William Brewis

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

William Brewis [1]

an English Congregational minister, was born at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, October 8, 1804. When thirteen years old he was converted through the influence of pious Presbyterian parents. He entered the Rotherham Independent College, to prepare for the ministry, just before completing his sixteenth year. In 1825 he was ordained pastor at Lane-end, Staffordshire, where he labored two years, when he removed to Kirby Moorside, and thence to Gainsborough, and seven years later to Penrith, where he died May 22, 1869. Mr. Brewis was a total abstainer from all intoxicating drinks during the last thirty years of his life. As a preacher he was diligent, plain, energetic, and fervent. See (Lond.) Cong. Year-book, 1870, page 277.
