Bertholet Francois

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Bertholet Francois [1]

a French theologian, was born Feb. 27, 1814, at Aigle in Switzerland. He prepared himself for the ministry at the Academy of Lausanne, and in 1837 went as vicar to Grion. In 1843 he went back to his native place, with a view of performing ministerial functions there independently. Being obliged to leave this place, he accepted a call from the evangelical society of France, and went to Sens, where he remained from 1845 to 1849. In the latter year he went to Lyons, where he remained till 1854. Being obliged to give up this place on account of its climate, he accepted a call to Geneva, where he labored for about eight years, when he was obliged to retire to the Alps to recruit his shattered constitution. On his journey, however, he died, July 2, 1862. He was a very popular preacher, full of zeal and love for his Master and the salvation of the souls committed to his charge. He published, Exhortation Pastorale adressee par le Pasteur d'une Paroisse de Montagne a ses Paroissiens (Lausanne, 1843): Deux Exhortations Pastorales adressees a mes Anciens Paroissiens (1844): Ephese et Laodicee (Paris, 1865): Le Culte de la Louange et le Culte de la Vie (Toulouse, 1859): L'Amour de Dieu pour le Monde (Lausanne, 1857): Meditations sur quelques Sujets de l'Ancien Testament Etudie a la Lumiire de l'Evangile (1857, 1865). See Lichtenberger, Encyclopedie des Sciences Religieuses, s.v. (B. P.)
