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Holman Bible Dictionary [1]

Coccus ilicis Quercus coccifera Coccus cacti  Genesis 38:28 38:30 Joshua 2:18 2:21 Leviticus 14:4 Numbers 4:8 2 Samuel 1:24 2 Chronicles 2:14 2 Chronicles 3:14 Proverbs 31:21 Jeremiah 4:30 Nahum 2:3 Matthew 27:28 Revelation 17:3-4 Revelation 18:11-12 18:16 Isaiah 1:18Colors

Morrish Bible Dictionary [2]

Three Hebrew words are so translated.

1. karmil , a colour prepared from an insect which inhabits a species of oak: it is crimson or deep scarlet.  2 Chronicles 2:7,14;  2 Chronicles 3:14 .

2. shani , the word commonly translated 'scarlet.'  Jeremiah 4:30 .

3. tola , name of a worm, thought to be a dye of a bluish tint. This word occurs in the memorable passage in Isaiah's prophecy, that though Israel's sins should be red like crimson, they should be as wool.  Isaiah 1:18 . The same word is translated scarlet in  Lamentations 4:5 .

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [3]

Crimson . The word tôlâ‘ , tr. [Note: translate or translation.] in   Isaiah 1:18 ‘crimson’ and in   Lamentations 4:5 scarlet ,’ is usually tr. [Note: translate or translation.] ‘ Worm ’ (wh. see), exactly as the Arab. [Note: Arabic.] dûdeh , the common word for ‘worm,’ is to-day also used in Palestine for the imported cochineal insect. The Palestine insect is the female Coccus ilicis of the same. Natural Order as the American C. cacti  ; it feeds on the holm-oak.

E. W. G. Masterman.

King James Dictionary [4]

CRIMSON, n. G. A deep red color a red tinged with blue also, a red color in general as the virgin crimson of modesty.

He made the vail of blue, and purple, and crimson.  2 Chronicles 3 .

CRIMSON, a. Of a beautiful deep red as the crimson blush of modesty a crimson stream of blood.

CRIMSON, To dye with crimson to dye of a deep red color to make red.

CRIMSON, To become of a deep red color to be tinged with red to blush.

Her cheeks crimsoned at the entrance of her lover.

Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types [5]

 Isaiah 1:18 (b) This is a type of the extremely permanent effect of sin upon the soul. The word really means "a double dye," or "a repeated dipping in dye" until the substance is thoroughly and fully dyed. Thus the Lord is telling us that no matter how deep the sinner may be dyed in his sins, the Lord is able to blot them out, and to make him white and clean.

Webster's Dictionary [6]

(1): (a.) Of a deep red color tinged with blue; deep red.

(2): (b. t.) To become crimson; to blush.

(3): (v. t.) To dye with crimson or deep red; to redden.

(4): (n.) A deep red color tinged with blue; also, red color in general.

American Tract Society Bible Dictionary [7]

 2 Chronicles 2:7-14   3:14 . See Purple .

People's Dictionary of the Bible [8]

Crimson.  Jeremiah 4:30. See Colors.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [9]

שָׁנַי , ShaniJeremiah 4:30; elsewhere "scarlet;" fully תּוֹלִעִת שָׁנַי , crimson-worm,  Exodus 25:4, or שְׁנַי תוֹלִעִת , worm crimson,  Leviticus 14:4, or simply תּוֹלִע , the worm itself,  Isaiah 1:15, all rendered, except in this last passage, likewise:' scarlet"), later כִּרְמַיל , Kar'Il (invariably "crimson,"  2 Chronicles 2:7;  2 Chronicles 2:14;  2 Chronicles 3:14; on this Hebrews term, see Lorsbach, Archiv Fur Morgenlind. Literatur, 2:305; Gesenius, Thesaur. p. 714), a well-known red color (Pliny, 21:22), of a deep hue bordering on purple (q.v.), and in this respect differing from the brighter scarlet (q.v.), yet of a brilliant color ( Isaiah 1:18; comp. Pliny, 33:40; hence Χρῶμα Ὀξύ; so in  Matthew 27:28, Χλάμυς Κοκκίνη = Ἐσθὴς Λαμπρά in  Luke 23:11). highly prized among the ancients for garments and tapestry (Horace, Sat. 2:6, 102), as articles of luxury with the nobility ( Jeremiah 4:30;  2 Samuel 1:24;  Proverbs 31:21;  Lamentations 4:5; comp. Martial, 3, 2, 11; 2:39, 1; 43, 8; Patron. Sat. 32), and with the Romans for the robes of generals and princes (Pliny, 22:3; comp.  Matthew 27:28, where Κοκκίνη Πυρπύρα in  Mark 15:17;  Mark 15:20, and  John 19:4), especially the emperors (Sueton. Domit . 4). Many of the fabrics of the tabernacle and sacerdotal paraphernalia were also woven (Exodus 38;  Numbers 4:8) of threads of this dye ( Genesis 38:28;  Joshua 2:18), which was likewise employed for the curtain of Solomon's Temple2 Chronicles 3:14; comp. Sueton. Nero , 30). The color again occurs in the Mosaic ritual ( Leviticus 14:6;  Numbers 19:6). As to its symbolical significance, Philo ( Opp. 1:536; comp. 2:148) and Josephus ( Ant. 3, 7, 7) think that it, like the two sacred colors (scarlet and purple), reps resents the element of fire; according to Bahr ( Sync. Bol . 1:333 sq.), it denotes life (i.e. fire and blood, which are both red); while others find in it other typical allusions. (See Dye).

Crimson is obtained from the pulverized cochineal berries, i.e. the dead bodies and larve-nests (see Brandt and Ratzeburg's Medicin. Zoologie, Berl. 1831 sq., 2, pl. 26, fig. 15) of a small parasitic insect, the female cochineal-worm ( תּוֹלִעִת , Tola ') or Kermes (the Coccus ilicis of Linn., cl. 4, Tetragynia), which towards the end of April fastens itself, like little raisins, in the form of round reddish or violet-brown berries upon the twigs, less frequently on the leaves, of the palmoak ( Πρῖνος or Κόκκος , Ilex Aquifolia Or Coccifera; Comp. Theophrastus, Plaut . 3, 16; Pliny, 16:12; Pausanias, 10:36, 1; see Kirby, Entomol . 1:351; Cuvier, Anim. King . 3, 604, 608). This shrubby tree, some two or three feet high, grows abundantly in Asia Minor and Hither Asia (certainly also in Palestine; see Belon, Observ. 2:88), as well as in Southern Europe, has oval, pointed, evergreen, thorny leaves, a grayish smooth bark, and bears round scarlet berries in clustered tufts (Dioscor. 4:48). Among the ancients, the Phoenicians generally supplied the rest of the world with crimson materials, and best under-stood the art of dyeing this color ( 2 Chronicles 2:7; comp. Pliny, 9:65). (See Beckmann, Beitr . III, 1:1 sq.; Bochart, Hieroz . 3, 524 sq.; Braun, De vestitu sacerd. 1. i, c. 15, p. 215 sq.; Hartmann, Hebr. 1:388 sq.; 3, 135 sq.; Penny Cyclopaedia, s.v. Cochineal.) (See Color).

Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [10]

Crimson [PURPLE]
