
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Webster's Dictionary [1]

(1): ( a.) Of reputable association or use; respectable.

(2): ( a.) High-minded; actuated by principles of honor, or a scrupulous regard to probity, rectitude, or reputation.

(3): ( a.) Worthy of respect; regarded with esteem; to be commended; consistent with honor or rectitude.

(4): ( a.) Performed or accompanied with marks of honor, or with testimonies of esteem; an honorable burial.

(5): ( a.) Worthy of honor; fit to be esteemed or regarded; estimable; illustrious.

(6): ( a.) Proceeding from an upright and laudable cause, or directed to a just and proper end; not base; irreproachable; fair; as, an honorable motive.

(7): ( a.) Conferring honor, or produced by noble deeds.

(8): ( a.) An epithet of respect or distinction; as, the honorable Senate; the honorable gentleman.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [2]

on´ẽr - a - b ' 50 ( כּבד , kābhēdh  ; εὐσχήμων , euschḗmōn ): In the Old Testament "honorable" is for the most part the translation of kābhēdh , properly, "to be heavy," "weighty" (  Genesis 34:19 , the Revised Version (British and American) "honored";  Numbers 22:15;  1 Samuel 9:6;  Isaiah 3:5 , etc.); kābhōdh , "weight," "heaviness," etc., occurs in  Isaiah 5:13; hōdh , "beauty," "majesty," "honor" ( Psalm 111:3 , the Revised Version (British and American) "honor"); 'ādhar , "to make honorable," "illustrious" ( Isaiah 42:21 , "magnify the law, and make it honorable," the Revised Version margin "make the teaching great and glorious"); , yāḳār , "precious" ( Psalm 45:9 ); nāsā' pānı̄m , "lifted up of face" ( 2 Kings 5:1;  Isaiah 3:3;  Isaiah 9:15 ); nesū phānı̄m Job 22:8 , the Revised Version margin "he whose person is accepted"); euschēmōn , literally, "well fashioned," is translated  Mark 15:43 , the King James Version "honorable," the Revised Version (British and American) "of honorable estate"; compare  Acts 13:50;  Acts 17:12; éndoxos , "in glory," occurs  1 Corinthians 4:10 , the Revised Version (British and American) "glory"; tı́mios , "weighty" ( Hebrews 13:4 , the Revised Version (British and American) "had in honor"); átimos , "without weight or honor" ( 1 Corinthians 12:23 , "less honorable"); éntimos , "in honor" ( Luke 14:8 ), "more honorable."

The Revised Version (British and American) gives for "honorable" ( 1 Samuel 9:6 ), "held in honor"; for "Yet shall I be glorious" ( Isaiah 49:5 ), "I am honorable"; "honorable" for "honest" ( Romans 12:17;  2 Corinthians 13:7;  Philippians 4:8 , margin "reverend"); for "honestly" ( Hebrews 13:18 ) the American Standard Revised Version has "honorably."

In Apocrypha we have endóxōs translated "honorable" (  Tobit 12:7 , the Revised Version (British and American) "gloriously"); endoxos Judith 16:21 ), timios (The Wisdom of   Song of Solomon 4:8 ), doxázō Sirach 24:12 , the Revised Version (British and American) "glorified"), dóxa (29:27, the Revised Version (British and American) "honor"), etc.
