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Jether <ref name="term_5252" />  
== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_32254" /> ==
<p> ''''' jḗ´thẽr ''''' ( יתר , <i> ''''' yether ''''' </i> , "abundance"): </p> <p> (1) Exodus 4:18 the Revised Version margin, King James Version, margin. See [[Jethro]] . </p> <p> (2) Gideon's eldest son ( Judges 8:20 ), who was called upon by his father to slay [[Zebah]] and Zalmunnah, but "feared, because he was yet a youth." The narrative there ( Judges 8:4 ff) should be connected with that of Judges 6:34 , where [[Gideon]] is followed by his clan, and not with that of Jdg 7, where he has 300 picked men. The captives would be taken to Orpah, Gideon's home, and slain there. </p> <p> (3) Father of [[Amasa]] ( 1 Kings 2:5 , 1 Kings 2:32 ); he was an [[Ishmaelite]] according to 1 Chronicles 2:17 = "Ithra, the Israelite" of 2 Samuel 17:25 , where "the Ishmaelite" should be read for "the Israelite." </p> <p> (4) A J erahmeelite ( 1 Chronicles 2:32 twice). </p> <p> (5) A J udahite ( 1 Chronicles 4:17 ). </p> <p> (6) A man of [[Asher]] ( 1 Chronicles 7:38 ) = "Ithran" of 1 Chronicles 7:37 . </p>
<li> 1 Chronicles 4:17 . <div> <p> [[Copyright]] StatementThese dictionary topics are from M.G. Easton M.A., D.D., Illustrated [[Bible]] Dictionary, [[Third]] Edition, published by [[Thomas]] Nelson, 1897. Public Domain. </p> <p> Bibliography InformationEaston, Matthew George. Entry for 'Jether'. Easton's Bible Dictionary. https://www.studylight.org/dictionaries/eng/ebd/j/jether.html. 1897. </p> </div> </li>
== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_36122" /> ==
<p> 1. Gideon's oldest son. [[Afraid]] as a youth to slay [[Zebah]] and [[Zalmunna]] at his father's bidding. [[Slain]] by [[Abimelech]] (Judges 8:20; Judges 9:5). </p> <p> 2. Same as [[Ithra]] and Abigail. (See ITHRA; ABIGAIL.) </p> <p> 3. 1 Chronicles 2:32. </p> <p> 4. 1 Chronicles 4:17. Quaest. [[Hebrew]] in Paralipomena makes Ezra Amram, J. Aaron. </p> <p> 5. [[Ithran]] (1 Chronicles 7:38). </p>
== Holman Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_41462" /> ==
Judges 8:2021 Kings 4:321 Chronicles 2:172 Samuel 17:251 Chronicles 2:3241 Chronicles 4:1751 Chronicles 8:381 Chronicles 7:37[[Ithran]]
== Hitchcock's Bible Names <ref name="term_46053" /> ==
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_52111" /> ==
<p> <strong> JETHER. 1. </strong> Father-in-law of [[Moses]] (RVm [Note: Revised Version margin.] of Exodus 4:18 E [Note: Elohist.] ), prob. a mistake for <strong> [[Jethro]] </strong> . <strong> 2. </strong> [[Eldest]] son of [[Gideon]] ( Judges 8:20 ). <strong> 3. </strong> An Ishmaelite, father of [[Amasa]] ( 1 Kings 2:5; 1Ki 2:32 , 1 Chronicles 2:17 . See Ithra). <strong> 4. 5. </strong> Two men of [[Judah]] ( 1 Chronicles 2:32; 1 Chronicles 4:17 ). <strong> 6. </strong> A man of [[Asher]] ( 1 Chronicles 7:38 ); called in 1 Chronicles 7:37 <strong> [[Ithran]] </strong> , the name of an [[Edomite]] clan ( [[Genesis]] 36:26 ). </p>
== Morrish Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_67157" /> ==
<p> 1. Gideon's firstborn son. Judges 8:20 . </p> <p> 2. An Ishmeelite, father of Amasa. 1 Kings 2:5,32; 1 Chronicles 2:17 . He is called ITHRA,an Israelite, in 2 Samuel 17:25 . He may have been an Ishmeelite by birth, and have become a proselyte. </p> <p> 3. [[Son]] of Jada, of the tribe of Judah. 1 Chronicles 2:32 . </p> <p> 4. Son of Ezra, of the tribe of Judah. 1 Chronicles 4:17 . </p> <p> 5. Descendant of Asher. 1 Chronicles 7:38 . </p>
== Smith's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_73412" /> ==
<p> Je'ther. (his excellence). </p> <p> 1. Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses. Exodus 4:18. (B.C. 1530). </p> <p> 2. The first-born of Gideon's seventy sons. Judges 8:20. (B.C. 1256). </p> <p> 3. The father of Amasa, captain-general of Absalom's army. (B.C. 1023). [[Jether]] is another form of Ithra. 2 Samuel 17:25. He is described in 1 Chronicles 2:17, as an Ishmaelite, which again is more likely to be correct than the "Israelite," of the [[Hebrew]] in 2 Samuel 17:1. </p> <p> 4. The son of Jada, a descendant of Hezron, of the tribe of Judah. 1 Chronicles 2:32. </p> <p> 5. The son of Ezra. 1 Chronicles 2:32. </p> <p> 6. The chief of a family of warriors, of the line of Asher, and father of Jephunneh. 1 Chronicles 7:38. He is probably the same as [[Ithran]] in the preceding verse. </p>
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_5252" /> ==
<p> ''''' jḗ´thẽr ''''' ( יתר , <i> ''''' yether ''''' </i> , "abundance"): </p> <p> (1) Exodus 4:18 the Revised Version margin, King James Version, margin. See [[Jethro]] . </p> <p> (2) Gideon's eldest son (Judges 8:20 ), who was called upon by his father to slay [[Zebah]] and Zalmunnah, but "feared, because he was yet a youth." The narrative there (Judges 8:4 ff) should be connected with that of Judges 6:34 , where [[Gideon]] is followed by his clan, and not with that of Jdg 7, where he has 300 picked men. The captives would be taken to Orpah, Gideon's home, and slain there. </p> <p> (3) Father of [[Amasa]] (1 Kings 2:5 , 1 Kings 2:32 ); he was an [[Ishmaelite]] according to 1 Chronicles 2:17 = "Ithra, the Israelite" of 2 Samuel 17:25 , where "the Ishmaelite" should be read for "the Israelite." </p> <p> (4) A [[J]] erahmeelite (1 Chronicles 2:32 twice). </p> <p> (5) A J udahite (1 Chronicles 4:17 ). </p> <p> (6) A man of [[Asher]] (1 Chronicles 7:38 ) = "Ithran" of 1 Chronicles 7:37 . </p>
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_46037" /> ==
<p> (Heb. Ye'ther, יֶתֶר, surplus), the name of six men, and perhaps also of a place. </p> <p> 1. (Sept. Ι᾿εθέρ ) A son of [[Jada]] and great-grandson of Jerahmeel, of the family of Judah; he had a brother Jonathan, but no children (1 Chronicles 2:32). B.C. considerably post 1856. </p> <p> 2. (Sept. Ι᾿οθόρ, Vulg. Jethro, Auth. Vers. "Jethro.") The father-in-law of [[Moses]] (Exodus 4:18, first clause), elsewhere (last clause of the same verse) called JETHRO (See [[Jethro]]) (q.v.). </p> <p> 3. (Sept. Ι᾿εθέρ ) The first named of the sons of Ezra (? Ezer), of the tribe of [[Judah]] (his brothers being [[Mered]] [q.v.], Epher, and Jalon), but whose connections are not otherwise denied (1 Chronicles 4:17). B.C. prob. cir. 1618. In the Sept. the name is repeated: "and [[Jether]] begat Miriam," etc. By the author of the Quoest. Hebr. in Par. he is said to have been Aaron, Ezra being another name for [[Amram]] (q.v.). [[Miriam]] (q.v.) in the second part of the verse-explained by the [[Targum]] to be identical with Efrath is taken by many to be a male name. </p> <p> 4. (Sept. Ι᾿εθερ ) The oldest son of Gideon, who, when called upon by his father to execute the captured Midianitc kings, Zebal and Zalmunna, timidly declined on account of his youth (Judges 8:20). B.C. 1362. According to Judges 9:8, he was slain, together with 69 of his brothers — [[Jonathan]] alone escaping — "upon one stone" at Ophrah, by the hands of Abimelech, the son of Gideon's concubine, of Shechem. (See [[Gideon]]). </p> <p> 5. (Sept. Ι᾿έθερ, Ι᾿εθέρ ) The father of Amasa, David's general (1 Kings 2:5; 1 Kings 2:32; 1 Chronicles 2:17); elsewhere (2 Samuel 17:6) called ITHRA (See [[Ithra]]) (q.v.). He is described in 1 Chronicles 2:17 as an Ishmaelite, which, again, is more likely to be correct than the "Israelite" of the [[Hebrew]] in 2 Samuel 17, or the "Jezreelite" of the Sept. and Vulg. in the same passage. "Ishmaelite" is said by the author of the Quoest. Hebr. in lib. Reg. to have been the reading of the Hebrew, but there is no trace of it in the MSS. The [[Talmud]] records two divergent opinions on the subject (Jeremiah Jebam. 9, c; comp. Babli, Jeb. 77, a). According to R. Samuel bar-Nachmani, Jether was an [[Ishmaelite]] by birth, but became a proselyte: hence the two appellations. [[Another]] opinion is that, a staunch upholder of David's reign, he, when the king's descent through Ruth, a Moabitish woman, was made a pretext by some of his antagonists to deprive him of his crown, "girded his loins like an Israelite," and threatened to uphold by the sword, if need be, the authority of the Halacha, which had decided that "a Moabitish man, but not a Moabitish woman, an Ammonitish man, but not an Ammonitish woman, should be prohibited from entering into the congregation." </p> <p> Similarly we find in the Targ. to 1 Chronicles 2:17 (Wilkins's edition — this verse belongs to those wanting in Beck) that the father of [[Amasa]] was Jether the Israelite, but that he was called Jether the Ishmaelite because he aided David, בערכאה (=בית דין ) before the tribunal [Wilkins, "cum Arabibus!"]. [[Later]] commentators (Rashi, Abrabanel, [[David]] Kimchi) assume that he was an [[Israelite]] by birth, but dwelt in the land of Ishmael. and was for this reason also called the Ishmaelite, as [[Obed]] [[Edom]] is also called the [[Gittite]] (2 Samuel 6), or Hiram's father the Zuri or [[Tyrian]] (1 Kings 6). David Kimchi also adduces a suggestion of his father, to the effect. "that in the land of [[Ishmael]] Jether was called the Israelite from his nationality, and in that of [[Israel]] they called him the Ishmaelite on account of his living in the land of Ishmael." [[Josephus]] calls him Ι᾿εθάρσης (Ant. 7:10, 1). He married Abigail, David's sister, probably during the sojourn of the family of [[Jesse]] in the land of Moab, under the protection of its king. (See [[Amasa]]). </p> <p> 6. (Sept. Ι᾿εθέρ v.r. Ι᾿εθήρ ) An [[Asherite]] (head of a warrior family numbering 26,000) whose three sons are named in 1 Chronicles 7:38; possibly the same with ITHRAN of the preceding verse. </p> <p> 7. [[Whether]] the [[Ithrites]] (יתרי, Sept. Ε᾿θιραῖος, Ι᾿εθρί, Ι᾿εθερί, Τεθρίτης,Vulg. Jethrites, Jethroeus, etc.) [[Ira]] and Gareb, mentioned in 2 Samuel 23:38, etc., were natives of an otherwise unknown place called Jether, or of Jathir, יתיר, one of David's places of refuge (1 Samuel 30:27), or descendants of one Jether — the least probable suggestion — cannot now be determined. (See [[Ithrite]]). </p>
==References ==
==References ==
<ref name="term_32254"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/easton-s-bible-dictionary/jether Jether from Easton's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_36122"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/fausset-s-bible-dictionary/jether Jether from Fausset's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_41462"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/holman-bible-dictionary/jether Jether from Holman Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_46053"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/hitchcock-s-bible-names/jether Jether from Hitchcock's Bible Names]</ref>
<ref name="term_52111"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/hastings-dictionary-of-the-bible/jether Jether from Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible]</ref>
<ref name="term_67157"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/morrish-bible-dictionary/jether Jether from Morrish Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_73412"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/smith-s-bible-dictionary/jether Jether from Smith's Bible Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_5252"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia/jether Jether from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>
<ref name="term_5252"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia/jether Jether from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>
<ref name="term_46037"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/cyclopedia-of-biblical-theological-and-ecclesiastical-literature/jether Jether from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>

Revision as of 09:09, 12 October 2021

Easton's Bible Dictionary [1]

  • 1 Chronicles 4:17 .

    Copyright StatementThese dictionary topics are from M.G. Easton M.A., D.D., Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Third Edition, published by Thomas Nelson, 1897. Public Domain.

    Bibliography InformationEaston, Matthew George. Entry for 'Jether'. Easton's Bible Dictionary. https://www.studylight.org/dictionaries/eng/ebd/j/jether.html. 1897.

  • Fausset's Bible Dictionary [2]

    1. Gideon's oldest son. Afraid as a youth to slay Zebah and Zalmunna at his father's bidding. Slain by Abimelech (Judges 8:20; Judges 9:5).

    2. Same as Ithra and Abigail. (See ITHRA; ABIGAIL.)

    3. 1 Chronicles 2:32.

    4. 1 Chronicles 4:17. Quaest. Hebrew in Paralipomena makes Ezra Amram, J. Aaron.

    5. Ithran (1 Chronicles 7:38).

    Holman Bible Dictionary [3]

    Judges 8:2021 Kings 4:321 Chronicles 2:172 Samuel 17:251 Chronicles 2:3241 Chronicles 4:1751 Chronicles 8:381 Chronicles 7:37Ithran

    Hitchcock's Bible Names [4]

    Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [5]

    JETHER. 1. Father-in-law of Moses (RVm [Note: Revised Version margin.] of Exodus 4:18 E [Note: Elohist.] ), prob. a mistake for Jethro . 2. Eldest son of Gideon ( Judges 8:20 ). 3. An Ishmaelite, father of Amasa ( 1 Kings 2:5; 1Ki 2:32 , 1 Chronicles 2:17 . See Ithra). 4. 5. Two men of Judah ( 1 Chronicles 2:32; 1 Chronicles 4:17 ). 6. A man of Asher ( 1 Chronicles 7:38 ); called in 1 Chronicles 7:37 Ithran , the name of an Edomite clan ( Genesis 36:26 ).

    Morrish Bible Dictionary [6]

    1. Gideon's firstborn son. Judges 8:20 .

    2. An Ishmeelite, father of Amasa. 1 Kings 2:5,32; 1 Chronicles 2:17 . He is called ITHRA,an Israelite, in 2 Samuel 17:25 . He may have been an Ishmeelite by birth, and have become a proselyte.

    3. Son of Jada, of the tribe of Judah. 1 Chronicles 2:32 .

    4. Son of Ezra, of the tribe of Judah. 1 Chronicles 4:17 .

    5. Descendant of Asher. 1 Chronicles 7:38 .

    Smith's Bible Dictionary [7]

    Je'ther. (his excellence).

    1. Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses. Exodus 4:18. (B.C. 1530).

    2. The first-born of Gideon's seventy sons. Judges 8:20. (B.C. 1256).

    3. The father of Amasa, captain-general of Absalom's army. (B.C. 1023). Jether is another form of Ithra. 2 Samuel 17:25. He is described in 1 Chronicles 2:17, as an Ishmaelite, which again is more likely to be correct than the "Israelite," of the Hebrew in 2 Samuel 17:1.

    4. The son of Jada, a descendant of Hezron, of the tribe of Judah. 1 Chronicles 2:32.

    5. The son of Ezra. 1 Chronicles 2:32.

    6. The chief of a family of warriors, of the line of Asher, and father of Jephunneh. 1 Chronicles 7:38. He is probably the same as Ithran in the preceding verse.

    International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [8]

    jḗ´thẽr ( יתר , yether , "abundance"):

    (1) Exodus 4:18 the Revised Version margin, King James Version, margin. See Jethro .

    (2) Gideon's eldest son (Judges 8:20 ), who was called upon by his father to slay Zebah and Zalmunnah, but "feared, because he was yet a youth." The narrative there (Judges 8:4 ff) should be connected with that of Judges 6:34 , where Gideon is followed by his clan, and not with that of Jdg 7, where he has 300 picked men. The captives would be taken to Orpah, Gideon's home, and slain there.

    (3) Father of Amasa (1 Kings 2:5 , 1 Kings 2:32 ); he was an Ishmaelite according to 1 Chronicles 2:17 = "Ithra, the Israelite" of 2 Samuel 17:25 , where "the Ishmaelite" should be read for "the Israelite."

    (4) A J erahmeelite (1 Chronicles 2:32 twice).

    (5) A J udahite (1 Chronicles 4:17 ).

    (6) A man of Asher (1 Chronicles 7:38 ) = "Ithran" of 1 Chronicles 7:37 .

    Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [9]

    (Heb. Ye'ther, יֶתֶר, surplus), the name of six men, and perhaps also of a place.

    1. (Sept. Ι᾿εθέρ ) A son of Jada and great-grandson of Jerahmeel, of the family of Judah; he had a brother Jonathan, but no children (1 Chronicles 2:32). B.C. considerably post 1856.

    2. (Sept. Ι᾿οθόρ, Vulg. Jethro, Auth. Vers. "Jethro.") The father-in-law of Moses (Exodus 4:18, first clause), elsewhere (last clause of the same verse) called JETHRO (See Jethro) (q.v.).

    3. (Sept. Ι᾿εθέρ ) The first named of the sons of Ezra (? Ezer), of the tribe of Judah (his brothers being Mered [q.v.], Epher, and Jalon), but whose connections are not otherwise denied (1 Chronicles 4:17). B.C. prob. cir. 1618. In the Sept. the name is repeated: "and Jether begat Miriam," etc. By the author of the Quoest. Hebr. in Par. he is said to have been Aaron, Ezra being another name for Amram (q.v.). Miriam (q.v.) in the second part of the verse-explained by the Targum to be identical with Efrath is taken by many to be a male name.

    4. (Sept. Ι᾿εθερ ) The oldest son of Gideon, who, when called upon by his father to execute the captured Midianitc kings, Zebal and Zalmunna, timidly declined on account of his youth (Judges 8:20). B.C. 1362. According to Judges 9:8, he was slain, together with 69 of his brothers — Jonathan alone escaping — "upon one stone" at Ophrah, by the hands of Abimelech, the son of Gideon's concubine, of Shechem. (See Gideon).

    5. (Sept. Ι᾿έθερ, Ι᾿εθέρ ) The father of Amasa, David's general (1 Kings 2:5; 1 Kings 2:32; 1 Chronicles 2:17); elsewhere (2 Samuel 17:6) called ITHRA (See Ithra) (q.v.). He is described in 1 Chronicles 2:17 as an Ishmaelite, which, again, is more likely to be correct than the "Israelite" of the Hebrew in 2 Samuel 17, or the "Jezreelite" of the Sept. and Vulg. in the same passage. "Ishmaelite" is said by the author of the Quoest. Hebr. in lib. Reg. to have been the reading of the Hebrew, but there is no trace of it in the MSS. The Talmud records two divergent opinions on the subject (Jeremiah Jebam. 9, c; comp. Babli, Jeb. 77, a). According to R. Samuel bar-Nachmani, Jether was an Ishmaelite by birth, but became a proselyte: hence the two appellations. Another opinion is that, a staunch upholder of David's reign, he, when the king's descent through Ruth, a Moabitish woman, was made a pretext by some of his antagonists to deprive him of his crown, "girded his loins like an Israelite," and threatened to uphold by the sword, if need be, the authority of the Halacha, which had decided that "a Moabitish man, but not a Moabitish woman, an Ammonitish man, but not an Ammonitish woman, should be prohibited from entering into the congregation."

    Similarly we find in the Targ. to 1 Chronicles 2:17 (Wilkins's edition — this verse belongs to those wanting in Beck) that the father of Amasa was Jether the Israelite, but that he was called Jether the Ishmaelite because he aided David, בערכאה (=בית דין ) before the tribunal [Wilkins, "cum Arabibus!"]. Later commentators (Rashi, Abrabanel, David Kimchi) assume that he was an Israelite by birth, but dwelt in the land of Ishmael. and was for this reason also called the Ishmaelite, as Obed Edom is also called the Gittite (2 Samuel 6), or Hiram's father the Zuri or Tyrian (1 Kings 6). David Kimchi also adduces a suggestion of his father, to the effect. "that in the land of Ishmael Jether was called the Israelite from his nationality, and in that of Israel they called him the Ishmaelite on account of his living in the land of Ishmael." Josephus calls him Ι᾿εθάρσης (Ant. 7:10, 1). He married Abigail, David's sister, probably during the sojourn of the family of Jesse in the land of Moab, under the protection of its king. (See Amasa).

    6. (Sept. Ι᾿εθέρ v.r. Ι᾿εθήρ ) An Asherite (head of a warrior family numbering 26,000) whose three sons are named in 1 Chronicles 7:38; possibly the same with ITHRAN of the preceding verse.

    7. Whether the Ithrites (יתרי, Sept. Ε᾿θιραῖος, Ι᾿εθρί, Ι᾿εθερί, Τεθρίτης,Vulg. Jethrites, Jethroeus, etc.) Ira and Gareb, mentioned in 2 Samuel 23:38, etc., were natives of an otherwise unknown place called Jether, or of Jathir, יתיר, one of David's places of refuge (1 Samuel 30:27), or descendants of one Jether — the least probable suggestion — cannot now be determined. (See Ithrite).
