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Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [1]

EKRON . A city in the Philistine Pentapolis, not conquered by Joshua (  Joshua 13:3 ), but theoretically a border city of Judah (  Joshua 15:11 ) and Dan (  Joshua 19:43 ); said, in a passage which is probably an interpolation, to have been smitten by Judah (  Judges 1:18 ). Hither the captured ark was brought from Ashdod1 Samuel 5:10 ), and on its restoration the Philistine lords who had followed it to Beth-shemesh returned to Ekron1 Samuel 6:16 ). Ekron was the border town of a territory that passed in the days of Samuel from the Philistines to Israel1 Samuel 7:14 ), and it was the limit of the pursuit of the Philistines after the slaying of Goliath by David (  1 Samuel 17:52 ). Its local numen was Baal-zebub, whose oracle Ahaziah consulted after his accident (  2 Kings 1:2 ). Like the other Philistine cities, it is made the subject of denunciation by Jeremiah, Amos, Zephaniah, and the anonymous prophet whose writing occupies   Zechariah 9:1-17;   Zechariah 10:1-12;   Zechariah 11:1-17 . This city is commonly identified with ‘Akir , a village on the Philistine plain between Gezer and the sea, where there is now a Jewish colony. For the identification there is no basis, except the coincidence of name; there are no remains of antiquity whatever at ‘Akir .

R. A. S. Macalister.

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [2]

("the firm rooted".) Most northerly of the five Philistine lordship cities, farthest from the sea, to the right of the great road from Egypt northwards to Syria, in the Shephelah (low country). A landmark of Judah on the northern boundary which ran thence to the sea at JabneelJoshua 15:45-46;  Judges 1:18). Afterward in Dan ( Joshua 19:43); but the Philistines permanently appropriated it ( 1 Samuel 5:10;  1 Samuel 17:52;  Jeremiah 25:20). There the ark of the covenant was taken last before its return to Israel.

A shrine and oracle of Baalzebub was there, to which king Ahaziah applied for consultation in his sickness ( 2 Kings 1:2;  2 Kings 1:16).  Zechariah 9:5, "Ekron for her expectation shall be ashamed": she had expected Tyre would withstand Alexander in his progress southward toward Egypt; but her expectation shall bear the shame of disappointment.  Zephaniah 2:4 plays on her name, 'Εkron Tee'Akeer ," the firm-rooted one shall be rooted up." Now Akir, 3 miles E. of Yebna, N. of the wady Surar; a village consisting of 50 mud houses, with two well-built wells, is all that remains of the once leading Philistine city, fulfilling the prophecy that she should be rooted up.

Holman Bible Dictionary [3]

Ekron was assigned to both Judah ( Joshua 15:11 ,Joshua 15:1115:45-46 ) and Dan ( Joshua 19:43 ) in the tribal allotments. It probably lay on the border between the tribes.  Judges 1:18 reports that Judah captured Ekron along with other parts of the Philistine coast, but Ekron was certainly in Philistine hands at the time the ark was captured (  1 Samuel 5:10 ). It was also the place to which the Philistines retreated after David slew Goliath ( 1 Samuel 17:52 ). Ahaziah, the son of King Ahab of Israel, called on the god of Ekron, Baal-zebub, when he was sick ( 2 Kings 1:2-16 ). That name (literally, “Lord of the flies”) may have been slightly changed by the Hebrew writer to express antipathy toward the Philistine deity. The name of the deity may have been Baal-zebul (“Baal is exalted”).

Excavations at tell Miqne have discovered much pottery that is typically Philistine. From the last period before tell Miqne was destroyed by the Babylonians, the excavators found an important industrial complex near the city gate. A hoard of iron agricultural tools was found. Hundreds of whole pottery vessels were present. Perhaps most importantly, a well-preserved olive press was discovered. This press is the largest and best preserved known in Israel. A horned altar was also found during the excavations.

Joel F. Drinkard, Jr.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [4]

The most northerly of the five cities of the Philistines. It fell to the lot of Judah, and then passed to Dan. It was taken by Judah, but the Philistines kept or gained possession. The ark of God was carried there from Ashdod, and from thence was returned to Israel. It was to Ekron that king Ahaziah sent to inquire of the god Baal-zebub if he should recover from his accident.  2 Kings 1:2,3,16 . The city is denounced in the prophets.  Joshua 15:11,45,46;  Joshua 19:43;  Judges 1:18;  1 Samuel 5:10;  1 Samuel 6:16,17;  1 Samuel 7:14;  1 Samuel 17:52;  Jeremiah 25:20;  Amos 1:8;  Zephaniah 2:4;  Zechariah 9:5,7 . Identified with Akir, 31 52' N, 34 49' E .

People's Dictionary of the Bible [5]

Ekron ( Ĕk'Ron ), Emigration. The most northerly of the five cities of the Philistines,  Joshua 13:3; in the lowlands of Judah,  Joshua 15:11; conquered by Judah,  Joshua 15:45; allotted to Dan,  Joshua 19:43; reconquered by Samuel,  1 Samuel 5:10;  1 Samuel 7:14; again a Philistine city,  1 Samuel 17:52;  2 Kings 1:2;  Jeremiah 25:20;  Amos 1:8;  Zechariah 9:5; now called Akir, on a hill 12 miles southeast of Joppa, a wretched village of about 50 mud hovels. The prophecy has been fulfilled, "Ekron shall be rooted up."  Zephaniah 2:4.

Smith's Bible Dictionary [6]

Ek'ron. (Torn Up By The Roots; Emigration). One of the five towns belonging to the lords of the Philistines, and the most northerly of the five.  Joshua 13:3. Like the other Philistine cities, its situation was in the Shefelah , or lowlands. It fell to the lot of Judah.  Joshua 15:45-46;  Judges 1:18.

Afterwards, we find it mentioned among the cities of Dan.  Joshua 19:43. Before the monarchy, it was again in full possession of the Philistines.  1 Samuel 5:10. Akir , the modern representative of Ekron, lies about five miles southwest of Ramleh . In the Apocrypha, it appears as Accaron . In  1 Maccabees 10:89 only.

American Tract Society Bible Dictionary [7]

The most northern city of the Philistines, allotted to Judah by  Joshua 15:45 , but afterwards given to  Daniel 12:13 , though it does not appear that the Jews ever peaceably possessed it. It is memorable for its connection with the captivity of the ark and its restoration to the Jews,  1 Samuel 5:10   6:1-18 . The fly-god was worshipped here,  2 Kings 1:2 . Its ruin was foretold,  Amos 1:8   Zephaniah 2:4   Zechariah 9:5,7 . Robinson found its site at the Moslem village Akir, some ten miles northeast of Ashdod. There are no ruins.

Bridgeway Bible Dictionary [8]

The town of Ekron was one of the ‘five cities of the Philistines’ ( Joshua 13:3;  1 Samuel 6:17-18). It had a history of conflict with Israel from the time that Israel first entered Canaan. It changed hands between the Philistines and the Israelites frequently (see Philistia ). The Philistines considered Ekron to be the home of the god Baal-zebub ( 2 Kings 1:2-3; see Beelzebul ).

Easton's Bible Dictionary [9]

 Joshua 13:3 Daniel 19:43 1 Samuel 5:10 1 Samuel 5:10 6:1-8 2 Kings 1 23616,3,6,16

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [10]

(Hebrews Ekron', עֶקְרוֹן , Eradication, comp.  Zephaniah 2:4, which apparently contains a play upon the word; Sept. [usually] and Josephus Ἀκκαρών , Vulg. Accaron), one of the five towns belonging to the lords of the Philistines, and the most northerly of the five ( Joshua 13:3). Like the other Philistine cities, its situation was in the maritime plain. In the general distribution of territory (unconquered as well as conquered) Ekron was assigned to Judah, as being upon its border ( Joshua 13:3), between Bethshemesh and Jabneel ( Joshua 15:11;  Joshua 15:45), but apparently was afterwards given to Dan, although conquered by Judah ( Joshua 15:11;  Joshua 15:45;  Joshua 19:43;  Judges 1:18; comp. Josephus, Ant. 5:1, 22; 5:2, 4). But it mattered little to which tribe it nominally belonged, for before the monarchy it was again in full possession of the Philistines ( 1 Samuel 5:10). In Scripture Ekron is chiefly remarkable from the ark having been sent home from thence, upon a new cart draw n by two much kine ( 1 Samuel 5:10;  1 Samuel 6:1-8). Ekron was the last place to which the ark was carried before its return to Israel, and the mortality there in consequence seems to have been greater than at either Ashdod or Gath. (The Sept. in both MSS., and Josephus [Ant. 6:1, 1], substitute Ascalon for Ekron throughout this passage [ 1 Samuel 5:10-12]. In support of this it should be remarked that, according to the Hebrew text, the golden trespass-offerings were given for Ashkelon, though it is omitted from the detailed narrative of the journeyings of the ark. There are other important differences between the Sept. and Hebrew texts of this transaction. See especially v. 60) From Ekron to Bethshemesh (q.v.) was a straight highway (Thomson, Land and Book, 2:309). After David's victory over Goliath, the Philistines were pursued as far as this place ( 1 Samuel 17:52). Henceforward Ekron appears to have remained uninterruptedly in the hands of the Philistines ( 1 Samuel 17:52;  2 Kings 1:2;  2 Kings 1:16;  Jeremiah 25:20). Except the casual mention of a noted sanctuary of Baalzebub (q.v.) existing there ( 2 Kings 1:2-3;  2 Kings 1:6;  2 Kings 1:16), there is nothing to distinguish Ekron from any other town of this district. In later days it is merely named with the other cities of the Philistines in the denunciations of the prophets against that people ( Jeremiah 25:20;  Amos 1:8;  Zephaniah 2:4;  Zechariah 9:5). The name occurs in the cuneiform inscriptions (q.v.) of the Assyrian monuments. In the Apocropha it appears as Accaron ( Ἀκκαρών ,  1 Maccabees 10:89, only), bestowed with its borders ( Τὰ Ὅρια Αὐτῆς ) by Alexander Balas on Jonathan Maccabaeus as a reward for his services. Eusebius and Jerome describe it (Onomast. s.v. ] Ακκαρών , Accaron ) as a large village of the Jews, between Azotus and Jamnia towards the east, or eastward of a line drawn between these two places., The same name Accaron occurs incidentally in the histories of the Crusades (Gesta Dei Per Francos, page 404). The site of Ekron has lately been recognized by Dr. Robinson (Bib. Researcher, 3:24) in that of 'Akir, in a situation corresponding to all that we know of Ekron. The radical letters of the Arabic name are the same as those of the Hebrew, and both the Christians and Moslems of the neighborhood regard the site as that of the ancient Ekron. It is a considerable Moslem village, about five miles southwest of Ramleh, and three due east of Yebna, on the northern side of the important valley Wady Surar. It is built of unburnt bricks, and, as there are no apparent ruins, the ancient town was probably of the same materials. It is alleged, however, that cisterns and the stones of hand-mills are often found at Akir and in the adjacent fields. The plain south is rich, but immediately round the village it has a dreary, forsaken appearance (hence perhaps the name = "wasteness"), only relieved by a few scattered stunted trees (Porter, Handb. page 275; and see Van de Velde, 2:169).

Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [11]

Ek´ron, the chief of the five Philistine states , and the northernmost of the five. In the general distribution of territory (unconquered as well as conquered) Ekron was assigned to Judah, as being upon its border (;; ): but was afterwards apparently given to Dan although conquered by Judah . In Scripture Ekron is chiefly remarkable from the ark having been sent home from thence, upon a new cart drawn by two milch kine . In later days it is named with the other cities of the Philistines in the denunciations of the prophets against that people . The name of Ekron, or rather Accaron, occurs incidentally in the histories of the Crusades; and it has lately been recognized by Dr. Robinson in that of Akri, in a situation corresponding to all we know of Ekron. Akri is a small Muslim village, five miles south of Ramleh. It is built of unburnt bricks, and, as there are no apparent ruins, the ancient town was probably of the same materials. It is alleged, however, that cisterns and the stones of hand-mills are often found at Akri and in the adjacent fields.

The Nuttall Encyclopedia [12]

A town in N. Palestine, 30 m. N. from Gaza and 9 m. from the sea.
