Feuguieres. Guillaume
Feuguieres. Guillaume [1]
was born at Rouen. In his native place he became minister of the Reformed Church. In 1578, at the recommendation of prince William the First, he was appointed first professor of theology in the recently founded University of Leyden. His influence was of decided advantage to the new institution, but his connection with it was of short continuance. In 1579 he resigned his professorship, in order to accept the pressing invitation of his former charge to again become their pastor. There he spent the remainder of his days, and, died in 1613 at an advanced age. He wrote several works in Latin, of which we deem the following most worthy of mention: G. - Feuguereii propheticae et apostolicae, i.e. totius diince et canonicae scripturae thesaurus, in locos communes rerum, dogmatum suis divinis exemplis illustratorum, et phraseom scripturae familiarium, ordine alphabetico Augustini Marlorati adversarus (Lond. 1574; reprinted at Berne in 1601, and at Geneva in 1624. A compendium of it was published at Geneva in 1613) :-Novum Testamentum latine, ex versione et cum annotationibus Th. Bezae, paucis etiam additis ex Joachimi Camerarii notationibus, studio Petri Loselerii Villeri-, theolog. profess. Genevensis, et nunc postraemo G. F. opera (Lond. 1587). See B. Glasius, Godgeleerd Nederland, Dael i, blz. 464 en very.; also Soermans, Acad. Regist. bl. 32; Paquot, i, frag. 178. (J. P. W.)