
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

1: Ἀφανίζω (Strong'S #853 — Verb — aphanizo — af-an-id'-zo )

primarily means "to cause to disappear," hence (a) "to make unsightly, to disfigure," as of the face,  Matthew 6:16; (b) "to cause to vanish away, consume,"  Matthew 6:19,20; (c) in the Passive Voice, "to perish,"  Acts 13:41 , or "to vanish away,"  James 4:14 . See Consume.

King James Dictionary [2]

Disfigure dis and figure.

1. To change to a worse form to mar external figure to impair shape or form and render it less perfect and beautiful as, the loss of a limb disfigures the body. 2. To mar to impair to injure beauty, symmetry or excellence.

Webster's Dictionary [3]

(1): ( n.) Disfigurement; deformity.

(2): ( v. t.) To mar the figure of; to render less complete, perfect, or beautiful in appearance; to deface; to deform.
