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(Created page with "Eshtaol <ref name="term_3511" /> <p> '''''esh´tā̇''''' -'''''ol''''' ( אשׁתּאול , <i> ''''''eshtā'ōl''''' </i> ; Ἀσταώλ , <i> '''''Astaō̇l''''' </i> ):...")
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Eshtaol <ref name="term_3511" />  
== American Tract Society Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_15972" /> ==
<p> '''''esh´tā̇''''' -'''''ol''''' ( אשׁתּאול , <i> ''''''eshtā'ōl''''' </i> ; Ἀσταώλ , <i> '''''Astaō̇l''''' </i> ): A town in the [[Shephelah]] of [[Judah]] named next to [[Zorah]] ( Joshua 15:33; Joshua 19:41 ). Between these two cities lay Mahaneh-dan (the camp of Dan) where the [[Spirit]] of the Lord began to move [[Samson]] ( Judges 13:25 ), and where he was buried ( Judges 16:31 ). A contingent from [[Eshtaol]] formed part of the 600 [[Danites]] who captured [[Laish]] ( Judges 18:2 , Judges 18:11 ). It is probably represented by the modern <i> '''''Ashū‛a''''' </i> , about a mile and a half East of Zorah, the modern <i> '''''Ṣar‛ah''''' </i> . </p>
<p> A town on the western border of Judah, afterwards given to Dan, Joshua 15:33; 19:41 . It is named in the history of Samson, Judges 13:25; 16:31 . </p>
== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_31451" /> ==
Joshua 15:33Joshua 19:41Judges 13:2516:3118:2,8,11,12
== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_35199" /> ==
<p> A town in the shephelah or low country of [[Judah]] (Joshua 15:33; Joshua 19:41), allotted to Daniel On the [[Philistine]] border between [[Azotus]] and Askelon. Here [[Samson]] spent his boyhood, and hither his remains were finally carried to the burying ground of [[Manoah]] his father (Judges 13:25; Judges 16:31; Judges 18:2; Judges 18:8; Judges 18:11-12). Between the [[Danite]] towns [[Zorah]] and [[Eshtaol]] and behind [[Kirjath]] [[Jearim]] was Mahaneh-Dan, the standing camp of the little host exposed to constant warfare with the Philistines; a neighborhood well calculated to train Samson for his after encounters with that race. </p> <p> As Kirjath Jearim is now Kuriet-el-Enab, and Zorah is Suz'ah, seven miles S.W. of it, Eshtaol is Kustul, a conical hill an hour's journey S.E. from Kuriet-el-Enab toward Jerusalem. This fulfills the requisite condition that Kirjath Jearim should lie between Eshtaol and Zorah. E. [[Wilton]] (Imperial [[Bible]] Dictionary) identifies Eshtaol with [[Um]] Eshteiyeh, 12 [[Roman]] miles from Beit Jibrin (Eleutheropolis), agreeing with Eusebius' statement that it is ten miles distant. [[Jerome]] says [[Jarmuth]] was near, which agrees with the fact that Yarmak is near Eshtaol; Zanua (Zanoah) is also near. [[Black]] (Palestine Exploration) identifies Eshtaol with Eshu'a. </p>
== Holman Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_39824" /> ==
Joshua 15:33Joshua 19:41Judges 13:25Judges 16:31Judges 18:2-111 Chronicles 2:53
== Hitchcock's Bible Names <ref name="term_45607" /> ==
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_50719" /> ==
<p> <strong> ESHTAOL </strong> . A lowland city of [[Judah]] ( Joshua 15:33 ) on the borders of [[Dan]] 19:41), near which [[Samson]] began to feel ‘the spirit of the Lord’ ( Judges 13:25 ), and was buried ( Judges 16:31 ); the home of some of the [[Danites]] who attacked [[Laish]] ( Judges 18:2; Judges 18:11 ). It is supposed to be the same as <em> Eshu‘a </em> , near <em> [[Ain]] esh-Shems </em> (Beth-shemesh). The <strong> Eshtaolites </strong> are enumerated among the Calebites ( 1 Chronicles 2:53 ). </p> <p> R. A. S. Macalister. </p>
== Morrish Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_66052" /> ==
<p> [[Town]] in the lowlands of Judah, allotted to Dan. It was near to this town that [[Samson]] spent his early life, and there he was buried. Joshua 15:33; Joshua 19:41; Judges 13:25; Judges 16:31; Judges 18:2,8,11 . [[Identified]] with <i> Eshu'a, </i> 31 47' N, 35 E. </p>
== Smith's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_72362" /> ==
<p> Esh'taol. (a pass). A town in the low country - the Shefelah - of Judah, afterwards, allotted to Dan. Joshua 15:33; Joshua 19:41. Here, [[Samson]] spent his boyhood, and hither, after his last exploit, his body was brought. Judges 13:25; Judges 16:31; Judges 18:2; Judges 18:8; Judges 18:11-12. </p>
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_3511" /> ==
<p> '''''esh´tā̇''''' -'''''ol''''' ( אשׁתּאול , <i> ''''''eshtā'ōl''''' </i> ; Ἀσταώλ , <i> '''''Astaō̇l''''' </i> ): A town in the [[Shephelah]] of [[Judah]] named next to [[Zorah]] (Joshua 15:33; Joshua 19:41 ). Between these two cities lay Mahaneh-dan (the camp of Dan) where the [[Spirit]] of the Lord began to move [[Samson]] (Judges 13:25 ), and where he was buried (Judges 16:31 ). A contingent from [[Eshtaol]] formed part of the 600 [[Danites]] who captured [[Laish]] (Judges 18:2 , Judges 18:11 ). It is probably represented by the modern <i> '''''Ashū‛a''''' </i> , about a mile and a half East of Zorah, the modern <i> '''''Ṣar‛ah''''' </i> . </p>
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_39223" /> ==
<p> (Hebrews Eshtaol', אְֵשׁתָּאוֹל [but defectively אֶשְׁתָּאֹל in Judges 13:25; Judges 18:2; Judges 18:8; Judges 18:11], according to Fü rst, narrow pass, but [[Gesenius]] suggests perhaps petition; Sept. Ἀσθαώλ v.r. [in Judges 13:5] Ε᾿σδαόλ , Vulg. Esthaol or [in Joshua 15:33] Estaob), a town in the low country of Judah, the [[Shephelah]] or plain of Philistia. It is the first of the first group of cities in that district (Joshua 15:33) enumerated with [[Zoreah]] (Hebrews Zareah), or Zorah, in company with which it is commonly mentioned. [[Zorah]] and [[Eshtaol]] were two of the towns allotted to the tribe of [[Dan]] out of [[Judah]] (Joshua 19:41). Between them, and behind Kirjath-jearim, was situated Mahaneh-Dan, the camp or stronghold which formed the head- quarters of that little community during their constant encounters with the Philistines. Eshtaol was one of the great strongholds of the Danites, and its inhabitants, with these of Zorah, were noted for their daring. (See [[Dan]]). The 600 men who captured and colonized [[Laish]] were natives of these two towns (Judges 18:1-31). Here, among the old warriors of the tribe, [[Samson]] spent his boyhood, and experienced the first impulses of the [[Spirit]] of Jehovah; and hither, after his last exploit, his mangled body was brought, up the long slopes of the western hills to its last rest in the burying-place of [[Manoah]] his father (Judges 13:25; Judges 16:31; Judges 18:2; Judges 18:8; Judges 18:11-12). In the genealogical records of 1 Chronicles the relationship between Eshtaol, Zareah, and [[Kirjathjearim]] is still maintained (1 Chronicles 2:53). In the [[Onomasticon]] of [[Eusebius]] and [[Jerome]] (s.v. Ἀσθαώλ and Ε᾿σθαώλ ), Eshtaol is twice mentioned — </p> <p> (1) as Astaol of Judah, described as then existing between [[Azotus]] and [[Ascalon]] under the name of Astho (Ἀσθώ ); </p> <p> (2) as Esthaul of Dan, ten miles north of Eleutheropolis. The latter position is quite in accordance with the indications of the Bible. It is connected with Zorah, Zanoah, and [[Bethshemesh]] (Joshua 15:33; Joshua 19:41); and as these three places have been identified, we may conclude that Eshtaol was situated close to the foot of the mountains of Judah, and in or near wady Surar. Schwarz (Palest. page 102) mentions a village named Stual, west of Zorah, but, apart from the fact that this is corroborated by no other traveler and by no map, the situation is too far west to be "behind Kirjath-jearim" if the latter be Kuryet el-Enab. The village marked on the maps of Robinson and [[Van]] de Velde, as Yeshua, and alluded to by the former (Researches, new ed., 3:154, who states that the name is pronounced Eshwa), is nearer the requisite position. Yeshua lies at the eastern extremity of the broad valley which runs up among the hills between Zorah and Bethshemesh. The mountains rise steep and rugged immediately behind it, but the village is encompassed by fruitful fields and orchards. Zorah occupies the top of a conical hill scarcely two niles westward, and a lower ridge connects the hill with the mountains at Yeshua. [[Upon]] that ridge the permanent camp, or gathering-place of Dan (Judges 13:25) was probably fixed (Robinson, [[Later]] Res. page 153 sq.). (See [[Mahaneh-Dan]]). </p>
==References ==
==References ==
<ref name="term_15972"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/american-tract-society-bible-dictionary/eshtaol Eshtaol from American Tract Society Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_31451"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/easton-s-bible-dictionary/eshtaol Eshtaol from Easton's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_35199"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/fausset-s-bible-dictionary/eshtaol Eshtaol from Fausset's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_39824"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/holman-bible-dictionary/eshtaol Eshtaol from Holman Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_45607"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/hitchcock-s-bible-names/eshtaol Eshtaol from Hitchcock's Bible Names]</ref>
<ref name="term_50719"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/hastings-dictionary-of-the-bible/eshtaol Eshtaol from Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible]</ref>
<ref name="term_66052"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/morrish-bible-dictionary/eshtaol Eshtaol from Morrish Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_72362"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/smith-s-bible-dictionary/eshtaol Eshtaol from Smith's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_3511"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia/eshtaol Eshtaol from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>
<ref name="term_3511"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia/eshtaol Eshtaol from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>
<ref name="term_39223"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/cyclopedia-of-biblical-theological-and-ecclesiastical-literature/eshtaol Eshtaol from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>

Revision as of 08:34, 12 October 2021

American Tract Society Bible Dictionary [1]

A town on the western border of Judah, afterwards given to Dan, Joshua 15:33; 19:41 . It is named in the history of Samson, Judges 13:25; 16:31 .

Easton's Bible Dictionary [2]

Joshua 15:33Joshua 19:41Judges 13:2516:3118:2,8,11,12

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [3]

A town in the shephelah or low country of Judah (Joshua 15:33; Joshua 19:41), allotted to Daniel On the Philistine border between Azotus and Askelon. Here Samson spent his boyhood, and hither his remains were finally carried to the burying ground of Manoah his father (Judges 13:25; Judges 16:31; Judges 18:2; Judges 18:8; Judges 18:11-12). Between the Danite towns Zorah and Eshtaol and behind Kirjath Jearim was Mahaneh-Dan, the standing camp of the little host exposed to constant warfare with the Philistines; a neighborhood well calculated to train Samson for his after encounters with that race.

As Kirjath Jearim is now Kuriet-el-Enab, and Zorah is Suz'ah, seven miles S.W. of it, Eshtaol is Kustul, a conical hill an hour's journey S.E. from Kuriet-el-Enab toward Jerusalem. This fulfills the requisite condition that Kirjath Jearim should lie between Eshtaol and Zorah. E. Wilton (Imperial Bible Dictionary) identifies Eshtaol with Um Eshteiyeh, 12 Roman miles from Beit Jibrin (Eleutheropolis), agreeing with Eusebius' statement that it is ten miles distant. Jerome says Jarmuth was near, which agrees with the fact that Yarmak is near Eshtaol; Zanua (Zanoah) is also near. Black (Palestine Exploration) identifies Eshtaol with Eshu'a.

Holman Bible Dictionary [4]

Joshua 15:33Joshua 19:41Judges 13:25Judges 16:31Judges 18:2-111 Chronicles 2:53

Hitchcock's Bible Names [5]

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [6]

ESHTAOL . A lowland city of Judah ( Joshua 15:33 ) on the borders of Dan 19:41), near which Samson began to feel ‘the spirit of the Lord’ ( Judges 13:25 ), and was buried ( Judges 16:31 ); the home of some of the Danites who attacked Laish ( Judges 18:2; Judges 18:11 ). It is supposed to be the same as Eshu‘a , near Ain esh-Shems (Beth-shemesh). The Eshtaolites are enumerated among the Calebites ( 1 Chronicles 2:53 ).

R. A. S. Macalister.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [7]

Town in the lowlands of Judah, allotted to Dan. It was near to this town that Samson spent his early life, and there he was buried. Joshua 15:33; Joshua 19:41; Judges 13:25; Judges 16:31; Judges 18:2,8,11 . Identified with Eshu'a, 31 47' N, 35 E.

Smith's Bible Dictionary [8]

Esh'taol. (a pass). A town in the low country - the Shefelah - of Judah, afterwards, allotted to Dan. Joshua 15:33; Joshua 19:41. Here, Samson spent his boyhood, and hither, after his last exploit, his body was brought. Judges 13:25; Judges 16:31; Judges 18:2; Judges 18:8; Judges 18:11-12.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [9]

esh´tā̇ -ol ( אשׁתּאול , 'eshtā'ōl  ; Ἀσταώλ , Astaō̇l ): A town in the Shephelah of Judah named next to Zorah (Joshua 15:33; Joshua 19:41 ). Between these two cities lay Mahaneh-dan (the camp of Dan) where the Spirit of the Lord began to move Samson (Judges 13:25 ), and where he was buried (Judges 16:31 ). A contingent from Eshtaol formed part of the 600 Danites who captured Laish (Judges 18:2 , Judges 18:11 ). It is probably represented by the modern Ashū‛a , about a mile and a half East of Zorah, the modern Ṣar‛ah .

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [10]

(Hebrews Eshtaol', אְֵשׁתָּאוֹל [but defectively אֶשְׁתָּאֹל in Judges 13:25; Judges 18:2; Judges 18:8; Judges 18:11], according to Fü rst, narrow pass, but Gesenius suggests perhaps petition; Sept. Ἀσθαώλ v.r. [in Judges 13:5] Ε᾿σδαόλ , Vulg. Esthaol or [in Joshua 15:33] Estaob), a town in the low country of Judah, the Shephelah or plain of Philistia. It is the first of the first group of cities in that district (Joshua 15:33) enumerated with Zoreah (Hebrews Zareah), or Zorah, in company with which it is commonly mentioned. Zorah and Eshtaol were two of the towns allotted to the tribe of Dan out of Judah (Joshua 19:41). Between them, and behind Kirjath-jearim, was situated Mahaneh-Dan, the camp or stronghold which formed the head- quarters of that little community during their constant encounters with the Philistines. Eshtaol was one of the great strongholds of the Danites, and its inhabitants, with these of Zorah, were noted for their daring. (See Dan). The 600 men who captured and colonized Laish were natives of these two towns (Judges 18:1-31). Here, among the old warriors of the tribe, Samson spent his boyhood, and experienced the first impulses of the Spirit of Jehovah; and hither, after his last exploit, his mangled body was brought, up the long slopes of the western hills to its last rest in the burying-place of Manoah his father (Judges 13:25; Judges 16:31; Judges 18:2; Judges 18:8; Judges 18:11-12). In the genealogical records of 1 Chronicles the relationship between Eshtaol, Zareah, and Kirjathjearim is still maintained (1 Chronicles 2:53). In the Onomasticon of Eusebius and Jerome (s.v. Ἀσθαώλ and Ε᾿σθαώλ ), Eshtaol is twice mentioned —

(1) as Astaol of Judah, described as then existing between Azotus and Ascalon under the name of Astho (Ἀσθώ );

(2) as Esthaul of Dan, ten miles north of Eleutheropolis. The latter position is quite in accordance with the indications of the Bible. It is connected with Zorah, Zanoah, and Bethshemesh (Joshua 15:33; Joshua 19:41); and as these three places have been identified, we may conclude that Eshtaol was situated close to the foot of the mountains of Judah, and in or near wady Surar. Schwarz (Palest. page 102) mentions a village named Stual, west of Zorah, but, apart from the fact that this is corroborated by no other traveler and by no map, the situation is too far west to be "behind Kirjath-jearim" if the latter be Kuryet el-Enab. The village marked on the maps of Robinson and Van de Velde, as Yeshua, and alluded to by the former (Researches, new ed., 3:154, who states that the name is pronounced Eshwa), is nearer the requisite position. Yeshua lies at the eastern extremity of the broad valley which runs up among the hills between Zorah and Bethshemesh. The mountains rise steep and rugged immediately behind it, but the village is encompassed by fruitful fields and orchards. Zorah occupies the top of a conical hill scarcely two niles westward, and a lower ridge connects the hill with the mountains at Yeshua. Upon that ridge the permanent camp, or gathering-place of Dan (Judges 13:25) was probably fixed (Robinson, Later Res. page 153 sq.). (See Mahaneh-Dan).
