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Easton's Bible Dictionary [1]

  • A mount in the highlands of Ephraim, to the north of Jerusalem2 Chronicles 13:4-20 ). Here the armies of Abijah and Jeroboam engaged in a bloody battle, which issued in the total defeat of the king of Israel, who never "recovered strength again," and soon after died.

    Copyright Statement These dictionary topics are from M.G. Easton M.A., DD Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Third Edition, published by Thomas Nelson, 1897. Public Domain.

    Bibliography Information Easton, Matthew George. Entry for 'Zemaraim'. Easton's Bible Dictionary. https://www.studylight.org/dictionaries/eng/ebd/z/zemaraim.html. 1897.

  • Fausset's Bible Dictionary [2]

    A town of Benjamin's allotment ( Joshua 18:22); the name appears now in Khirbet El Szomra (Seetzen), four miles N. of Jericho, or Es Sumrah (Robinson). Also a MOUNT on which the prophet Abijah stood in addressing Jeroboam ( 2 Chronicles 13:4); in the hilly part of Ephraim, extending into Benjamin's territory. Both town and mount are memorials of the former presence of the Zemarites.

    Smith's Bible Dictionary [3]

    Zemara'im. (Double Fleece Of Wool). A town in the allotment of Benjamin,  Joshua 18:22, perhaps identical with Mount Zemaraim, mentioned in  2 Chronicles 13:4 only, which was "in Mount Ephraim," that is to say, within the general district of the highlands of that great tribe.  2 Chronicles 13:4.

    Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [4]

    Zemaraim . A city of Benjamin, apparently in the vicinity of BethelJoshua 18:22 ). It proh. gave its name to Mt. Zemaraim, in the hill-country of Ephraim2 Chronicles 13:4 ). It is generally identified with es-Sumra to the north of Jericho.

    Holman Bible Dictionary [5]

     Joshua 18:22 2 Chronicles 13:4 1 Kings 15:7

    Morrish Bible Dictionary [6]

    City in Benjamin.  Joshua 18:22 : Identified with ruins at es Sumrah, 31 55' N, 35 29' E .

    Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [7]

    (Heb. Tsemara'yim, צְמָרִיַם , Double fleece Of Wool, or perh. the dual of same base as Zemarite [q.v.]), the name of two localities in Palestine.

    1. (Sept. Σεμρίμ V.R. Σάρα ; Vulg. Semaraim. ) One of the ancient towns in the territory allotted to BenjaminJoshua 18:22), where it is grouped in the eastern section of the tribe, and named between Beth-arabah and Bethel; and it would therefore appear to have been situated either in the Jordan valley (Arabah) or on the mountain declivities between it and Bethel. About five miles north of Jericho, in the western edge of the valley of the Jordan, are the ruins of a small town or village, strewn over a low hill, and called Khurbet Es-Sumrah, which may be regarded as the modern representative of the old town of Benjamin (Seetzen, Reisen, vol. 4:map; Robinson, Bibl. Res. 1, 569; 3, 292, note; Van de Velde, Memoir; p. 355; De Saulcy, Dead Sea, 2, 20 26; Schwarz, Palest. p. 125). Though little remains above the ground, there are many extensive quarries of sandstone beneath, which are proofs of large buildings once existing in the vicinity (Tristram, Bible Places, p. 103).

    2. (Sept. Σομόρων ; Vulg. Semeron. ) A mountain ( הִר ) or eminence mentioned in  2 Chronicles 13:4 as being "in Mount Ephraim," that is to say, within the general district of the highlands of that great tribe. It appears to have been close to the scene of the engagement mentioned in the narrative, which again may be inferred to have been south of Bethel and Ephraim ( 2 Chronicles 13:19). It may be said, in passing, that a position so far south is no contradiction to its being in Mount Ephraim, which extended into the contiguous territory of Benjamin. (See Ramah). It probably lay adjacent to the above-named town, from which it appears to have derived its name (Reland, Palaest. p. 1058).

    International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [8]

    zem - a - rā´im ( צמרים , cemārayim  ; Codex Vaticanus Σαρά , Sará  ; Codex Alexandrinus Σεμρίμ , Semrı́m ): A city in the territory of Benjamin. It is named between Betharabah and Bethel (  Joshua 18:22 ), and is probably to be sought East of the latter city. It is usual to identify it with es - Samra , a ruin about 4 miles North of Jericho. Mt. Zemaraim probably derived its name from the city, and must be sought in the neighborhood. On this height, which is said to be in Mt. Ephraim, Abijah, king of Judah, stood when making his appeal to the men of Israel under Jeroboam ( 2 Chronicles 13:4 ). If the identification with es - Samra is correct, this hill must be in the uplands to the West, es - Samra being on the floor of the valley. Dillmann ( Joshua , at the place) thinks Zemaraim cannot be so far East of Bethel, but may be found somewhere to the South of that town.
