Vanishing Vanish

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Vanishing Vanish [1]

'''A — 1: ἀφανίζω (Strong'S #853 — Verb — aphanizo — af-an-id'-zo )

"to render unseen," is translated "vanisheth away" in  James 4:14 (Passive Voice, lit., "is made to disappear"). See Consume , Disfigure , Perish.

 1 Corinthians 13:8Abolish.

'''B — 1: ἀφανισμός (Strong'S #854 — Noun Masculine — aphanismos — af-an-is-mos' )

a, negative, phaino, "to cause to appear" (akin to A), occurs in  Hebrews 8:13 , Rv, "(nigh unto) vanishing away;" the word is suggestive of abolition.

 Luke 24:31
