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== Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words <ref name="term_77177" /> ==
== Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words <ref name="term_77177" /> ==
<div> [['''A]] — 1: ὄχλος ''' (Strong'S #3793 — Noun Masculine — ochlos — okh'-los ) </div> <p> "a throng of people, an irregular crowd," most usually "a disorganized throng;" in &nbsp;Acts 6:7 , however, it is said of a company of the priests who believed; the word here indicates that they had not combined to bring this about. The [[Rv]] usually translates this word "company" or "multitude." Cp. [[B,]] Note 3. See [[Common]] , [[Crowd]] , [[Multitude]] , and Trench, Syn. xcviii. </p> <div> [['''A]] — 2: συνοδία ''' (Strong'S #4923 — Noun [[Feminine]] — sunodia — soon-od-ee'-ah ) </div> <p> lit., "a way or journey together" (sun, "with," hodos, "a way"), denotes, by metonymy, "a company of travelers;" in &nbsp;Luke 2:44 , of the company from which Christ was missed by [[Joseph]] and Mary. (Eng., synod). </p> <div> [['''A]] — 3: συμπόσιον ''' (Strong'S #4849 — Noun Neuter — sumposion — soom-pos'-ee-on ) </div> <p> lit. "denotes a drinking together (sun, "with," pino, "to drink"), a drinking-party;" hence, by metonymy, "any table party or any company arranged as a party." In &nbsp;Mark 6:39 the noun is repeated, in the plural, by way of an adverbial and distributive phrase, sumposia sumposia, lit., "companies-companies" (i.e., by companies). </p> <div> [['''A]] — 4: κλισία ''' (Strong'S #2828 — Noun Feminine — klisia — klee-see'-ah ) </div> <p> akin to klino, "to recline," primarily means a place for lying down in, and hence a "reclining company," for the same purpose as No. 3. It is found in the plural in &nbsp;Luke 9:14 , corresponding to Mark's word sumposia (No. 3, above), signifying "companies reclining at a meal." </p> <div> [['''A]] — 5: πλῆθος ''' (Strong'S #4128 — Noun Neuter — plethos — play'-thos ) </div> <p> lit., "a fullness," hence denotes "a multitude, a large or full company," &nbsp;Luke 23:1; "a multitude," &nbsp;Luke 23:27 [[(Av,]] "a great company"). See [[Bundle]] , Multitude. </p> <div> [['''A]] — 6: ὁμιλία ''' (Strong'S #3657 — Noun Feminine — homilia — hom-il-ee'-ah ) </div> <p> "an association of people, those who are of the same company" (homos, "same"), is used in &nbsp;1 Corinthians 15:33 , [[Av,]] "(evil) communications;" [[Rv,]] "(evil) company." </p> <div> [['''A]] — 7: ὅμιλος ''' (Strong'S #3658 — Noun Masculine — homilos — hom'-il-os ) </div> <p> akin to No. 6, "a throng or crowd," is found, in some mss., in &nbsp;Revelation 18:17 , "all the company in ships," [[Av.]] Homilos denotes the concrete; homilia is chiefly an abstract noun. </p> <div> [['''A]] — 8: ἴδιος ''' (Strong'S #2398 — Adjective — idios — id'-ee-os ) </div> <p> "one's own," is used in the plural with the article in &nbsp;Acts 4:23 , to signify "their own (company)." See [[Business]] , [[B.]] </p> &nbsp;Luke 24:22&nbsp;Acts 15:22&nbsp;Acts 13:13&nbsp;Hebrews 12:22&nbsp;Matthew 18:24&nbsp;Acts 21:8 <div> [['''B]] — 1: συναναμίγνυμι ''' (Strong'S #4874 — Verb — sunanamignumi — soon-an-am-ig'-noo-mee ) </div> <p> lit., "to mix up with" (sun, "with," ana, "up," mignumi, "to mix, mingle"), signifies "to have, or keep, company with," &nbsp;1 Corinthians 5:9,11; &nbsp;2 Thessalonians 3:14 . </p> <div> [['''B]] — 2: συνέρχομαι ''' (Strong'S #4905 — Verb — sunerchomai — soon-er'-khom-ahee ) </div> <p> "to come, or go, with," is rendered "have companied" in &nbsp;Acts 1:21 . See [[Come]] , No. 11. </p> &nbsp;Luke 6:22Divide.&nbsp;Acts 10:28[[Cleave]]Join.&nbsp;Acts 17:5Crowd.
<div> '''A 1: '''''Ὄχλος''''' ''' (Strong'S #3793 Noun Masculine ochlos okh'-los ) </div> <p> "a throng of people, an irregular crowd," most usually "a disorganized throng;" in &nbsp;Acts 6:7 , however, it is said of a company of the priests who believed; the word here indicates that they had not combined to bring this about. The RV usually translates this word "company" or "multitude." Cp. B, Note 3. See [[Common]] , [[Crowd]] , [[Multitude]] , and Trench, Syn. xcviii. </p> <div> '''A 2: '''''Συνοδία''''' ''' (Strong'S #4923 Noun [[Feminine]] sunodia soon-od-ee'-ah ) </div> <p> lit., "a way or journey together" (sun, "with," hodos, "a way"), denotes, by metonymy, "a company of travelers;" in &nbsp;Luke 2:44 , of the company from which Christ was missed by [[Joseph]] and Mary. (Eng., synod). </p> <div> '''A 3: '''''Συμπόσιον''''' ''' (Strong'S #4849 Noun Neuter sumposion soom-pos'-ee-on ) </div> <p> lit. "denotes a drinking together (sun, "with," pino, "to drink"), a drinking-party;" hence, by metonymy, "any table party or any company arranged as a party." In &nbsp;Mark 6:39 the noun is repeated, in the plural, by way of an adverbial and distributive phrase, sumposia sumposia, lit., "companies-companies" (i.e., by companies). </p> <div> '''A 4: '''''Κλισία''''' ''' (Strong'S #2828 Noun Feminine klisia klee-see'-ah ) </div> <p> akin to klino, "to recline," primarily means a place for lying down in, and hence a "reclining company," for the same purpose as No. 3. It is found in the plural in &nbsp;Luke 9:14 , corresponding to Mark's word sumposia (No. 3, above), signifying "companies reclining at a meal." </p> <div> '''A 5: '''''Πλῆθος''''' ''' (Strong'S #4128 Noun Neuter plethos play'-thos ) </div> <p> lit., "a fullness," hence denotes "a multitude, a large or full company," &nbsp;Luke 23:1; "a multitude," &nbsp;Luke 23:27 (AV, "a great company"). See [[Bundle]] , Multitude. </p> <div> '''A 6: '''''Ὁμιλία''''' ''' (Strong'S #3657 Noun Feminine homilia hom-il-ee'-ah ) </div> <p> "an association of people, those who are of the same company" (homos, "same"), is used in &nbsp;1—Corinthians 15:33 , AV, "(evil) communications;" RV, "(evil) company." </p> <div> '''A 7: '''''Ὅμιλος''''' ''' (Strong'S #3658 Noun Masculine homilos hom'-il-os ) </div> <p> akin to No. 6, "a throng or crowd," is found, in some mss., in &nbsp;Revelation 18:17 , "all the company in ships," AV. Homilos denotes the concrete; homilia is chiefly an abstract noun. </p> <div> '''A 8: '''''Ἴδιος''''' ''' (Strong'S #2398 Adjective idios id'-ee-os ) </div> <p> "one's own," is used in the plural with the article in &nbsp;Acts 4:23 , to signify "their own (company)." See [[Business]] , B. </p> &nbsp;Luke 24:22&nbsp;Acts 15:22&nbsp;Acts 13:13&nbsp;Hebrews 12:22&nbsp;Matthew 18:24&nbsp;Acts 21:8 <div> '''B 1: '''''Συναναμίγνυμι''''' ''' (Strong'S #4874 Verb sunanamignumi soon-an-am-ig'-noo-mee ) </div> <p> lit., "to mix up with" (sun, "with," ana, "up," mignumi, "to mix, mingle"), signifies "to have, or keep, company with," &nbsp;1—Corinthians 5:9,11; &nbsp;2—Thessalonians 3:14 . </p> <div> '''B 2: '''''Συνέρχομαι''''' ''' (Strong'S #4905 Verb sunerchomai soon-er'-khom-ahee ) </div> <p> "to come, or go, with," is rendered "have companied" in &nbsp;Acts 1:21 . See [[Come]] , No. 11. </p> &nbsp;Luke 6:22Divide.&nbsp;Acts 10:28[[Cleave]]Join.&nbsp;Acts 17:5Crowd.
== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_58974" /> ==
== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_58974" /> ==
<p> [[Company,]] n. </p> 1. In military affairs, the soldiers united under the command of a captain a subdivision of a regiment, consisting usually of a number from 60 to 100 men. But the number is indefinite. 2. Any assemblage of persons a collection of men, or other animals, in a very indefinite sense. It may be applied to a small number, or any multitude whatever as in scripture we read of a company of priests, a company of prophets, and an innumerable company of angels also, a company of horses. 3. An assemblage of persons for entertainment or festivity a party collected by invitation or otherwise. 4. [[Persons]] that associate with others for conversation or pleasure society as, let your children keep good company. 5. The state of being a companion the act of accompanying fellowship society. <p> [[I]] will keep thee company. </p> <p> We cannot enjoy the company of licentious men. </p> 6. [[A]] number of persons untied for the same purpose, or in a joint concern as a company of merchants or mechanics a company of players. The word is applicable to private partnerships or to incorporated bodies of men. Hence it may signify a firm, house or partnership or a corporation, as the East India Company, a banking or insurance company. 7. The crew of a ship, including the officers also, a fleet. <p> To bear company, to accompany to attend to go with denoting a temporary association. </p> <p> His faithful dog shall bear him company. </p> <p> To keep company, to accompany to attend also, to associate with frequently or habitually hence, to frequent public houses. &nbsp;Proverbs 29 . </p> <p> [[Company,]] To accompany to attend to go with to be companion to. </p> <p> [[Company,]] </p> 1. To associate with to frequent the company of. <p> [[I]] wrote you not to company with fornicators. &nbsp;1 Corinthians 5 . </p> 2. To be a gay companion. 3. To have commerce with the other sex.
<p> [[Company]] n. </p> 1. In military affairs, the soldiers united under the command of a captain a subdivision of a regiment, consisting usually of a number from 60 to 100 men. But the number is indefinite. 2. Any assemblage of persons a collection of men, or other animals, in a very indefinite sense. It may be applied to a small number, or any multitude whatever as in scripture we read of a company of priests, a company of prophets, and an innumerable company of angels also, a company of horses. 3. An assemblage of persons for entertainment or festivity a party collected by invitation or otherwise. 4. [[Persons]] that associate with others for conversation or pleasure society as, let your children keep good company. 5. The state of being a companion the act of accompanying fellowship society. <p> I will keep thee company. </p> <p> We cannot enjoy the company of licentious men. </p> 6. A number of persons untied for the same purpose, or in a joint concern as a company of merchants or mechanics a company of players. The word is applicable to private partnerships or to incorporated bodies of men. Hence it may signify a firm, house or partnership or a corporation, as the East India Company, a banking or insurance company. 7. The crew of a ship, including the officers also, a fleet. <p> To bear company, to accompany to attend to go with denoting a temporary association. </p> <p> His faithful dog shall bear him company. </p> <p> To keep company, to accompany to attend also, to associate with frequently or habitually hence, to frequent public houses. &nbsp;Proverbs 29 . </p> <p> COMPANY, To accompany to attend to go with to be companion to. </p> <p> COMPANY, </p> 1. To associate with to frequent the company of. <p> I wrote you not to company with fornicators. &nbsp;1 Corinthians 5 . </p> 2. To be a gay companion. 3. To have commerce with the other sex.
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_102847" /> ==
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_102847" /> ==
<p> '''(1):''' (n.) Guests or visitors, in distinction from the members of a family; as, to invite company to dine. </p> <p> '''(2):''' (n.) The state of being a companion or companions; the act of accompanying; fellowship; companionship; society; friendly intercourse. </p> <p> '''(3):''' (v. t.) To accompany or go with; to be companion to. </p> <p> '''(4):''' (v. i.) To have sexual commerce. </p> <p> '''(5):''' (n.) An association of persons for the purpose of carrying on some enterprise or business; a corporation; a firm; as, the East India Company; an insurance company; a joint-stock company. </p> <p> '''(6):''' (n.) Partners in a firm whose names are not mentioned in its style or title; - often abbreviated in writing; as, Hottinguer & Co. </p> <p> '''(7):''' (n.) [[A]] subdivision of a regiment of troops under the command of a captain, numbering in the United States (full strength) 100 men. </p> <p> '''(8):''' (n.) The crew of a ship, including the officers; as, a whole ship's company. </p> <p> '''(9):''' (v. i.) To be a gay companion. </p> <p> '''(10):''' (v. i.) To associate. </p> <p> '''(11):''' (n.) The body of actors employed in a theater or in the production of a play. </p> <p> '''(12):''' (n.) An assemblage or association of persons, either permanent or transient. </p> <p> '''(13):''' (n.) [[A]] companion or companions. </p> <p> '''(14):''' (n.) Society, in general; people assembled for social intercourse. </p>
<p> '''(1):''' (n.) Guests or visitors, in distinction from the members of a family; as, to invite company to dine. </p> <p> '''(2):''' (n.) The state of being a companion or companions; the act of accompanying; fellowship; companionship; society; friendly intercourse. </p> <p> '''(3):''' (v. t.) To accompany or go with; to be companion to. </p> <p> '''(4):''' (v. i.) To have sexual commerce. </p> <p> '''(5):''' (n.) An association of persons for the purpose of carrying on some enterprise or business; a corporation; a firm; as, the East India Company; an insurance company; a joint-stock company. </p> <p> '''(6):''' (n.) Partners in a firm whose names are not mentioned in its style or title; - often abbreviated in writing; as, Hottinguer & Co. </p> <p> '''(7):''' (n.) A subdivision of a regiment of troops under the command of a captain, numbering in the United States (full strength) 100 men. </p> <p> '''(8):''' (n.) The crew of a ship, including the officers; as, a whole ship's company. </p> <p> '''(9):''' (v. i.) To be a gay companion. </p> <p> '''(10):''' (v. i.) To associate. </p> <p> '''(11):''' (n.) The body of actors employed in a theater or in the production of a play. </p> <p> '''(12):''' (n.) An assemblage or association of persons, either permanent or transient. </p> <p> '''(13):''' (n.) A companion or companions. </p> <p> '''(14):''' (n.) Society, in general; people assembled for social intercourse. </p>
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_2809" /> ==
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_2809" /> ==
<p> '''''kum´pa''''' -'''''ni''''' : The fertility of the original languages in synonyms and varied shades of meaning is seen by the fact that 20 [[Hebrew]] and 12 Greek words are represented by this single term. An analysis of these words shows that "company" is both an indefinite and limitless term, signifying few or many, and all kinds of assemblages of people, e.g.: </p> <p> (1) Caravan, ( <i> a </i> ) migratory (&nbsp;Isaiah 21:13 the King James Version); ( <i> b </i> ) commercial (&nbsp;Genesis 37:25 the King James Version); &nbsp; Job 6:19 , "The companies of [[Sheba]] waited (in vain) for them." </p> <p> (2) Military, <i> '''''gedhūdh''''' </i> , "troop," <i> '''''hāmōn''''' </i> , &nbsp;2 Chronicles 20:12; <i> '''''rō'sh''''' </i> , "head," "detachment"; &nbsp;Judges 7:16 , &nbsp;Judges 7:20 : "Three companies"; &nbsp; Judges 9:34 , &nbsp;Judges 9:37 , &nbsp;Judges 9:43 : "four companies." </p> <p> (3) [[Band]] ( <i> '''''ḥebher''''' </i> ) or "gang," as rendered by Keil and Delitzsch; a gang of murderous priests (&nbsp;Hosea 6:9 ). </p> <p> (4) [[Camp]] or encampment (&nbsp;Genesis 32:8 , &nbsp;Genesis 32:21; &nbsp;Genesis 50:9 ). </p> <p> (5) [[Religious]] body, "company of prophets" (&nbsp;1 Samuel 19:20 ). </p> <p> (6) Assembly, congregation, "company of nations" (&nbsp;Genesis 35:11; &nbsp;Ezekiel 38:4 , &nbsp;Ezekiel 38:7 , &nbsp;Ezekiel 38:13 , &nbsp;Ezekiel 38:15 ). </p> <p> (7) [[A]] tumultuous crowd (&nbsp;2 Kings 9:17 ). </p> <p> (8) Associate, companion, often with reference to moral affinity (&nbsp;Job 34:8; &nbsp;Proverbs 29:3; &nbsp;Acts 10:28 ), <i> '''''kolláomai''''' </i> , "to glue or cement together," indicative of the binding power of moral affinity (the Revised Version (British and American) "to join himself"); as a verb, to "company with" or "keep company" (&nbsp;Acts 1:21; &nbsp;1 Corinthians 5:9 , &nbsp;1 Corinthians 5:11; &nbsp;2 Thessalonians 3:14 ). In [[Apocrypha]] in the sense of "to cohabit" (Susanna 1:54, 57, 58). </p> <p> (9) [[A]] host. "Great was the company," etc. (&nbsp;Psalm 68:11 the Revised Version (British and American) "The women ... are a great host"). In the East it is the women who celebrate victories with song and dance (see &nbsp; 1 Samuel 18:6 , &nbsp;1 Samuel 18:7 ). </p> <p> (10) [[A]] chorus, dance ( <i> '''''meḥōlāh''''' </i> ). "The company of two armies" (&nbsp;Song of [[Solomon]] 6:13 the King James Version; the Revised Version (British and American) "the dance of Mahanaim"). </p> <p> (11) [[Meal]] party, κλισία , <i> '''''klisı́a''''' </i> , "a reclining company at meals." "Make them sit down (Greek "recline") in companies" (&nbsp;Luke 9:14 ). Compare "companion," from Latin <i> com </i> , "together," and <i> panis </i> , "bread." </p> <p> (12) [[A]] myriad, a ten-thousand, an indefinite number ( <i> '''''murı́as''''' </i> ; &nbsp;Hebrews 12:22 (the Revised Version (British and American) "hosts")). </p> <p> (13) Companions on a journey, <i> '''''sunodı́a''''' </i> , "a journeying together" (&nbsp;Luke 2:44 ). </p> <p> (14) Signifying kinship of spirit, <i> '''''ı́dios''''' </i> , "one's own." "They came to their own company" (&nbsp;Acts 4:23 ). </p> <p> (15) [[A]] mob (&nbsp;Acts 17:5 (the Revised Version (British and American) "a crowd")). </p>
<p> ''''' kum´pa ''''' - ''''' ni ''''' : The fertility of the original languages in synonyms and varied shades of meaning is seen by the fact that 20 [[Hebrew]] and 12 Greek words are represented by this single term. An analysis of these words shows that "company" is both an indefinite and limitless term, signifying few or many, and all kinds of assemblages of people, e.g.: </p> <p> (1) Caravan, ( <i> a </i> ) migratory (&nbsp;Isaiah 21:13 the King James Version); ( <i> b </i> ) commercial (&nbsp;Genesis 37:25 the King James Version); &nbsp; Job 6:19 , "The companies of [[Sheba]] waited (in vain) for them." </p> <p> (2) Military, <i> ''''' gedhūdh ''''' </i> , "troop," <i> ''''' hāmōn ''''' </i> , &nbsp;2 Chronicles 20:12; <i> ''''' rō'sh ''''' </i> , "head," "detachment"; &nbsp;Judges 7:16 , &nbsp;Judges 7:20 : "Three companies"; &nbsp; Judges 9:34 , &nbsp;Judges 9:37 , &nbsp;Judges 9:43 : "four companies." </p> <p> (3) [[Band]] ( <i> ''''' ḥebher ''''' </i> ) or "gang," as rendered by Keil and Delitzsch; a gang of murderous priests (&nbsp;Hosea 6:9 ). </p> <p> (4) [[Camp]] or encampment (&nbsp;Genesis 32:8 , &nbsp;Genesis 32:21; &nbsp;Genesis 50:9 ). </p> <p> (5) [[Religious]] body, "company of prophets" (&nbsp;1 Samuel 19:20 ). </p> <p> (6) Assembly, congregation, "company of nations" (&nbsp;Genesis 35:11; &nbsp;Ezekiel 38:4 , &nbsp;Ezekiel 38:7 , &nbsp;Ezekiel 38:13 , &nbsp;Ezekiel 38:15 ). </p> <p> (7) A tumultuous crowd (&nbsp;2 Kings 9:17 ). </p> <p> (8) Associate, companion, often with reference to moral affinity (&nbsp;Job 34:8; &nbsp;Proverbs 29:3; &nbsp;Acts 10:28 ), <i> ''''' kolláomai ''''' </i> , "to glue or cement together," indicative of the binding power of moral affinity (the Revised Version (British and American) "to join himself"); as a verb, to "company with" or "keep company" (&nbsp;Acts 1:21; &nbsp;1 Corinthians 5:9 , &nbsp;1 Corinthians 5:11; &nbsp;2 Thessalonians 3:14 ). In [[Apocrypha]] in the sense of "to cohabit" (Susanna 1:54, 57, 58). </p> <p> (9) A host. "Great was the company," etc. (&nbsp;Psalm 68:11 the Revised Version (British and American) "The women ... are a great host"). In the East it is the women who celebrate victories with song and dance (see &nbsp; 1 Samuel 18:6 , &nbsp;1 Samuel 18:7 ). </p> <p> (10) A chorus, dance ( <i> ''''' meḥōlāh ''''' </i> ). "The company of two armies" (&nbsp;Song of [[Solomon]] 6:13 the King James Version; the Revised Version (British and American) "the dance of Mahanaim"). </p> <p> (11) [[Meal]] party, κλισία , <i> ''''' klisı́a ''''' </i> , "a reclining company at meals." "Make them sit down (Greek "recline") in companies" (&nbsp;Luke 9:14 ). Compare "companion," from Latin <i> com </i> , "together," and <i> panis </i> , "bread." </p> <p> (12) A myriad, a ten-thousand, an indefinite number ( <i> ''''' murı́as ''''' </i> ; &nbsp;Hebrews 12:22 (the Revised Version (British and American) "hosts")). </p> <p> (13) Companions on a journey, <i> ''''' sunodı́a ''''' </i> , "a journeying together" (&nbsp;Luke 2:44 ). </p> <p> (14) Signifying kinship of spirit, <i> ''''' ı́dios ''''' </i> , "one's own." "They came to their own company" (&nbsp;Acts 4:23 ). </p> <p> (15) A mob (&nbsp;Acts 17:5 (the Revised Version (British and American) "a crowd")). </p>
==References ==
==References ==

Revision as of 13:46, 14 October 2021

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

A — 1: Ὄχλος (Strong'S #3793 — Noun Masculine — ochlos — okh'-los )

"a throng of people, an irregular crowd," most usually "a disorganized throng;" in  Acts 6:7 , however, it is said of a company of the priests who believed; the word here indicates that they had not combined to bring this about. The RV usually translates this word "company" or "multitude." Cp. B, Note 3. See Common , Crowd , Multitude , and Trench, Syn. xcviii.

A — 2: Συνοδία (Strong'S #4923 — Noun Feminine — sunodia — soon-od-ee'-ah )

lit., "a way or journey together" (sun, "with," hodos, "a way"), denotes, by metonymy, "a company of travelers;" in  Luke 2:44 , of the company from which Christ was missed by Joseph and Mary. (Eng., synod).

A — 3: Συμπόσιον (Strong'S #4849 — Noun Neuter — sumposion — soom-pos'-ee-on )

lit. "denotes a drinking together (sun, "with," pino, "to drink"), a drinking-party;" hence, by metonymy, "any table party or any company arranged as a party." In  Mark 6:39 the noun is repeated, in the plural, by way of an adverbial and distributive phrase, sumposia sumposia, lit., "companies-companies" (i.e., by companies).

A — 4: Κλισία (Strong'S #2828 — Noun Feminine — klisia — klee-see'-ah )

akin to klino, "to recline," primarily means a place for lying down in, and hence a "reclining company," for the same purpose as No. 3. It is found in the plural in  Luke 9:14 , corresponding to Mark's word sumposia (No. 3, above), signifying "companies reclining at a meal."

A — 5: Πλῆθος (Strong'S #4128 — Noun Neuter — plethos — play'-thos )

lit., "a fullness," hence denotes "a multitude, a large or full company,"  Luke 23:1; "a multitude,"  Luke 23:27 (AV, "a great company"). See Bundle , Multitude.

A — 6: Ὁμιλία (Strong'S #3657 — Noun Feminine — homilia — hom-il-ee'-ah )

"an association of people, those who are of the same company" (homos, "same"), is used in  1—Corinthians 15:33 , AV, "(evil) communications;" RV, "(evil) company."

A — 7: Ὅμιλος (Strong'S #3658 — Noun Masculine — homilos — hom'-il-os )

akin to No. 6, "a throng or crowd," is found, in some mss., in  Revelation 18:17 , "all the company in ships," AV. Homilos denotes the concrete; homilia is chiefly an abstract noun.

A — 8: Ἴδιος (Strong'S #2398 — Adjective — idios — id'-ee-os )

"one's own," is used in the plural with the article in  Acts 4:23 , to signify "their own (company)." See Business , B.

 Luke 24:22 Acts 15:22 Acts 13:13 Hebrews 12:22 Matthew 18:24 Acts 21:8

B — 1: Συναναμίγνυμι (Strong'S #4874 — Verb — sunanamignumi — soon-an-am-ig'-noo-mee )

lit., "to mix up with" (sun, "with," ana, "up," mignumi, "to mix, mingle"), signifies "to have, or keep, company with,"  1—Corinthians 5:9,11;  2—Thessalonians 3:14 .

B — 2: Συνέρχομαι (Strong'S #4905 — Verb — sunerchomai — soon-er'-khom-ahee )

"to come, or go, with," is rendered "have companied" in  Acts 1:21 . See Come , No. 11.

 Luke 6:22Divide. Acts 10:28CleaveJoin. Acts 17:5Crowd.

King James Dictionary [2]

Company n.

1. In military affairs, the soldiers united under the command of a captain a subdivision of a regiment, consisting usually of a number from 60 to 100 men. But the number is indefinite. 2. Any assemblage of persons a collection of men, or other animals, in a very indefinite sense. It may be applied to a small number, or any multitude whatever as in scripture we read of a company of priests, a company of prophets, and an innumerable company of angels also, a company of horses. 3. An assemblage of persons for entertainment or festivity a party collected by invitation or otherwise. 4. Persons that associate with others for conversation or pleasure society as, let your children keep good company. 5. The state of being a companion the act of accompanying fellowship society.

I will keep thee company.

We cannot enjoy the company of licentious men.

6. A number of persons untied for the same purpose, or in a joint concern as a company of merchants or mechanics a company of players. The word is applicable to private partnerships or to incorporated bodies of men. Hence it may signify a firm, house or partnership or a corporation, as the East India Company, a banking or insurance company. 7. The crew of a ship, including the officers also, a fleet.

To bear company, to accompany to attend to go with denoting a temporary association.

His faithful dog shall bear him company.

To keep company, to accompany to attend also, to associate with frequently or habitually hence, to frequent public houses.  Proverbs 29 .

COMPANY, To accompany to attend to go with to be companion to.


1. To associate with to frequent the company of.

I wrote you not to company with fornicators.  1 Corinthians 5 .

2. To be a gay companion. 3. To have commerce with the other sex.

Webster's Dictionary [3]

(1): (n.) Guests or visitors, in distinction from the members of a family; as, to invite company to dine.

(2): (n.) The state of being a companion or companions; the act of accompanying; fellowship; companionship; society; friendly intercourse.

(3): (v. t.) To accompany or go with; to be companion to.

(4): (v. i.) To have sexual commerce.

(5): (n.) An association of persons for the purpose of carrying on some enterprise or business; a corporation; a firm; as, the East India Company; an insurance company; a joint-stock company.

(6): (n.) Partners in a firm whose names are not mentioned in its style or title; - often abbreviated in writing; as, Hottinguer & Co.

(7): (n.) A subdivision of a regiment of troops under the command of a captain, numbering in the United States (full strength) 100 men.

(8): (n.) The crew of a ship, including the officers; as, a whole ship's company.

(9): (v. i.) To be a gay companion.

(10): (v. i.) To associate.

(11): (n.) The body of actors employed in a theater or in the production of a play.

(12): (n.) An assemblage or association of persons, either permanent or transient.

(13): (n.) A companion or companions.

(14): (n.) Society, in general; people assembled for social intercourse.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [4]

kum´pa - ni  : The fertility of the original languages in synonyms and varied shades of meaning is seen by the fact that 20 Hebrew and 12 Greek words are represented by this single term. An analysis of these words shows that "company" is both an indefinite and limitless term, signifying few or many, and all kinds of assemblages of people, e.g.:

(1) Caravan, ( a ) migratory ( Isaiah 21:13 the King James Version); ( b ) commercial ( Genesis 37:25 the King James Version);   Job 6:19 , "The companies of Sheba waited (in vain) for them."

(2) Military, gedhūdh , "troop," hāmōn ,  2 Chronicles 20:12; rō'sh , "head," "detachment";  Judges 7:16 ,  Judges 7:20 : "Three companies";   Judges 9:34 ,  Judges 9:37 ,  Judges 9:43 : "four companies."

(3) Band ( ḥebher ) or "gang," as rendered by Keil and Delitzsch; a gang of murderous priests ( Hosea 6:9 ).

(4) Camp or encampment ( Genesis 32:8 ,  Genesis 32:21;  Genesis 50:9 ).

(5) Religious body, "company of prophets" ( 1 Samuel 19:20 ).

(6) Assembly, congregation, "company of nations" ( Genesis 35:11;  Ezekiel 38:4 ,  Ezekiel 38:7 ,  Ezekiel 38:13 ,  Ezekiel 38:15 ).

(7) A tumultuous crowd ( 2 Kings 9:17 ).

(8) Associate, companion, often with reference to moral affinity ( Job 34:8;  Proverbs 29:3;  Acts 10:28 ), kolláomai , "to glue or cement together," indicative of the binding power of moral affinity (the Revised Version (British and American) "to join himself"); as a verb, to "company with" or "keep company" ( Acts 1:21;  1 Corinthians 5:9 ,  1 Corinthians 5:11;  2 Thessalonians 3:14 ). In Apocrypha in the sense of "to cohabit" (Susanna 1:54, 57, 58).

(9) A host. "Great was the company," etc. ( Psalm 68:11 the Revised Version (British and American) "The women ... are a great host"). In the East it is the women who celebrate victories with song and dance (see   1 Samuel 18:6 ,  1 Samuel 18:7 ).

(10) A chorus, dance ( meḥōlāh ). "The company of two armies" ( Song of Solomon 6:13 the King James Version; the Revised Version (British and American) "the dance of Mahanaim").

(11) Meal party, κλισία , klisı́a , "a reclining company at meals." "Make them sit down (Greek "recline") in companies" ( Luke 9:14 ). Compare "companion," from Latin com , "together," and panis , "bread."

(12) A myriad, a ten-thousand, an indefinite number ( murı́as  ;  Hebrews 12:22 (the Revised Version (British and American) "hosts")).

(13) Companions on a journey, sunodı́a , "a journeying together" ( Luke 2:44 ).

(14) Signifying kinship of spirit, ı́dios , "one's own." "They came to their own company" ( Acts 4:23 ).

(15) A mob ( Acts 17:5 (the Revised Version (British and American) "a crowd")).
