
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Calepodius. [1]

(1) A Roman presbyter in whose cemetery (three miles from Rome on the Aurelian way) Calixtius was buried. The distinguished conversions he made at Rome, jointly with Calixtus; his appearing in a vision, after death, to Calixtus in his martyrdom and the burial of Calixtus, are related in Bede (Martyr. May 10, Oct. 14), and partially by Usuard.' His natale was May 10, as recorded, also, in the lesser Roman martyrology.

(2) Bishop of Naples and legate of the pope at the Council of Sardica. But, according to Athanasius, two presbyters signed for the pope, and Calepodius for himself only. He may be the same by whom Liberius wrote to Eusebius of Vercelli, A.D. 354.

(3) Donatist bishop of Bazar, in Africa, in 411.
