Jacob August Hausmeister
Jacob August Hausmeister [1]
a Protestant minister of Germany, was born of Jewish parentage, at Stuttgart, October 6, 1806. At the age of nineteen he joined the Christian Church at Esslingen. Shortly afterwards he entered the Basle Missionary Institute, where he remained for about six years. In 1831 the London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews called him as one of its missionaries. Before he left for London, he was ordained by dean Herwig, who had also. received him into the Church. In 1832 he, went to Strasburg as missionary, and died April 17, 1860. He published, Merkwurdige Lebens- und Bekehrungsgeschichten (Basle, 1835): — Leben und Wirken des Pastors Borling (1852): — Der Unterricht und die Pflege judischer Proselyten (Heidelberg, 1852): — Die Judenmission, an essay read before the Evangelical Alliance held at Paris; (Basle, 1856): — Die evangelische Mission unter Israel (1861). See Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. 1:520 sq. (B.P.)