Yoked Yoke

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Yoked Yoke [1]

'''A — 1: ζυγός (Strong'S #2218 — Noun Masculine — zugos — dzoo-gos' )

"a yoke," serving to couple two things together, is used (1) metaphorically, (a) of submission to authority,  Matthew 11:29,30 , of Christ's "yoke," not simply imparted by Him but shared with Him; (b) of bondage,  Acts 15:10;  Galatians 5:1 , of bondage to the Law as a supposed means of salvation; (c) of bondservice to masters,  1 Timothy 6:1; (2) to denote "a balance,"  Revelation 6:5 . See Balance.

'''A — 2: ζεῦγος (Strong'S #2201 — Noun Neuter — zeugos — dzyoo'-gos )

"a pair of animals,"  Luke 14:19 . See Pair.

'''B — 1: ἑτεροζυγέω (Strong'S #2086 — Verb — heterozugeo — het-er-od-zoog-eh'-o )

"to be unequally yoked" (heteros, "another of a different sort," and A, No. 1), is used metaphorically in  2 Corinthians 6:14 .
