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== Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary <ref name="term_48786" /> ==
<p> This is a pure [[Hebrew]] word, and written exactly as it is here. The translators of the Bible have thought proper to preserve, entire as they found it. We find it scattered up and down in the book of the Psalms no less than seventy times; sometimes several times in one Psalm, and in many of the Psalms not at all. It is three times also in this third chapter of Habakkuk, and no where else that [[I]] remember in all the Scripture. </p> <p> It would furnish matter for a separate treatise to bring into one view all that hath been said upon this word Selah; and after all we should be still left to conjecture. Some ancient writers have considered it as a word of particular observation, as if [[Selah]] meant to tell the reader to pause, said consider what went before. But this opinion is liable to great objection; for in this case David and Habakkuk are the only writers that thus impress consideration on their Readers, and they that always, neither at what we should consider the most striking parts of their writings: and if this were indeed the sense of Selah, how comes it that not one of the Lord's servants have ever used? </p> <p> Others, and that a great majority of writers on Scripture, have concluded that the word Selah had reference to the music in the temple-service, and was a note of the ancient psalmody, but which now and for a long time, hath lost its use. This opinion doth not seem more satisfactory than the former; for supposing this to be the case, it were unaccountable that the [[Holy]] Ghost should have uniformly watched the word so as to preserve it with equal care as the [[Scriptures]] themselves with which the word is connected. </p> <p> One class more have concluded that the word Selah means an end, not unlike the Amen. And though there might seem an objection to this, in that the word is more frequently found in the middle part of the psalm or hymn, and not at the last verse, yet, say they, the sense of that part ends there. [[I]] humbly conceive that this explanation, though in part it may be right, yet is not wholly so. If the word Selah means the end, perhaps it may be found not to mean the end of the Psalm where it stands, but to a higher end, even pointing to him who is "the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth," and to whom the law of Moses, and the prophets, and the Psalms, all refer as the end. (&nbsp;Luke 24:44) He is the great end, no doubt, as well as the beginning, in his mediatorial character, of all the creation of God, the Amen, and the faithful witness of heaven. (&nbsp;Revelation 3:14) But here [[I]] leave the subject. [[I]] am persuaded the word Selah is important; and [[I]] am inclined to thin, like some other words preserved to us in the Psalms that it refers to Christ. If the reader wishes to look at these other words, let him turn to the word Musician. </p>
Selah <ref name="term_60249" />
<p> (Heb. id. '''''סֶלָה''''' ). This word, which is only found in the poetical books of the Old Test., occurs seventy-one times in the Psalms, and three times in Habakkuk. In sixteen psalms it is found once, in fifteen twice, in seven three times, and in one four times '''''—''''' always at the end of a verse, except in &nbsp;Psalms 55:19 [20]; &nbsp;Psalms 57:3 [4], and &nbsp;Habakkuk 3:3; &nbsp;Habakkuk 3:9, where it is in the middle of a verse, though at the end of a clause. All the psalms in which it occurs, except eleven (3, 7, 24, 32, 48, 1, 82, 83, 87, 89, 143), have also the musical direction "to the Chief Musician" (comp. also &nbsp;Habakkuk 3:19); and in these exceptions we find the words '''''מַזְמֹר''''' , ''Mizmor'' (A.T. "Psalm"), Shiggaion, or Maschil, which sufficiently indicate that they were intended for music. Besides these, in the titles of the psalms in which Selah occurs, we meet with the musical terms [[Alamoth]] (46), [[Altaschith]] (57, 59, 75), [[Gittith]] (81, 84), [[Mahalath]] [[Leannoth]] (88), [[Michtam]] (57, 59, 60), [[Neginah]] (61), [[Neginoth]] (4, 54, 55, 67, 76; comp. &nbsp;Habakkuk 3:19), and Shushan-eduth (60); and on this association alone might be formed a strong presumption that, like these, Selah itself is a term which had a meaning in the musical nomenclature of the Hebrews. What that meaning may have been is now a matter of pure conjecture. Of the many theories which have been framed, it is easier to say what is not likely to be the true one than to pronounce certainly upon what is. </p> <p> '''1.''' ''The Versions'' . '''''—''''' In the far greater number of instances the [[Targum]] renders the word by '''''לְעִלְמַין''''' , "forever;" four times (&nbsp;Psalms 32:4; &nbsp;Psalms 32:7; &nbsp;Psalms 39:11 [12]; 4 [6]) '''''לְעִלְמָא''''' ; once (&nbsp;Psalms 44:8 [9]) '''''לְעִלְמֵי''''' '''''עִלְמַין''''' ; and (&nbsp;Psalms 48:8 [9]) </p> <p> '''''עִד''''' '''''עִלְמֵי''''' '''''עִלְמַין''''' , with the same meaning, "forever and ever." In &nbsp;Psalms 49:13 [14] it has '''''לְעִלְמָא''''' '''''דְאָתֵי''''' , "for the world to come;" in &nbsp;Psalms 39:5 [6] '''''לְחִיֵּי''''' '''''עִלְמָא''''' , "for the life everlasting;" and in &nbsp;Psalms 140:5 [6] '''''תְּדַירָא''''' , "continually." This interpretation, which is the one adopted by the majority of Rabbinical writers, is purely traditional, and based upon no etymology whatever. It is followed by Aquila, who renders "Selah" '''''Ἀεί''''' '';'' by the ''Editio Quinta'' and ''Editio Sexta,'' which usually give respectively '''''Διαπαντός''''' and '''''Εἰς''''' '''''Τέλος''''' ; by [[Symmachus]] ( '''''Εἰς''''' '''''Τὸν''''' '''''Αἰῶνα''''' ) and [[Theodotion]] ( '''''Εἰς''''' '''''Τέλος''''' ), in Habakkuk; by the reading of the Alex. MS. ( '''''Είς''''' '''''Τέλος''''' ) in &nbsp;Habakkuk 3:13; by the Peshito-Syriac in &nbsp;Psalms 3:8 [9], &nbsp;Psalms 4:2 [3]; &nbsp;Psalms 24:10, and &nbsp;Habakkuk 3:13; and by Jerome, who has semper. In &nbsp;Psalms 55:19 [20] '''''קֶדֶם''''' '''''סֶלָה''''' , ''Kedem Selah,'' is rendered in the [[Peshito]] "from before the world." That this rendering is manifestly inappropriate in some passages, as, for instance, &nbsp;Psalms 21:2 [3]; &nbsp;Psalms 32:4; &nbsp;Psalms 81:7 [8], and &nbsp;Habakkuk 3:3, and superfluous in others, as &nbsp;Psalms 44:8 [9]; &nbsp;Psalms 84:4 [5]; &nbsp;Psalms 89:4 [5], was pointed out long since by Aben-Ezra. In the Psalms the uniform rendering of the Sept. is '''''Διάψαλμα''''' . Symmachus and Theodotion give the same, except in &nbsp;Psalms 9:16 [17], where Theodotion has '''''Ἀεί''''' '','' and &nbsp;Psalms 52:5 [7], where Symmachus has '''''Εἰς''''' '''''Ἀεί''''' . In &nbsp;Habakkuk 3:13 the Alex. MS. gives '''''Εἰς''''' '''''Τέλος''''' . In Psalms 38 (in the Sept.), 7; 80, 7 [8], '''''Διάψαλμα''''' is added in the Sept., and in &nbsp;Habakkuk 3:7 in the Alex. MS. In Psalms 57 it is put at the end of &nbsp;Psalms 57:2; and in &nbsp;Psalms 3:8 [9]; &nbsp;Psalms 24:10; &nbsp;Psalms 88:10-11], it is omitted altogether. In all passages except those already referred to, in which it follows the Targum, the Peshito-Syriac has dips, an abbreviation for '''''Διάψαλμα''''' . This abbreviation is added in &nbsp;Psalms 48:13 [14]; 1, 15 [16]; &nbsp;Psalms 68:13 [14]; &nbsp;Psalms 57:2; &nbsp;Psalms 80:7 [8], at the end of the verse; and in &nbsp;Psalms 52:3 in the middle of the verse after '''''מַטּוֹב''''' ; in Psalms 49 it is put after '''''כִּצּאֹן''''' . in &nbsp;Psalms 49:14 [15], and in Psalms 68, after '''''רָעָשָׁה''''' in &nbsp;Psalms 68:8 [9], and after '''''לֵאלֹהַים''''' in &nbsp;Psalms 68:32 [33]. The [[Vulgate]] omits it entirely, while in &nbsp;Habakkuk 3:3 the ''Editio Sexta'' and others give '''''Μεταβολὴ''''' '''''Διαψάλματος''''' . </p> <p> '''2.''' ''The Church Fathers'' . '''''—''''' These generally adopt the rendering '''''Διάψαλμα''''' of the Sept. and other translators, although it is in every way as traditional as that of the Targum "forever," and has no foundation in any known etymology. With regard to the meaning of '''''Διάψαλμα''''' itself, there are many opinions. Both [[Origen]] ( ''Comm. [[Ad]] Psalm, Opp.'' ed. Delarue, 2, 516) and [[Athanasius]] (Synops. Script. Sacr. 13) are silent upon this point. [[Eusebius]] of [[Caesarea]] (Proef. in Psalm) says it marked those passages in which the [[Holy]] Spirit ceased for a time to work upon the choir. [[Gregory]] of Nyssa (Tract. 2 in Psalm cap. 10) interprets it as a sudden lull in the midst of the psalmody, in order to receive anew the divine inspiration. Chrysostom (Opp. ed. Montfaucon, 5, 540) takes it to indicate the portion of the psalm which was given to another choir. [[Augustine]] (On Psalms 4) regards it as an interval of silence in the psalmody. [[Jerome]] (Ep. ad Marcellam) enumerates the various opinions which have been held upon the subject; that diapsalma denotes a change of meter, a cessation of the Spirit's influence, or the beginning of another sense. Others, he says, regard it as indicating a difference of rhythm, and the silence of some kind of music in the choir; but for himself he falls back upon the version of Aquila, and renders Selah by semper, with a reference to the custom of the [[Jews]] to put at the end of their writings Amen, Selah, or Shalom. In his [[Commentary]] on Psalms 3 he is doubtful whether to regard it as simply a musical sign, or as indicating the perpetuity of the truth contained in the passage after which it is placed; so that, he says, "wheresoever Selah (that is, diapsalma or semper) is put, there we may know that what follows, as well as what precedes, belongs not only to the present time, but to eternity." [[Theodoret]] (Proef. in Psalm) explains diapsalma by '''''Μέλους''''' '''''Μεταβολή''''' or '''''Ἐναλλαγή''''' (as Suidas), "a change of the melody." On the whole, the rendering '''''Διάψαλμα''''' rather increases the difficulty, for it does not appear to be the true meaning of Selah, and its own signification is obscure. </p> <p> '''3.''' ''Rabbinical Writers'' . '''''—''''' The majority of these follow the Targum and the dictum of R. [[Eliezer]] (Talm. Babyl. ''Erubin,'' 5, 54) in rendering Selah "forever;" but [[Aben-Ezra]] ([[On]] &nbsp;Psalms 3:3) showed that in some passages this rendering was inappropriate, and expressed his own opinion that Selah was a word of emphasis, used to give weight and importance to what was said, and to indicate its truth '''''—''''' "but the right explanation is that the meaning of Selah is like '''''‘''''' so it is,' or '''''‘''''' thus,' and '''''‘''''' the matter is true and right.'" Kimchi ( ''Lex.'' s.v.) doubted whether it had any special meaning at all in connection with the sense of the passage in which it was found, and explained it as a musical term. He derives it from '''''סָלִל''''' , ''To Raise,'' elevate, with '''''ה''''' paragogic, and interprets it as signifying a raising or elevating the voice, as much as to say in this place there was an elevation of the voice in song. </p> <p> '''4.''' ''Modern Writers'' . '''''—''''' Among these there is the same diversity of opinion. [[Gesenius]] ( ''Thesaur.'' s.v.) derives Selah from '''''סָלָה''''' , ''Salah, To Suspend,'' of which he thinks it is the imperative Kal, with '''''ה''''' paragogic, '''''סְלָה''''' , in pause '''''סֶלָה''''' . But this form is supported by no parallel instance. In accordance with his derivation, which is harsh, he interprets Selah to mean either "suspend the voice," that is, "be silent," a hint to the singers, or "raise, elevate the stringed instruments." In either case he regards it as denoting a pause in the song, which was filled up by an interlude played by the choir of Levites. Ewald (Die Dichter des A.B. 1, 179) arrives at substantially the same result by a different process. He derives Selah from '''''סָלִל''''' , salal, to rise, whence the substantive '''''סִל''''' , which with '''''ה''''' paragogic becomes in pause '''''סֶלָה''''' (comp. '''''הֶרָה''''' , from '''''הִר''''' root '''''הָרִר''''' , &nbsp;Genesis 14:10). So far as the form of the word is concerned, this derivation is more tenable than the former. Ewald regards the phrase "Higgaion, Selah," in &nbsp;Psalms 9:16 [17], as the full form, signifying "music, strike up!" '''''—''''' an indication that the voices of the choir were to cease while the instruments alone came in. [[Hengstenberg]] follows Gesenius, De Wette, and others, in the rendering Pause! but refers it to the contents of the psalm, and understands it of the silence of the music in order to give room for quiet reflection. If this were the case, Selah at the end of a psalm would be superfluous. The same meaning of pause or end is arrived at by F '''''Ü''''' rst (Handw. s.v.), who derives Selah from a root '''''סָלָה''''' '', Salah, To [[Cut]] Off'' (a meaning which is perfectly arbitrary), whence the substantive '''''סֵל''''' , ''Sel,'' which with '''''ה''''' paragogic becomes in pause '''''סֶלָה''''' , a form which is without parallel. While etymologists have recourse to such shifts as these, it can scarcely be expected that the true meaning of the word will be evolved by their investigations. Indeed, the question is as far from solution as ever. Beyond the fact that Selah is a musical term, we know absolutely nothing about it, and are entirely in the dark as to its meaning. Sommer ( ''Bibl. Abhandl.'' 1, 1-84) has devoted an elaborate discourse to its explanation (translated in the Bibliotheca Sacra, 1848, p. 66 sq.). After observing that Selah everywhere appears to mark critical moments in the religious consciousness of the Israelites, and that the music was employed to give expression to the energy of the poet's sentiments on these occasions, he (p. 40) arrives at the conclusion that the word is used "in those passages where, in the [[Temple]] Song, the choir of priests who stood opposite to the stage occupied by the [[Levites]] were to raise their trumpets ( '''''סלל''''' ), and with the strong tones of this instrument mark the words just spoken, and bear them upwards to the hearing of Jehovah. Probably the [[Levitical]] minstrels supported this priestly intercessory music by vigorously striking their harps and psalteries; whence the Greek expression '''''Διάψαλμα''''' . </p> <p> To this points, moreover, the fuller direction, '''''‘''''' Higgaion, Selah' (&nbsp;Psalms 9:16); the first word of which denotes the whirr of the stringed instruments (&nbsp;Psalms 92:4), the other the raising of the trumpets, both of which were here to sound together. The less important [[Higgaion]] fell away, when the expression was abbreviated, and Selah alone remained." Dr. [[Davidson]] (Introd. to the Old Test. 2, 248) with good reason rejects this explanation as labored and artificial, though it is adopted by Keil in H '''''Ä''''' vernick's Einleitung (3, 120-129). He shows that in some passages (as &nbsp;Psalms 32:4-5; &nbsp;Psalms 52:3; &nbsp;Psalms 55:7-8) the playing of the priests on the trumpets would be unsuitable, and proposes the following as his own solution of the difficulty: "The word denotes elevations or ascent, i.e. loud, clear. The music which commonly accompanied the singing was soft and feeble. In cases where it was to burst in more strongly during the silence of the song, Selah was the sign. At the end of a verse or strophe, where it commonly stands, the music may have readily been strongest and loudest." It may be remarked of this, as of all the other explanations which have been given, that it is mere conjecture, based on an etymology which, in any other language than Hebrew, would at once be rejected as unsound. A few other opinions may be noticed as belonging to the history of the subject. Michaelis, in despair at being unable to assign any meaning to the word, regarded it as an abbreviation, formed by taking the first or other letters of three other words (Suppl. ad Lex. Hebr.), though he declines to conjecture what these may have been, and rejects at once the guess of Meibomius, who extracts the meaning da capo from the three words which he suggests. </p> <p> For other conjectures of this kind, see Eichhorn, Bibliothek, 5, 545. Mattheson was of opinion that the passages where Selah occurred were repeated either by the instruments or by another choir: hence he took it as equal to ritornello. [[Herder]] regarded it as marking a change of key, while [[Paulus]] Burgensis and Schindler assigned to it no meaning, but looked upon it as an enclitic word used to fill up the verse. [[Buxtorf]] (Lex. Hebr.) derived it from '''''סָלָה''''' , ''Salah, To Spread'' , lay low; hence used as a sign to lower the voice, like ''Piano.'' In Eichhorn's ''Bibliothek'' ( ''5,'' 550) it is suggested that Selah may perhaps signify a scale in music, or indicate a rising or falling in the tone. Koster ( ''Stud. U. Krit.'' 1831) saw in it only a mark to indicate the strophical divisions of the Psalms, but its position in the middle of verses is against this theory. [[Augusti]] (Pract. Einl. in d. Psalm p. 125) thought it was an exclamation, like Hallelujah! and the same view was taken by the late Prof. [[Lee]] (Heb. Gr. '''''§''''' 243, 2), who classes it among the interjections, and renders it Praise! "For my own part," he says, "I believe it to be descended from the Arabic root salah, '''''‘''''' he blessed,' etc., and used not unlike the word Amen, or the doxology, among ourselves." Delitzsch thinks that the instrumental accompaniment, while the psalm was sung, was soft, and that the Selah indicated loud playing when the singing ceased (Psalmen, 1, 19). Hupfeld, the other most distinguished scholar among recent commentators on the Psalms, agrees with Delitzsch in general that the Selah was the signal for the singing to cease and the instrumental music to be performed alone; and he takes "an interlude" to be the meaning of the obscure word '''''Διάψαλμα''''' , by which Selah has been rendered in the Sept. We conclude, therefore, as the general drift of modern interpretation, that [[Selah]] denotes a pause in the vocal performance at certain emphatic points, while the single accompanying instrument carried on the music. If any further information be sought on this subject, it may be found in the treatises contained in Ugolilo (vol. 22), in Noldius ( ''Concord. Part. Ann. Et Vind.'' No. 1877), in Saalsch '''''Ü''''' tz (Hebr. Poes. p. 346), and in the essay of Sommer quoted above. See also Stolle, Selah Philologioe Enucleatum (Wittenb. 1685); Peucer, De '''''סלה''''' Ebroeorum (Naumb. 1739); ''Danville Review,'' 1864. (See [[Book Of Psalms]]). </p>
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_53815" /> ==
<p> <strong> [[Selah]] </strong> . [[A]] Heb. liturgical-musical term of uncertain meaning. It occurs ( <em> a </em> ) in the [[Ot,]] ( <em> b </em> ) in the Psalms of Solomon, and ( <em> c </em> ) in the [[Jewish]] (Synagogue) Liturgy. </p> <p> In the [[Ot]] the term occurs 74 times altogether in the Heb. text, viz. 71 times in the Psalter, and 3 in the [[Prayer]] of Habakkuk (&nbsp;Habakkuk 3:1-19 ). In the Gr. tr. [Note: translate or translation.] of the [[Ot]] (the [[Lxx]] [Note: Septuagint.] ) the Gr. equivalent ( <em> diapsalma </em> ) does not always appear in the same places as in the Heb. text; the number of occurrences is also rather larger in the [[Lxx.]] [Note: Septuagint.] Possibly in some cases ‘Selah’ has fallen out of the Massoretic text accidentally. In the <em> Psalms of [[Solomon]] </em> ‘Selah’ occurs twice (17:31 and 18:10), and in the oldest parts of the Jewish [[Liturgy]] (apart from the canonical Psalms, which are incorporated in it) 5 times (3 in the ‘Eighteen Blessings’ and 2 in the morning [[Benedictions]] preceding the <em> [[Shema]] </em> ‘). </p> <p> Various explanations have been proposed as to the etymology and meaning of the term. Perhaps the least improbable of these is that which regards it as a liturgical direction intended to indicate the place for <em> lifting up </em> the voices in a doxology at the close of a section; such a doxology might have been sung at the end of a psalm or section of a psalm which liturgically was separated from the following (cf. the use of the ‘Gloria’ at the end of Psalms or [in the case of the 119th] at the end of sections of the Psalm in [[Christian]] worship). Or it may have been a direction to the orchestra ‘Lift up! loud!’ to strike in with loud music (after the soft accompaniment to the singers’ voices) during a pause in the singing. Other theories, such as that it represents a Heb. transliteration of a Greek word ( <em> e.g. psalle </em> ) or an abbreviation of three words, have little probability. The meaning of the [[Lxx]] [Note: Septuagint.] rendering ( <em> diapsalma </em> ) is as uncertain as that of the Heb. word itself. </p> <p> [[G.]] [[H.]] Box. </p>
== References ==
== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_37321" /> ==
<p> Seventy-one times in the Psalms, three times in Habakkuk. From shelah , "rest." [[A]] music mark denoting a pause, during which the singers ceased to sing and only the instruments were heard. [[Septuagint]] diapsalma, a break in the psalm introduced where the sense requires a rest. It is a call to calm reflection on the preceding words. Hence, in &nbsp;Psalms 9:16 it follows eeiggaion , "meditation." The selah reminds us that the psalm requires a peaceful and meditative soul which can apprehend what the Holy Spirit propounds. Thus it is most suggestive, and far from being, as Smith's Bible Dictionary alleges of this sense, "superfluous." Delitsseh takes it from saalal "to lift up," a musical forte, the piano singing then ceasing, and the instruments alone playing with execution an interlude after sentences of peculiar importance, so as to emphasize them. </p>
== Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary <ref name="term_81488" /> ==
<p> This expression is found in the Psalms seventy-four times, and thrice in the [[Prophet]] Habakkuk. The interpreters [[Symmachus]] and [[Theodotion]] generally translate <em> selah </em> by <em> diapsalma, </em> which signifies "a rest" or "pause" in singing. Jerom and [[Aquila]] translate it "for ever." Some moderns pretend that <em> selah </em> has no signification, and that it is only a note of the ancient music, whose use is no longer known; and, indeed, <em> selah </em> may be taken away from all the places where it is found without interrupting the sense of the psalm. Calmet says it intimates the end, or a pause, and that is its proper signification; but as it is not always found at the conclusion of the sense, or of the psalm or song, so it is highly probable the ancient musicians put <em> selah </em> in the margin of their psalters, to show where a musical pause was to be made, or where the tune ended. </p>
== Smith's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_74807" /> ==
<p> '''Se'lah.''' This word, which is found only in the poetical books of the Old Testament, occurs seventy-one times in the Psalms, and three times in Habakkuk. It is probably a term which had a meaning in the musical nomenclature of the Hebrews, though what that meaning may have been is now a matter of pure conjecture. (Gesenius and Ewald and others think it has much the same meaning as our interlude, a pause in the voices singing, while the instruments perform alone. - Editor) </p>
== American Tract Society Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_17305" /> ==
<p> [[A]] musical term which occurs seventy-three times in the Psalms, and is found also in &nbsp;Habakkuk 3:3,9,13 . It usually occurs at the end of a period or apostrophe, but sometimes at the end only of a clause. This difficult word, it is now generally believed, was a direction for a meditative pause in the singing of a psalm, during which perhaps there was an instrumental interlude. </p>
== Morrish Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_68610" /> ==
<p> [[A]] term occurring in &nbsp;Habakkuk 3:3,9,13 , and many times in the Psalms.There have been various suggestions as to its meaning, but its signification is not really known. The [[Targum]] mostly renders the word 'for ever.' The [[Lxx]] has διάψαλμα, denoting, as some think, 'a pause, a break or rest.' 'Pause, consider,' is perhaps its signification. </p>
== People's Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_70812" /> ==
<p> '''Selah.''' This Hebrew musical term, which occurs 73 times in the Psalms, and elsewhere only in &nbsp;Habakkuk 3:3; &nbsp;Habakkuk 3:9; &nbsp;Habakkuk 3:13, is supposed to be connected with the use of the temple music. </p>
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_172556" /> ==
<p> (n.) [[A]] word of doubtful meaning, occuring frequently in the Psalms; by some, supposed to signify silence or a pause in the musical performance of the song. </p>
== Holman Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_43889" /> ==
&nbsp;Habakkuk 3:1 <p> Mike Mitchell </p>
== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_33467" /> ==
&nbsp;Habakkuk 3:9,13
== Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature <ref name="term_16743" /> ==
<p> Selah, word </p> <p> Se´lah [[[Psalms,]] [[Book]] [[Of]]] </p> <p> Selah, place </p>
==References ==
<ref name="term_60249"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/cyclopedia-of-biblical-theological-and-ecclesiastical-literature/selah+(2) Selah from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>
<ref name="term_48786"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/hawker-s-poor-man-s-concordance-and-dictionary/selah Selah from Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_53815"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/hastings-dictionary-of-the-bible/selah Selah from Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible]</ref>
<ref name="term_37321"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/fausset-s-bible-dictionary/selah Selah from Fausset's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_81488"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/watson-s-biblical-theological-dictionary/selah Selah from Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_74807"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/smith-s-bible-dictionary/selah Selah from Smith's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_17305"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/american-tract-society-bible-dictionary/selah Selah from American Tract Society Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_68610"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/morrish-bible-dictionary/selah Selah from Morrish Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_70812"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/people-s-dictionary-of-the-bible/selah Selah from People's Dictionary of the Bible]</ref>
<ref name="term_172556"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/webster-s-dictionary/selah Selah from Webster's Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_43889"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/holman-bible-dictionary/selah Selah from Holman Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_33467"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/easton-s-bible-dictionary/selah Selah from Easton's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
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Latest revision as of 16:04, 15 October 2021

Selah [1]

(Heb. id. סֶלָה ). This word, which is only found in the poetical books of the Old Test., occurs seventy-one times in the Psalms, and three times in Habakkuk. In sixteen psalms it is found once, in fifteen twice, in seven three times, and in one four times always at the end of a verse, except in  Psalms 55:19 [20];  Psalms 57:3 [4], and  Habakkuk 3:3;  Habakkuk 3:9, where it is in the middle of a verse, though at the end of a clause. All the psalms in which it occurs, except eleven (3, 7, 24, 32, 48, 1, 82, 83, 87, 89, 143), have also the musical direction "to the Chief Musician" (comp. also  Habakkuk 3:19); and in these exceptions we find the words מַזְמֹר , Mizmor (A.T. "Psalm"), Shiggaion, or Maschil, which sufficiently indicate that they were intended for music. Besides these, in the titles of the psalms in which Selah occurs, we meet with the musical terms Alamoth (46), Altaschith (57, 59, 75), Gittith (81, 84), Mahalath Leannoth (88), Michtam (57, 59, 60), Neginah (61), Neginoth (4, 54, 55, 67, 76; comp.  Habakkuk 3:19), and Shushan-eduth (60); and on this association alone might be formed a strong presumption that, like these, Selah itself is a term which had a meaning in the musical nomenclature of the Hebrews. What that meaning may have been is now a matter of pure conjecture. Of the many theories which have been framed, it is easier to say what is not likely to be the true one than to pronounce certainly upon what is.

1. The Versions . In the far greater number of instances the Targum renders the word by לְעִלְמַין , "forever;" four times ( Psalms 32:4;  Psalms 32:7;  Psalms 39:11 [12]; 4 [6]) לְעִלְמָא ; once ( Psalms 44:8 [9]) לְעִלְמֵי עִלְמַין ; and ( Psalms 48:8 [9])

עִד עִלְמֵי עִלְמַין , with the same meaning, "forever and ever." In  Psalms 49:13 [14] it has לְעִלְמָא דְאָתֵי , "for the world to come;" in  Psalms 39:5 [6] לְחִיֵּי עִלְמָא , "for the life everlasting;" and in  Psalms 140:5 [6] תְּדַירָא , "continually." This interpretation, which is the one adopted by the majority of Rabbinical writers, is purely traditional, and based upon no etymology whatever. It is followed by Aquila, who renders "Selah" Ἀεί ; by the Editio Quinta and Editio Sexta, which usually give respectively Διαπαντός and Εἰς Τέλος ; by Symmachus ( Εἰς Τὸν Αἰῶνα ) and Theodotion ( Εἰς Τέλος ), in Habakkuk; by the reading of the Alex. MS. ( Είς Τέλος ) in  Habakkuk 3:13; by the Peshito-Syriac in  Psalms 3:8 [9],  Psalms 4:2 [3];  Psalms 24:10, and  Habakkuk 3:13; and by Jerome, who has semper. In  Psalms 55:19 [20] קֶדֶם סֶלָה , Kedem Selah, is rendered in the Peshito "from before the world." That this rendering is manifestly inappropriate in some passages, as, for instance,  Psalms 21:2 [3];  Psalms 32:4;  Psalms 81:7 [8], and  Habakkuk 3:3, and superfluous in others, as  Psalms 44:8 [9];  Psalms 84:4 [5];  Psalms 89:4 [5], was pointed out long since by Aben-Ezra. In the Psalms the uniform rendering of the Sept. is Διάψαλμα . Symmachus and Theodotion give the same, except in  Psalms 9:16 [17], where Theodotion has Ἀεί , and  Psalms 52:5 [7], where Symmachus has Εἰς Ἀεί . In  Habakkuk 3:13 the Alex. MS. gives Εἰς Τέλος . In Psalms 38 (in the Sept.), 7; 80, 7 [8], Διάψαλμα is added in the Sept., and in  Habakkuk 3:7 in the Alex. MS. In Psalms 57 it is put at the end of  Psalms 57:2; and in  Psalms 3:8 [9];  Psalms 24:10;  Psalms 88:10-11], it is omitted altogether. In all passages except those already referred to, in which it follows the Targum, the Peshito-Syriac has dips, an abbreviation for Διάψαλμα . This abbreviation is added in  Psalms 48:13 [14]; 1, 15 [16];  Psalms 68:13 [14];  Psalms 57:2;  Psalms 80:7 [8], at the end of the verse; and in  Psalms 52:3 in the middle of the verse after מַטּוֹב ; in Psalms 49 it is put after כִּצּאֹן . in  Psalms 49:14 [15], and in Psalms 68, after רָעָשָׁה in  Psalms 68:8 [9], and after לֵאלֹהַים in  Psalms 68:32 [33]. The Vulgate omits it entirely, while in  Habakkuk 3:3 the Editio Sexta and others give Μεταβολὴ Διαψάλματος .

2. The Church Fathers . These generally adopt the rendering Διάψαλμα of the Sept. and other translators, although it is in every way as traditional as that of the Targum "forever," and has no foundation in any known etymology. With regard to the meaning of Διάψαλμα itself, there are many opinions. Both Origen ( Comm. Ad Psalm, Opp. ed. Delarue, 2, 516) and Athanasius (Synops. Script. Sacr. 13) are silent upon this point. Eusebius of Caesarea (Proef. in Psalm) says it marked those passages in which the Holy Spirit ceased for a time to work upon the choir. Gregory of Nyssa (Tract. 2 in Psalm cap. 10) interprets it as a sudden lull in the midst of the psalmody, in order to receive anew the divine inspiration. Chrysostom (Opp. ed. Montfaucon, 5, 540) takes it to indicate the portion of the psalm which was given to another choir. Augustine (On Psalms 4) regards it as an interval of silence in the psalmody. Jerome (Ep. ad Marcellam) enumerates the various opinions which have been held upon the subject; that diapsalma denotes a change of meter, a cessation of the Spirit's influence, or the beginning of another sense. Others, he says, regard it as indicating a difference of rhythm, and the silence of some kind of music in the choir; but for himself he falls back upon the version of Aquila, and renders Selah by semper, with a reference to the custom of the Jews to put at the end of their writings Amen, Selah, or Shalom. In his Commentary on Psalms 3 he is doubtful whether to regard it as simply a musical sign, or as indicating the perpetuity of the truth contained in the passage after which it is placed; so that, he says, "wheresoever Selah (that is, diapsalma or semper) is put, there we may know that what follows, as well as what precedes, belongs not only to the present time, but to eternity." Theodoret (Proef. in Psalm) explains diapsalma by Μέλους Μεταβολή or Ἐναλλαγή (as Suidas), "a change of the melody." On the whole, the rendering Διάψαλμα rather increases the difficulty, for it does not appear to be the true meaning of Selah, and its own signification is obscure.

3. Rabbinical Writers . The majority of these follow the Targum and the dictum of R. Eliezer (Talm. Babyl. Erubin, 5, 54) in rendering Selah "forever;" but Aben-Ezra (On  Psalms 3:3) showed that in some passages this rendering was inappropriate, and expressed his own opinion that Selah was a word of emphasis, used to give weight and importance to what was said, and to indicate its truth "but the right explanation is that the meaning of Selah is like so it is,' or thus,' and the matter is true and right.'" Kimchi ( Lex. s.v.) doubted whether it had any special meaning at all in connection with the sense of the passage in which it was found, and explained it as a musical term. He derives it from סָלִל , To Raise, elevate, with ה paragogic, and interprets it as signifying a raising or elevating the voice, as much as to say in this place there was an elevation of the voice in song.

4. Modern Writers . Among these there is the same diversity of opinion. Gesenius ( Thesaur. s.v.) derives Selah from סָלָה , Salah, To Suspend, of which he thinks it is the imperative Kal, with ה paragogic, סְלָה , in pause סֶלָה . But this form is supported by no parallel instance. In accordance with his derivation, which is harsh, he interprets Selah to mean either "suspend the voice," that is, "be silent," a hint to the singers, or "raise, elevate the stringed instruments." In either case he regards it as denoting a pause in the song, which was filled up by an interlude played by the choir of Levites. Ewald (Die Dichter des A.B. 1, 179) arrives at substantially the same result by a different process. He derives Selah from סָלִל , salal, to rise, whence the substantive סִל , which with ה paragogic becomes in pause סֶלָה (comp. הֶרָה , from הִר root הָרִר ,  Genesis 14:10). So far as the form of the word is concerned, this derivation is more tenable than the former. Ewald regards the phrase "Higgaion, Selah," in  Psalms 9:16 [17], as the full form, signifying "music, strike up!" an indication that the voices of the choir were to cease while the instruments alone came in. Hengstenberg follows Gesenius, De Wette, and others, in the rendering Pause! but refers it to the contents of the psalm, and understands it of the silence of the music in order to give room for quiet reflection. If this were the case, Selah at the end of a psalm would be superfluous. The same meaning of pause or end is arrived at by F Ü rst (Handw. s.v.), who derives Selah from a root סָלָה , Salah, To Cut Off (a meaning which is perfectly arbitrary), whence the substantive סֵל , Sel, which with ה paragogic becomes in pause סֶלָה , a form which is without parallel. While etymologists have recourse to such shifts as these, it can scarcely be expected that the true meaning of the word will be evolved by their investigations. Indeed, the question is as far from solution as ever. Beyond the fact that Selah is a musical term, we know absolutely nothing about it, and are entirely in the dark as to its meaning. Sommer ( Bibl. Abhandl. 1, 1-84) has devoted an elaborate discourse to its explanation (translated in the Bibliotheca Sacra, 1848, p. 66 sq.). After observing that Selah everywhere appears to mark critical moments in the religious consciousness of the Israelites, and that the music was employed to give expression to the energy of the poet's sentiments on these occasions, he (p. 40) arrives at the conclusion that the word is used "in those passages where, in the Temple Song, the choir of priests who stood opposite to the stage occupied by the Levites were to raise their trumpets ( סלל ), and with the strong tones of this instrument mark the words just spoken, and bear them upwards to the hearing of Jehovah. Probably the Levitical minstrels supported this priestly intercessory music by vigorously striking their harps and psalteries; whence the Greek expression Διάψαλμα .

To this points, moreover, the fuller direction, Higgaion, Selah' ( Psalms 9:16); the first word of which denotes the whirr of the stringed instruments ( Psalms 92:4), the other the raising of the trumpets, both of which were here to sound together. The less important Higgaion fell away, when the expression was abbreviated, and Selah alone remained." Dr. Davidson (Introd. to the Old Test. 2, 248) with good reason rejects this explanation as labored and artificial, though it is adopted by Keil in H Ä vernick's Einleitung (3, 120-129). He shows that in some passages (as  Psalms 32:4-5;  Psalms 52:3;  Psalms 55:7-8) the playing of the priests on the trumpets would be unsuitable, and proposes the following as his own solution of the difficulty: "The word denotes elevations or ascent, i.e. loud, clear. The music which commonly accompanied the singing was soft and feeble. In cases where it was to burst in more strongly during the silence of the song, Selah was the sign. At the end of a verse or strophe, where it commonly stands, the music may have readily been strongest and loudest." It may be remarked of this, as of all the other explanations which have been given, that it is mere conjecture, based on an etymology which, in any other language than Hebrew, would at once be rejected as unsound. A few other opinions may be noticed as belonging to the history of the subject. Michaelis, in despair at being unable to assign any meaning to the word, regarded it as an abbreviation, formed by taking the first or other letters of three other words (Suppl. ad Lex. Hebr.), though he declines to conjecture what these may have been, and rejects at once the guess of Meibomius, who extracts the meaning da capo from the three words which he suggests.

For other conjectures of this kind, see Eichhorn, Bibliothek, 5, 545. Mattheson was of opinion that the passages where Selah occurred were repeated either by the instruments or by another choir: hence he took it as equal to ritornello. Herder regarded it as marking a change of key, while Paulus Burgensis and Schindler assigned to it no meaning, but looked upon it as an enclitic word used to fill up the verse. Buxtorf (Lex. Hebr.) derived it from סָלָה , Salah, To Spread , lay low; hence used as a sign to lower the voice, like Piano. In Eichhorn's Bibliothek ( 5, 550) it is suggested that Selah may perhaps signify a scale in music, or indicate a rising or falling in the tone. Koster ( Stud. U. Krit. 1831) saw in it only a mark to indicate the strophical divisions of the Psalms, but its position in the middle of verses is against this theory. Augusti (Pract. Einl. in d. Psalm p. 125) thought it was an exclamation, like Hallelujah! and the same view was taken by the late Prof. Lee (Heb. Gr. § 243, 2), who classes it among the interjections, and renders it Praise! "For my own part," he says, "I believe it to be descended from the Arabic root salah, he blessed,' etc., and used not unlike the word Amen, or the doxology, among ourselves." Delitzsch thinks that the instrumental accompaniment, while the psalm was sung, was soft, and that the Selah indicated loud playing when the singing ceased (Psalmen, 1, 19). Hupfeld, the other most distinguished scholar among recent commentators on the Psalms, agrees with Delitzsch in general that the Selah was the signal for the singing to cease and the instrumental music to be performed alone; and he takes "an interlude" to be the meaning of the obscure word Διάψαλμα , by which Selah has been rendered in the Sept. We conclude, therefore, as the general drift of modern interpretation, that Selah denotes a pause in the vocal performance at certain emphatic points, while the single accompanying instrument carried on the music. If any further information be sought on this subject, it may be found in the treatises contained in Ugolilo (vol. 22), in Noldius ( Concord. Part. Ann. Et Vind. No. 1877), in Saalsch Ü tz (Hebr. Poes. p. 346), and in the essay of Sommer quoted above. See also Stolle, Selah Philologioe Enucleatum (Wittenb. 1685); Peucer, De סלה Ebroeorum (Naumb. 1739); Danville Review, 1864. (See Book Of Psalms).
