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Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [1]

the capital of a British presidency in India of the same name, had in 1885 a population of 773,196 souls, of which two thirds were -Hindoos, 20,000 Parsees, and the rest Mussulmans, Jews, and Christians. It is the see of a bishop of the Church of England, whose diocese comprised, in 1885, 64 clergymen, including one archdeacon. It is also the see of a Roman Catholic bishop.-Clergy List for 1860 (Lond. 1860, 8vo). (See India).

The Nuttall Encyclopedia [2]

The western Presidency of India, embraces 26 British districts and 19 feudatory states. N. of the Nerbudda River the country is flat and fertile; S. of it are mountain ranges and tablelands. In the fertile N. cotton, opium, and wheat are the staple products. In the S., salt, iron, and gold are mined; but coal is wanting. The climate is hot and moist on the coast and in the plains, but pleasant on the plateaux. Cotton manufacture has developed extensively and cotton cloths, with sugar, tea, wool, and drugs are exported. Machinery, oil, coal, and liquors are imported.

he chief city, stands on an island, connected with the coast by a causeway, and has a magnificent harbour and noble docks. It is rapidly surpassing Calcutta in trade, and is one of the greatest of seaports; its position promises to make it the most important commercial centre in the East, as it already is in the cotton trade of the world. It swarms with people of every clime, and its merchandise is mainly in the hands of the Parsees, the descendants of the ancient fire-worshippers. It is the most English town in India. It came to England from Portugal as dowry with Catherine of Braganza, wife of Charles II., who leased it to the East India Company for £10 a year. Its prosperity began when the Civil War in America afforded it an opening for its cotton.
