Prophecies Of Hosea

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Prophecies Of Hosea [1]

The second part, containing 4-14, is a summary of Hosea's discourses, filled with denunciations, threatenings, exhortations, promises, and revelations of mercy.

Quotations from Hosea are found in  Matthew 2:15;  9:15;  12:7;  Romans 9:25,26 . There are, in addition, various allusions to it in other places ( Luke 23:30;  Revelation 6:16 , Compare  Hosea 10:8;  Romans 9:25,26;  1 Peter 2:10 , Compare  Hosea 1:10 , etc.).

As regards the style of this writer, it has been said that "each verse forms a whole for itself, like one heavy toll in a funeral knell." "Inversions (7:8; 9:11,13; 12:: 8), anacolutha (9:6; 12:8, etc.), ellipses (9:4; 13:9, etc.), paranomasias, and plays upon words, are very characteristic of ( Hosea 8:7;  9:15;  10:5;  11:5;  12:11 )."
