From BiblePortal Wikipedia
Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [1]
Magnifical Obsol. for ‘magnificent’; retained by EV [Note: English Version.] in 1 Chronicles 22:5 from the Geneva version ‘the house … must be exceeding magnifical.’ The adv. occurs in Rhem. NT, Luke 16:19 ‘He fared every day magnifically.’
Morrish Bible Dictionary [2]
Simply 'magnificent, great.' 1 Chronicles 22:5 .
King James Dictionary [3]
MAGNIF'ICAL, a. L. magnificus. Grand splendid illustrious.
Webster's Dictionary [4]
(a.) Grand; splendid; illustrious; magnificent.
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [5]
mag - nif´i - kal ( גּדל , gādhal , in Hiphil "to make great"): Old form retained from Genevan version in 1 Chronicles 22:5; in the American Standard Revised Version "magnificent."