Jasper Adams
Jasper Adams [1]
D.D., President of Charleston College, S. C., was born at Medway, Mass. Aug. 27, 1793, graduated at Brown University in 1815, and studied theology at Andover. In 1819 he was made professor of mathematics at Brown University, and was ordained a minister of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the same year. In 1824 he became President of Charleston College, but in 1826 he removed to the charge of Geneva College, in New York. In 1828 he returned to Charleston, and managed the institution till 1836, when he left it in a highly prosperous state. After preparing and publishing a system of Moral Philosophy (New York, 1838, 8vo), he was for two years chaplain at the West Point Academy, and then removed to Pendleton, S. C., where he died, Oct. 25, 1841. Besides the "Moral Philosophy," he published a number of occasional sermons and addresses. Sprague, Annals, 5, 641.