King James Dictionary [1]
1. Deserving such as merits having worth or excellence equivalent with of, before the thing deserved. She has married a man worthy of her.
Thou art worthy of the sway.
I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies-- Genesis 32 .
2. Possessing worth or excellence of qualities virtuous estimable as a worthy citizen a worthy magistrate.
Happier thou mayst be, worthier canst not be.
This worthy mind should worthy things embrace.
3. Suitable having qualities suited to either in a good or bad sense equal in value as flowers worthy of paradise. 4. Suitable to any thing bad.
The merciless Macdonald, worthy to be a rebel.
5. Deserving of : as things worthy of stripes. Luke 12 .
Worthy, n. A man of eminent worth a man distinguished for useful and estimable qualities a man of valor a word much used in the plural as the worthies of the church political worthies military worthies.
Worthy, To render worthy to exalt. Not in use.
Webster's Dictionary [2]
(1): ( n.) Having suitable, adapted, or equivalent qualities or value; - usually with of before the thing compared or the object; more rarely, with a following infinitive instead of of, or with that; as, worthy of, equal in excellence, value, or dignity to; entitled to; meriting; - usually in a good sense, but sometimes in a bad one.
(2): ( n.) Having worth or excellence; possessing merit; valuable; deserving; estimable; excellent; virtuous.
(3): ( n.) Of high station; of high social position.
(4): ( n.) A man of eminent worth or value; one distinguished for useful and estimable qualities; a person of conspicuous desert; - much used in the plural; as, the worthies of the church; political worthies; military worthies.
(5): ( v. t.) To render worthy; to exalt into a hero.