Salomon Alami

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Salomon Alami [1]

a Jewish writer of Portugal who lived in the 14th century, is only known by his סֵ אַגֶּרֶת מוּסָר , an epistle to his disciple, wherein he exhorts him to live a pious and moral life. This epistle is very valuable, as it gives us a true picture of the condition of the Jews at that time. He is especially severe on the rich who do not care for the poor or for religion, and rather follow their own inclinations. This epistle (which was first published at Constantinople, 1619) has lately been edited by A. Jellinek (Leipsic, 1854). See Furst, Bibl. Jud. i, 33; Gratz, Gesch. d. Juden, 8, 42 sq.; Kayserling, Gesch. d Juden in Portugal, p. 61 sq. (B. P.)
