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Fausset's Bible Dictionary [1]

1. Genesis 46:10; Exodus 6:15; 1 Chronicles 4:24; Numbers 26:12.

2. 1 Chronicles 2:27.

3. Nehemiah 8:7.

Holman Bible Dictionary [2]

Exodus 6:5Numbers 26:1221 Chronicles 2:273Nehemiah 8:74

Hitchcock's Bible Names [3]

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [4]

JAMIN. 1. A son of Simeon ( Genesis 46:10 , Exodus 6:15 , Numbers 26:12 , 1 Chronicles 4:24 ). The gentilic name Jaminites occurs in Numbers 26:12 . Numbers 26:2 . A Judahite ( 1 Chronicles 2:27 ). 3. A priest (? or Levite) who took part in the promulgating of the Law ( Nehemiah 8:7; in 1Es 9:48 Iadinus).

Morrish Bible Dictionary [5]

1. Son of Simeon. Genesis 46:10; Exodus 6:15; Numbers 26:12; 1 Chronicles 4:24 .

2. Son of Ram, a descendant of Judah. 1 Chronicles 2:27 .

3. Priest, or Levite, who helped to explain the law to the people. Nehemiah 8:7 .

Smith's Bible Dictionary [6]

Ja'min. (right hand).

1. Second son of Simeon, Genesis 46:10; Exodus 6:15; 1 Chronicles 4:24, founder of the family of the Jaminites. Numbers 26:12. (B.C. 1706).

2. A man of Judah, second son of Ram, the Jerahmeelite. 1 Chronicles 2:27.

3. One of the Levites, who expounded the law to the people. Nehemiah 8:7. (B.C. 410).

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [7]

jā´min ( ימין , yāmı̄n , "right hand"):

(1) In Genesis 46:10; Exodus 6:15; Numbers 26:12; 1 Chronicles 4:24 , a "son" (clan) of Simeon.

(2) In 1 Chronicles 2:27 , a Judahite, "son" of Ram and grandson of Jerahmeel.

(3) In Nehemiah 8:7 , a Levite (?), one of those who "caused the people to understand" the Torah when Ezra enforced it = "Iadinus" in 1 Esdras 9:48.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [8]

(Hebrew Yamin', יָמַין, lit. the right hand, hence luck, as often; i. q. Felix; Sept. Ι᾿αμείν, and Ι᾿αμίν, but v.r. Ι᾿αβείν in 1 Chronicles 2, 27, and omits in Nehemiah 8:7), the name of three men. (See Benjamin).

1. The second named of the sons of Simeon (Genesis 46:11; Exodus 6:15; Numbers 26:12; 1 Chronicles 4:24). B.C. 1856. His descendants were called JAMINITES (Heb. Yanmini', יָמַינַי, Sept. Ι᾿αμινί , Numbers 26:12). 2. The second named of the three sons of Ram, the fourth in descent from Judah (1 Chronicles 2:26). B.C. cir. 1658.

3. One of the priests that interpreted the law to the people after the return from Babylon (Nehemiah 8:7). B. C. cir. 410.
