
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

1: Μεταμορφόω (Strong'S #3339 — Verb — metamorphoo — met-am-or-fo'-o )

"to change into another form" (meta, implying change, and morphe, "form:" see Form , No. 1), is used in the Passive Voice (a) of Christ's "transfiguration,"  Matthew 17:2;  Mark 9:2; Luke (in  Luke 9:29 ) avoids this term, which might have suggested to gentile readers the metamorphoses of heathen gods, and uses the phrase egeneto heteron, "was altered," lit., "became (ginomai) different (heteros);" (b) of believers,  Romans 12:2 , "be ye transformed," the obligation being to undergo a complete change which, under the power of God, will find expression in character and conduct; morphe lays stress on the inward change, schema (see the preceding verb in that verse, suschematizo) lays stress on the outward (see Fashion , No. 3, FORM, No. 2); the present continuous tenses indicate a process;  2—Corinthians 3:18 describes believers as being "transformed (RV) into the same image" (i.e., of Christ in all His moral excellencies), the change being effected by the Holy Spirit.

Webster's Dictionary [2]

(1): ( v. t.) To change the outward form or appearance of; to metamorphose; to transform.

(2): ( v. t.) Especially, to change to something exalted and glorious; to give an ideal form to.
