William Stockton Martien

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

William Stockton Martien [1]

a ruling elder of the Presbyterian Church, was born June 20,1798. He was of Huguenot descent, and received an early Christian education. In 1828 he commenced business, and in 1830, in connection with others, engaged in the establishment of The Presbyterian, of which he continued to be the chief proprietor and publisher until 1861. In 1833 he commenced the publication of religious books, and, as a member of the Board of Publication of the Presbyterian Church, he issued many works of standard religious character. In 1846 he was elected and ordained ruling elder, in which office he continued to labor in the Sabbath and mission schools belonging to the congregation until his death, April 16, 1861. Mr. Martien was a man of great enterprise and efficiency in the Church faithful and conscientious in the discharge of every trust, wise in counsels, and eminently gifted in management. See Wilson, Presb. Hist. Almanac, 1862, p. 142.
