Giovanni Andrea Alberti
Giovanni Andrea Alberti [1]
a celebrated preacher of Nice, was born in 611, and entered the Society of Jesus in 1628. He was professor of eloquence. He died of the plague at Genoa, July 4,1657. He wrote, Le Querele della Pieta (Torino, 1640): — an oration delivered on the death of Anthony Provana, archbishop of Turin: — Museo Reformato nel Collegio di Genova della Conmpagnia di Gesit (Genoa, 1640 ): —-Oratio Panegyrica. de Venerabili P. Camnillo de Lellis, Fundatore Ministrorum InJfirmis (Genuse, 1647): — II Sole Ligure; a discourse addressed to J. B. Lercaro, accompanying a eulogy on. his family. entitled Lercariarum Elogia (Genoa, 1644): — Adelaide, Istoria Panegirica (ibid. 1649): — Eneade, Panegirica detta a San Francesco Saverio (Bologna, 1650): — L'Impieta. Flagellata. dal Santo Zelo d'Elia (Genova, 1655): — Viteeac Elogia XII Patrum Fuundatorum Ordinum (Taurini, 1638): — Zeopiste, overo Vita di Paola Maria di Gesiu Centuriona, Carmelitana Scalza (ibid. 1648). See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.