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Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

A — 1: Οἰκοδεσπότης (Strong'S #3617 — Noun Masculine — oikodespotes — oy-kod-es-pot'-ace )

"a master of a house" (oikos, "a house," despotes, "a master"), is rendered "master of the house" in  Matthew 10:25;  Luke 13:25;  14:21 , where the context shows that the authority of the "householder" is stressed; in  Matthew 24:43;  Luke 12:39 , the RV "master of the house" (AV, "goodman of the house," does not give the exact meaning); "householder" is the rendering in both versions in  Matthew 13:27,52;  20:1;  21:33; so the RV in  Matthew 20:11 (for AV, "goodman of the house"); both have "goodman of the house" in   Mark 14:14; in  Luke 22:11 , "goodman." See Goodman.

B — 1: Οἰκοδεσποτέω (Strong'S #3616 — Verb — oikodespoteo — oy-kod-es-pot-eh'-o )

corresponding to A, "to rule a house," is used in  1—Timothy 5:14 , RV, "rule the household" (AV, "guide the house").

Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament [2]

Householder —This term as well as ‘goodman of the house,’ ‘master of the house,’ are different translations of the same Greek word οἰκοδεσπότης. It is rendered ‘householder’ in the parables of the Tares and the Wheat ( Matthew 13:27), of the Owner bringing forth his treasures new and old ( Matthew 13:52), of the Labourers in the VineyardMatthew 20:1), of the Vineyard let out to husbandmen ( Matthew 21:33), with special application to Christ as Head of the Church. The phrase ‘goodman of the house’ is applied ( Mark 14:14,  Luke 22:11) to the owner of the house in which the Last Supper was to be prepared. The translation ‘master of the house’ is found in  Luke 12:39 Revised Version NT 1881, OT 1885 (Authorized Version ‘goodman’),  Matthew 24:43, of the owner or overseer whose duty it is to protect his property against the thief in the night. It occurs also in the parable of the Great Supper,  Luke 14:21 (corresponding to the king of  Matthew 22:2;  Matthew 22:7), also as denoting the head of the house whose persecution involves that of his subordinates,  Matthew 10:25 (see Household); and once more in the parable of the Unfaithful, against whom the door was shut,  Luke 13:25 (cf. parable of the Ten Virgins, Matthew 25).

C. H. Prichard.

King James Dictionary [3]

HOUSEHOLDER, n. hous'holder. The master or chief of a family one who keeps house with his family.  Matthew 13

Webster's Dictionary [4]

(n.) The master or head of a family; one who occupies a house with his family.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [5]

( Οἱκοδεσπότης , Master Of The House, as rendered  Matthew 10:25;  Luke 13:25;  Luke 14:21), the male head of a family ( Matthew 13:27;  Matthew 13:52;  Matthew 20:1;  Matthew 21:23). There are monographs on the parable Matthew 20 by Feuerlein, De scriba proferente e thesauro nova et vetera (Alt. 1730); Bagewitz, De scriba docto (Rost. 1720). (See Goodman Of The House).

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [6]

hous´hōl - dẽr ( οἰκοδεσπότης , oikodespótēs ): The word occurs in   Matthew 13:27 ,  Matthew 13:52;  Matthew 20:1;  Matthew 21:33 , for the master or owner of a "household," i.e. of servants ( doúloi ). The Greek word emphasizes the authority of the master.
