Vincent Baron

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Vincent Baron [1]

a French Dominican, was born at Martres, in the diocese of Rieux, May 17, 1604. He joined his order at Toulouse, and for some time acted as teacher of philosophy and theology. He openly held religious disputes with Calvinistic preachers, and thus became known to his order, which elected him twice as prior. Towards the end of his life he retired to Paris, devoting his time entirely to pious exercises and literary work. He died there Jan. 21, 1674. His Theologia Moralis (Paris, 1665, 2 vols.) was put on the Index, but in 1667 and 1668 he published a second edition. He also wrote, Le Christianisme Etabli sur les quatre Principaux of Mysteres de la Foi (ibid. 1660): L'Heresie Convaincue, ou la Theologie des Lutheriens Reduite A Quatre Principes Et Refutee D 'une Maniere toute Nouvelle; avec l'Examen de l'Ouvrage du Ministre Claude contre l'Eucharistie (ibid. 1668). For his other works, see Wildt's article s.v. in Wetzer und Welte's Kirchen-Lexikon; also Touron, Hist. des Hommes Illustres de l'Ordre de S. Donsin. (Paris, 1743-,49), v, 489; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Gen., s.v.; Werner, Der heilige Tho. von Aquino, i, 764, 863; 3, 441, 451, 547. (B. P.)
