David Todd

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

David Todd [1]

a Congregational minister, was born at West Hanover, Pa., Nov. 5, 1821. He left home at the age of fifteen to attend the preparatory school of Oberlin College. After finishing his collegiate studies there, he entered the theological department, and passed through the prescribed course. He commenced his labors in Illinois, supplying the churches of Knox and Ontario; ten miles distant from each other. In these places he gathered permanent congregations and organized churches. He was ordained at Victoria, Aug. 18, 1847. In 1849 he went to Bureau County, and took charge of a Congregational Church, where he labored with success until 1863, when he accepted a call to Pine Bluffs, Ark. He remained there until 1865, when, his health failing, he found it necessary to return to his Northern home. On his return he resumed his work as pastor, and finish-, ed his course-a faithful pastor and an excellent preacher, held in high esteem by the Church and community. He died at Granville, Ill., Aug. 10, 1874. (W. P. S.)
