Martin Azpilcueta

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Martin Azpilcueta [1]

a canonist of the 16th century, was born December 13, 1493. He studied at Alcala and Toulouse, and commenced his lectures in 1520 at Cahors. For fourteen years he lectured at Salamanca with such success that king John III de Portugal called him, in 1544, to the newly founded university at Coimbra, where he remained sixteen years. He defended the Toledan archbishop Bartholomeo de Carranga-Miranda before the tribunal of the inquisition at Valladolid, and afterwards at Rome, in 1557, where he also died, June 21, 1586. His Consilia et Responsa were published (Lugd. 1594, 2 vols.); his other works (ibid. 1595, 3 volumes). See Scherer, in Wetzer u. Welte's Kirchenlexikon, s.v. (B.P.)
