Job Chadwick

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Job Chadwick [1]

a Baptist minister, was born in Maine about 1770. He was ordained an evangelist at Vassalborough, Me., in 1796; and in 1797 was chosen pastor of the Second Baptist Church in China, Kennebec Co., where he remained eight years. He next removed to Gouldsborough, where he was pastor between 1816 and 1831. During the interval between these two pastorates, Mr. Chadwick was acting as a missionary, under the direction of the Massachusetts Home Mission Society, in the destitute regions of Maine and on Cape Cod, Mass. His final residence was at Windsor, Me., where he died, Dec. 25,1831. See Millett, History of the Baptists of Maine, p. 439. (J.C.S.)
