William Richard Baker
William Richard Baker [1]
an English Congregational minister, was born at Waltham Abbey, Sept. 3, 1798. He was a lively, precocious, and generous lad. After having attended school successively at Colchester, Ashburton, and Witham, and spending some time as a sailor, visiting foreign ports, he received an appointment in the Prize Office, Greenwich Hospital. About this time he was converted, and soon after entered Wymondley Academy to prepare for the ministry. On leaving college in 1821 he settled at Ramsey, in the Isle of Man, and after a lapse of five years removed to Shepton Mallet. While here he became a "total abstainer" from all alcoholic liquors, and was so zealous and successful in advocacy of the cause that he was chosen secretary of the British and Foreign Temperance Society. In 1836 Mr. Baker removed to London, where for five years he was chiefly engaged in publishing and other secular labor. He next removed to St. John's Wood; thence, after ten years, he went to Anerley, and subsequently to Banstead Downs, Surrey, where he died, Sept. 28, 1861. Mr. Baker published two important volumes on temperance, entitled The Curse of Britain and The Idolatry of Britain; also a volume on theology, entitled Man in his Relation to the Holy Ghost, Revealed Truth, and Divine Grace, not strictly Congregational in some of its views. See (Loud.) Cong. Year-book, 1862, p. 220.