. A city, a town a village. In what place does he reside? He arrived at this place in the mail coach. &nbsp;Genesis 18 13. In military affairs, a fortified town or post a fortress a fort as a strong place a place easily defended. The place was taken by assault. 14. A country a kingdom. [[England]] is the place of his birth. 15. Space in general. <p> But she all place within herself confines. </p> 16. Room stead with the sense of substitution. <p> And [[Joseph]] said unto them, fear not for am I in the place of God? &nbsp;Genesis 1 </p> 17. Room kind reception. <p> My word hath no place in you. &nbsp;John 8 . </p> 18. The place of the moon, in astronomy,is the part of its orbit where it is found at any given time. The place of the sun or a star, is the sign and degree of the zodiac, in which it is at any given time, or the degree of the ecliptic, reckoning from the beginning of Aries, which the star's circle of longitude cuts, and therefore coincides with the longitude of the sun or star. <p> To take place, to come to happen to come into actual existence or operation as when we say, this or that event will or will not take place. The perfect exemption of man from calamity can never take place in this state of existence. </p> 1. To take the precedence or priority. <p> take the place, but sometimes to take place, omitting the article, is to occupy the place or station of another. </p> <p> To have place, to have a station, room or seat. Such desires can have no place in a good heart. </p> 1. To have actual existence. <p> To give place, to make room or way. Give place to your superiors. </p> 1. To give room to give advantage to yield to the influence of to listen to. <p> Neither give place to the devil. &nbsp;Ephesians 4 </p> 2. To give way to yield to and suffer to pass away. <p> High place, in Scripture, a mount on which sacrifices were offered. </p> <p> PLACE, To put or set in a particular part of space, or in a particular part of the earth, or in something on its surface to locate as, to place a house by the side of a stream to place a book on a shelf to place a body of cavalry on each flank of any army. </p> 1. To appoint, set, induct or establish in an office. <p> Thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness and place such over them to be rulers of thousands, &c. &nbsp;Exodus 18 </p> <p> It is a high moral duty of sovereigns and supreme magistrates and councils, to place in office men of unquestionable virtue and talents. </p> 2. To put or set in any particular rank, state or condition. Some men are placed in a condition of rank and opulence, others are placed in low or narrow circumstances but in whatever sphere men are placed, contentment will insure to them a large portion of happiness. 3. To set to fix as, to place one's affections on an object to place confidence in a friend. 4. To put to invest as, to place money in the funds or in a bank. 5. To put out at interest to lend as, to place money in good hands or in good security.
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_158061" /> ==
<p> '''(1):''' ''' (''' v. t.) To place-kick ( a goal). </p> <p> '''(2):''' ''' (''' v. t.) To determine or announce the place of at the finish. Usually, in horse racing only the first three horses are placed officially. </p> <p> '''(3):''' ''' (''' n.) The position of first, second, or third at the finish, esp. the second position. In betting, to win a bet on a horse for place it must, in the United States, finish first or second, in England, usually, first, second, or third. </p> <p> '''(4):''' ''' (''' n.) [[Ordinal]] relation; position in the order of proceeding; as, he said in the first place. </p> <p> '''(5):''' ''' (''' n.) Position in the heavens, as of a heavenly body; - usually defined by its right ascension and declination, or by its latitude and longitude. </p> <p> '''(6):''' ''' (''' n.) Reception; effect; - implying the making room for. </p> <p> '''(7):''' ''' (''' n.) Rank; degree; grade; order of priority, advancement, dignity, or importance; especially, social rank or position; condition; also, official station; occupation; calling. </p> <p> '''(8):''' ''' (''' n.) To attribute; to ascribe; to set down. </p> <p> '''(9):''' ''' (''' n.) A broad way in a city; an open space; an area; a court or short part of a street open only at one end. </p> <p> '''(10):''' ''' (''' n.) Any portion of space regarded as measured off or distinct from all other space, or appropriated to some definite object or use; position; ground; site; spot; rarely, unbounded space. </p> <p> '''(11):''' ''' (''' n.) Vacated or relinquished space; room; stead (the departure or removal of another being or thing being implied). </p> <p> '''(12):''' ''' (''' n.) A definite position or passage of a document. </p> <p> '''(13):''' ''' (''' n.) A position which is occupied and held; a dwelling; a mansion; a village, town, or city; a fortified town or post; a stronghold; a region or country. </p> <p> '''(14):''' ''' (''' n.) To assign a place to; to put in a particular spot or place, or in a certain relative position; to direct to a particular place; to fix; to settle; to locate; as, to place a book on a shelf; to place balls in tennis. </p> <p> '''(15):''' ''' (''' n.) To put or set in a particular rank, office, or position; to surround with particular circumstances or relations in life; to appoint to certain station or condition of life; as, in whatever sphere one is placed. </p> <p> '''(16):''' ''' (''' n.) To put out at interest; to invest; to loan; as, to place money in a bank. </p> <p> '''(17):''' ''' (''' n.) To set; to fix; to repose; as, to place confidence in a friend. </p>
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_7074" /> ==
<p> ''''' plās ''''' : Normally for מקום , <i> ''''' māḳōm ''''' </i> , Old Testament, and τόπος , <i> ''''' tópos ''''' </i> , New Testament, but in the King James Version "place" represents a great number of [[Hebrew]] and Greek words, often used with no difference in force (e.g. &nbsp; 2 Chronicles 35:10 , &nbsp;2 Chronicles 35:15 ). the Revised Version (British and American) has made few changes, but occasionally has attempted to specialize the meaning (&nbsp;Genesis 40:13; &nbsp;Job 37:8; &nbsp;Acts 8:32; &nbsp;James 3:11 , etc.). </p>
==References ==
==References ==
<ref name="term_78689"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/vine-s-expository-dictionary-of-nt-words/place Place from Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words]</ref>
<ref name="term_61984"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/king-james-dictionary/place Place from King James Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_158061"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/webster-s-dictionary/place Place from Webster's Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_7074"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia/place Place from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>
<ref name="term_7074"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia/place Place from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>

Latest revision as of 13:56, 14 October 2021

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

A — 1: Τόπος (Strong'S #5117 — Noun Masculine — topos — top'-os )

(Eng., "topic," "topography," etc.,) is used of "a region" or "locality," frequently in the Gospels and Acts; in  Luke 2:7;  14:22 , "room;" of a place which a person or thing occupies, a couch at table, e.g.,  Luke 14:9,10 , RV, "place" (AV, "room"); of the destiny of Judas Iscariot,  Acts 1:25; of the condition of the "unlearned" or non-gifted in a church gathering,  1—Corinthians 14:16 , RV, "place;" the sheath of a sword,  Matthew 26:52; a place in a book,  Luke 4:17; see also  Revelation 2:5;  6:14;  12:8; metaphorically, of "condition, occasion, opportunity"  Acts 25:16 , Rv , "opportunity" (AV, "license");  Romans 12:19;  Ephesians 4:27 . See Opportunity , Room.

A — 2: Χωρίον (Strong'S #5564 — Noun Neuter — chorion — kho-ree'-on )

"a region" (a diminutive of chora, "a land, country"), is used of Gethsemane,  Matthew 26:36;  Mark 14:32 . See Field.

A — 3: Ὑπεροχή (Strong'S #5247 — Noun Feminine — huperoche — hoop-er-okh-ay' )

"high place,"  1—Timothy 2:2 : see Authority , No. 3.

A — 4: Περιοχή (Strong'S #4042 — Noun Feminine — perioche — per-ee-okh-ay' )

primarily "a circumference, compass" (peri, "around," echo, "to have"), hence denotes "a portion circumscribed," that which is contained, and in reference to a writing or book, "a portion or passage of its contents,"  Acts 8:32 , "(the) place."

A — 5: Ἀκροατήριον (Strong'S #201 — Noun Neuter — akroaterion — ak-ro-at-ay'-ree-on )

denotes "a place of audience" (akroaomai, "to listen"),  Acts 25:23 , "place of hearing."

A — 6: Πρωτοκλισία (Strong'S #4411 — Noun Feminine — protoklisia — pro-tok-lis-ee'-ah )

see Chief , B, No. 7.

 James 3:11Cave.  Matthew 9:9 Mark 2:14 Hebrews 4:5  Luke 6:17 Mark 11:4Street.Desert 1—Corinthians 11:20 14:23 Luke 11:33Cellar.  Acts 16:13Prayer.  Philippians 1:13Palace.  Mark 4:16Rocky.

B — 1: Ἀναχωρέω (Strong'S #402 — Verb — anachoreo — an-akh-o-reh'-o )

"to withdraw" (ana, "back," choreo, "to make room, retire"), is translated "give place" in  Matthew 9:24 . See Depart , No. 10.

B — 2: Εἴκω (Strong'S #1502 — Verb — eiko — i'-ko )

"to yield, give way," is rendered "gave place" in  Galatians 2:5 .

B — 3: Γίνομαι (Strong'S #1096 — Verb — ginomai — ghin'-om-ahee )

"to become, take place," is translated "(a death) having taken place" in  Hebrews 9:15 , RV, AV, "by means of (death)," referring, not to the circumstances of a testamentary disposition, but to the sacrifice of Christ as the basis of the New Covenant.

 John 8:37Course

C — 1: Ὧδε (Strong'S #5602 — Adverb — hode — ho'-deh )

"here, hither," is translated "to ('unto,' RV) this place" in  Luke 23:5 . See Here.

C — 2: Πανταχοῦ (Strong'S #3837 — Adverb — pantachou — pan-takh-oo' )

"everwhere," is translated "in all places" in  Acts 24:3 . See Everywhere , No. 2.

 Matthew 24:7Divers Mark 6:10 Hebrews 2:6 4:4 Matthew 12:6 Mark 6:10 Acts 21:12 James 2:3DwellingHeavenlyHolyMarketSkullSteepYonder.

King James Dictionary [2]

Place n.

1. A particular portion of space of indefinite extent, occupied or intended to be occupied by any person or thing, and considered as the space where a person or thing does or may rest or has rested, as distinct from space in general.

Look from the place where thou art.  Genesis 13

The place where thou standest is holy ground.  Exodus 3

Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours. .11.

David's place was empty.  1 Samuel 20

2. Any portion of space, as distinct from space in general.

Enlargement and deliverance shall arise to the Jews from another place.  Esther 4

3. Local existence.

From whose face the earth and the heaven fled away, and there was found no place for them.  Revelation 20

4. Separate room or apartment.

His catalogue had an especial place for sequestered divines.

5. Seat residence mansion.

The Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation.  John 11

6. A portion or passage of writing or of a book.

The place of the Scripture which he read was this.  Acts 8

7. Point or degree in order of proceeding as in the first place in the second place in the last place. Hence, 8. Rank order of priority, dignity or importance. He holds the first place in society, or in the affections of the people. 9. Office, employment official station. The man has a place under the government.

Do you your office, or give up your place.

10. Ground room.

There is no place of doubting but that it is the very same.

11. Station in life calling occupation condition. All, in their several places, perform their duty. 12. A city, a town a village. In what place does he reside? He arrived at this place in the mail coach.  Genesis 18 13. In military affairs, a fortified town or post a fortress a fort as a strong place a place easily defended. The place was taken by assault. 14. A country a kingdom. England is the place of his birth. 15. Space in general.

But she all place within herself confines.

16. Room stead with the sense of substitution.

And Joseph said unto them, fear not for am I in the place of God?  Genesis 1

17. Room kind reception.

My word hath no place in you.  John 8 .

18. The place of the moon, in astronomy,is the part of its orbit where it is found at any given time. The place of the sun or a star, is the sign and degree of the zodiac, in which it is at any given time, or the degree of the ecliptic, reckoning from the beginning of Aries, which the star's circle of longitude cuts, and therefore coincides with the longitude of the sun or star.

To take place, to come to happen to come into actual existence or operation as when we say, this or that event will or will not take place. The perfect exemption of man from calamity can never take place in this state of existence.

1. To take the precedence or priority.

take the place, but sometimes to take place, omitting the article, is to occupy the place or station of another.

To have place, to have a station, room or seat. Such desires can have no place in a good heart.

1. To have actual existence.

To give place, to make room or way. Give place to your superiors.

1. To give room to give advantage to yield to the influence of to listen to.

Neither give place to the devil.  Ephesians 4

2. To give way to yield to and suffer to pass away.

High place, in Scripture, a mount on which sacrifices were offered.

PLACE, To put or set in a particular part of space, or in a particular part of the earth, or in something on its surface to locate as, to place a house by the side of a stream to place a book on a shelf to place a body of cavalry on each flank of any army.

1. To appoint, set, induct or establish in an office.

Thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness and place such over them to be rulers of thousands, &c.  Exodus 18

It is a high moral duty of sovereigns and supreme magistrates and councils, to place in office men of unquestionable virtue and talents.

2. To put or set in any particular rank, state or condition. Some men are placed in a condition of rank and opulence, others are placed in low or narrow circumstances but in whatever sphere men are placed, contentment will insure to them a large portion of happiness. 3. To set to fix as, to place one's affections on an object to place confidence in a friend. 4. To put to invest as, to place money in the funds or in a bank. 5. To put out at interest to lend as, to place money in good hands or in good security.

Webster's Dictionary [3]

(1): ( v. t.) To place-kick ( a goal).

(2): ( v. t.) To determine or announce the place of at the finish. Usually, in horse racing only the first three horses are placed officially.

(3): ( n.) The position of first, second, or third at the finish, esp. the second position. In betting, to win a bet on a horse for place it must, in the United States, finish first or second, in England, usually, first, second, or third.

(4): ( n.) Ordinal relation; position in the order of proceeding; as, he said in the first place.

(5): ( n.) Position in the heavens, as of a heavenly body; - usually defined by its right ascension and declination, or by its latitude and longitude.

(6): ( n.) Reception; effect; - implying the making room for.

(7): ( n.) Rank; degree; grade; order of priority, advancement, dignity, or importance; especially, social rank or position; condition; also, official station; occupation; calling.

(8): ( n.) To attribute; to ascribe; to set down.

(9): ( n.) A broad way in a city; an open space; an area; a court or short part of a street open only at one end.

(10): ( n.) Any portion of space regarded as measured off or distinct from all other space, or appropriated to some definite object or use; position; ground; site; spot; rarely, unbounded space.

(11): ( n.) Vacated or relinquished space; room; stead (the departure or removal of another being or thing being implied).

(12): ( n.) A definite position or passage of a document.

(13): ( n.) A position which is occupied and held; a dwelling; a mansion; a village, town, or city; a fortified town or post; a stronghold; a region or country.

(14): ( n.) To assign a place to; to put in a particular spot or place, or in a certain relative position; to direct to a particular place; to fix; to settle; to locate; as, to place a book on a shelf; to place balls in tennis.

(15): ( n.) To put or set in a particular rank, office, or position; to surround with particular circumstances or relations in life; to appoint to certain station or condition of life; as, in whatever sphere one is placed.

(16): ( n.) To put out at interest; to invest; to loan; as, to place money in a bank.

(17): ( n.) To set; to fix; to repose; as, to place confidence in a friend.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [4]

plās  : Normally for מקום , māḳōm , Old Testament, and τόπος , tópos , New Testament, but in the King James Version "place" represents a great number of Hebrew and Greek words, often used with no difference in force (e.g.   2 Chronicles 35:10 ,  2 Chronicles 35:15 ). the Revised Version (British and American) has made few changes, but occasionally has attempted to specialize the meaning ( Genesis 40:13;  Job 37:8;  Acts 8:32;  James 3:11 , etc.).
