
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [1]

Shovel . 1 Exodus 27:3;   Exodus 38:3 ,   Numbers 4:14 ,   1 Kings 7:40; 1Ki 7:45 ,   2 Kings 25:14 ,   2 Chronicles 4:11;   2 Chronicles 4:16 ,   Jeremiah 52:18 , of a utensil for removing the ashes from the altar. 2 Isaiah 30:24 , for the broad, shallow, winnowing shovel with which corn after threshing was thrown up against the wind to clear it of the chaff.

Webster's Dictionary [2]

(1): ( v. t.) To gather up as with a shovel.

(2): ( v. t.) An implement consisting of a broad scoop, or more or less hollow blade, with a handle, used for lifting and throwing earth, coal, grain, or other loose substances.

(3): ( v. t.) To take up and throw with a shovel; as, to shovel earth into a heap, or into a cart, or out of a pit.

King James Dictionary [3]

SHOVEL, n. shov'l. An instrument consisting of a broad scoop or hollow blade with a handle used por throwing earth or other loole substances.


1. To take up and throw with a shovel as, to shovel earth into a heap or into a cart, or out of a pit. 2. To gather in great quantities.

Holman Bible Dictionary [4]

 Exodus 27:3

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [5]

shuv ´' 50  : (1) רחת , raḥath , is a wooden shovel used on the threshing-floor for winnowing the grain (  Isaiah 30:24 ). (2) יע , yā‛ , is used in various passages to indicate some instrument employed to carry away ashes from the altar ( Exodus 27:3;  Exodus 38:3;  Numbers 4:14;  1 Kings 7:40 ,  1 Kings 7:45;  2 Kings 25:14;  2 Chronicles 4:11 ,  2 Chronicles 4:16;  Jeremiah 52:18 ). It was very likely a small shovel like those used in connection with modern fireplaces for cleaning away the ashes (compare Hebrew yā‛ah , "to sweep away") or for carrying live coals to start a new fire. (3) יתד , yāthēdh Deuteronomy 23:13 the Revised Version margin)

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [6]

is the rendering in the A.V. of

1. רחת , Rachath (from רוּח , the Wind ) , a winnowing Fork Or FanIsaiah 30:24);

2. יָע , Ya (from יָעָה , to Sweep away), used (in the plur.) of the implements for removing the ashes from the altar ( Exodus 27:3;  Exodus 38:3;  Numbers 4:14;  1 Kings 7:40;  1 Kings 7:45;  2 Kings 25:14;  2 Chronicles 4:11;  2 Chronicles 4:16;  Jeremiah 52:18). (See Agriculture); (See Altar).
